Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 238: 238: Strength rolling

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As Huo Qubing's long sword was unsheathed, the Tiger Ben Legion, which had been neatly arranged behind him, was as quiet as stagnant water, suddenly raised its arms and shouted.

What Huo Qubing Jianfeng pointed out was invincible!

The tiger's army is murderous and powerful!

Such an army, coupled with such a general, is simply an invincible combination.

Huo Qubing gave an order, and the three thousand tiger and ben army rushed frantically into the team of more than two thousand families like a flood that burst a bank.

Qi Xu is like forest, aggression is like fire.

The sword and the shadow, shining across the sky.

In the air, the fighting spirit was boiling.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The Tigers and Cardinals were magnificent, advancing vigorously, and there was a shocking sound from the wide street in front of the Feng's house.

At a glance, the Three Thousand Tigers and Armies are like ecstatic messengers from Jiuyou Hell, with a murderous aura that radiates from their body.

It was close to noon, and the black armor of the tiger head looked extremely cold and dazzling under the sunlight.

"No, the army sent by the little emperor is strange. What kind of army is this? The old man has never heard of the existence of such a terrible army in the Imperial Family of Great Zhou!"

The wind was uneven, an incredible color rose in his eyes, and he cried inwardly.

Beside him, Guo Fenghua and Shen Guzhi's body trembled slightly, and there was a look of surprise in their eyes.

Since Huo Qubing's appearance, the army he led has been quietly staying behind him, without showing the slightest trance.

Even, they had completely ignored the existence of the Hu Ben Army, thinking it was just a random army sent by Xiao Chen.

Now, Hu Ben Army suddenly broke out with monstrous killing intent, making them realize the extraordinary features of this army.

The children of the family who were originally smug, finally showed their timidity at this time.

Although they didn't stop, they were still walking towards the tiger army step by step, but they had already begun to fear deep in their hearts.

They are indeed geniuses, but how many people actually went to the battlefield to kill the enemy?

Faced with Hu Benjun's killing intent, they felt a sense of suffocation before they even touched.

"Patriarch Feng, this heavily armored soldier is definitely not something my three aristocratic families can stop. It's no wonder that Xiao Chen will send a small number of 3,000 people here. It turns out that there has been an arrangement!"

"Patriarch Shen, Patriarch Guo, don't panic!"

"Although this heavy armored corps is strong, the elite disciples of my three major families are not good at it. Are you still afraid of thousands of others?"

The uneven wind naturally also saw the cowardice of the disciples of the aristocratic family, and he had to find a way to stimulate their fighting spirit in order to defeat the opponent.

"The direct descendants of the three aristocratic families followed the orders and attacked with all their strength to kill the enemy in blood."

"Anyone who kills ten enemies will be rewarded with one Huang-level high-grade technique and one yellow-level high-grade martial skill."

"Those who kill a hundred enemies will be enshrined by the elders of the family as direct disciples!"

The look of the wind is icy cold, the eyes of the gloomy bird flashed with fierce killing intent, and the overbearing voice pierced through the three major families and resounded above the clouds.

"These three aristocratic families are really stingy, and they only give such a small reward?"

Xiao Chen was sitting on the eaves, hearing the roar of uneven wind, a little speechless, the mere Huang-level exercises could make people sell their lives, it was really cheaper than paper!

However, what was worthless in Xiao Chen's eyes, when placed on ordinary disciples of the three major families, was really more precious than life.

After hearing the reward of uneven wind, all fear and timidity were wiped out.


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There was a sneer on the cheeks of the three of them, looking at the passionate and murderous look of the family disciples.

He knew that driven by sufficient interests, the family's children would definitely kill more fiercely.

"Kill, kill the imperial lackey!"

"Kill, kill the imperial lackey!"

"Kill, kill the imperial lackey!"

Uneven wind gave an order, and the aristocratic children behind him rushed forward frantically, trying to kill Huo Qubing.


The soldiers of the Tiger Cardiac Army directly hit the battle shield in their hands on the ground, and the sound of a mountain collapsed and ground cracked, and dust flew up all over the sky.


The whole tiger army roared loudly, and the heavy steel body rushed forward.

In an instant, the Hu Ben army and the children of the aristocratic family fought together.

On weekdays, the children of the aristocratic families with extraordinary talents are simply vulnerable to a corps like the Hu Ben Army that does not lose their own cultivation and has extremely strong military qualities.



The screams and wailing were endless, and the disciples of the three major families that rushed to the front were all beheaded in a moment.

The tiger beasts are like bloodthirsty beasts, and the mysterious iron giant sword in their hands is like a slaughter blade from purgatory.

"Emperor, when did you form such a powerful tiger army?"

"Mounted as heavy cavalry, dismounted as heavy infantry, really a terrible army!"

Seeing Hu Benjun's powerful combat power and the killing intent he carried, Zhang Han couldn't help but ask.

At this time, he was also completely immersed in the shock brought by the Tiger and Ben Army. He watched the blood of the Tiger and Ben Army beheading the enemy, feeling that the blood in his body was boiling, and he really wanted to rush to fight with them.

Xiao Chen didn't answer Zhang Han's question, but satisfactorily gazed at the Hu Ben army in the distance. This powerful army did not disappoint him.

At this moment, more than 2,000 elite disciples of the three major families had already been defeated by the attack of the Tiger and Ben Legion.

"Patriarch Feng, things are a bit bad! This legion is too weird, their combat effectiveness is at least five times higher than ours."

"Moreover, the cultivation base of each of them is not weaker than that of the family members. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not take half a stick of incense time, and all of our disciples will be slaughtered!"

Looking at the family's children who were constantly defeating, Shen Guzhi could no longer calm down.

He had just fought, and the family children on his side were crushed. The opponent was just a charge of one round and killed nearly a hundred of them, which made him feel distressed.

"Impossible, how could there be such a powerful legion in Da Zhou, these soldiers are at least in the military state, this is the configuration that a dynasty army can have?"

"Could it be that behind Xiao Chen, there are dynasty-level forces backing up? He has specially sent such a divine soldier to deal with us!"

The wind, which has always been calm and insidious, is now in a state of confusion.

Just now the tiger and ben army killed people like hemp, and his invincible appearance deeply shocked his soul.

A tingling pain from the depths of his soul instantly spread all over his body.

"Patriarch Feng, for the sake of the present, we have to hold the kid named Huo Qubing first, and then let this army cast a rat avoidance weapon, so that we can have the possibility of winning."

At this moment, Guo Fenghua, who has always been somewhat rough, was even more shocked.

"Yes, capture the thief first, capture the king first, let's take that kid first!" Shen Guzhi agreed.

While they were speaking, their eyes were all on Huo Qubing, who was watching the battle calmly, behind the Tiger Ben Legion.

So far, Huo Qubing has not taken any action.

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