Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 249: 249: The family is destroyed

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The Six Soul Fear Curse is a kind of Yinmai Eight Curse within the forbidden technique of the Yin Yang Family.

This curse itself has a strong stimulus, and it is accompanied by a catalyst that strengthens the power of the curse seal. If it is cast directly, it is easy to identify and prevent.

And it must be in direct contact and maintained for a period of time before it can be successfully cast.

This curse seal lurks in the body and does not take effect immediately. Only when the true energy in the body is running, it will cause damage and be fatal.

And once he was hit by the Six Soul Curse, there was no cure in the world.

Of course, the Six Soul Horror Curse is not really incurable, especially in this world.

The reason why the Six Souls Horror Curse in Qin Shimingyue couldn't be cured was because the people who cast the Six Souls Horror Curse had profound skills.

Even people at the strongest level, such as Gai Nie, are much stronger than Da Si Ming and others, but in terms of the depth of internal strength, they are not much different.

This created the illusion that the Six Soul Fear Curse could not be cured.

But when it came to the Tianluo Continent, the division of strength had different changes. It was only within the Martial King realm, and there were huge surprises between each small realm.

Therefore, the horror of the Six Souls Horror Curse has been weakened a lot, as long as the realm is a few levels higher than the caster, it is easy to suppress the Six Souls Horror Curse.

And even if the realm is the same, as long as the defense is proper, the Six Soul Horror Curse can hardly be effective.

Unfortunately, this was the first time that Da Si Ming had cast the Six Souls Horror Curse, and Luo Hong did not make any precautions.

The most deadly thing is that in the battle, he gave up his best sword technique, and instead chose to fight his life.

Just when the two were facing each other, Da Si Ming cast a Six Soul Fear Curse on him.

In fact, the power of the Six Souls Horror Curse in Luo Hong’s is not very powerful, because in order to plant the Six Souls Horror Curse, the caster needs a certain amount of contact with the opponent, and the contact between Da Si Ming and Luo Hong is limited to After a brief confrontation, the Six Soul Horror Curse planted would naturally not be too deep.

If Luo Hong had just chosen to flee, after reaching a safe place, he could use his power to dispel the effects of the Six Soul Horror Curse.

It's a pity that because Bai Feng killed all the Luo family disciples, it caused him to run his true energy in rage, and forcibly increased his strength.

The extreme choice this time allowed the Six Soul Horror Curse to take root in his body.

Now, his life and death have been completely controlled by the chief commander, and even wanting to use his true energy has become a luxury.

"Your Majesty, this person has been captured by me, how to deal with it, you can figure it out!"

Da Si Ming walked to Xiao Chen, said flatly, and then stood back to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen smiled, a little guilty.

He had suspected that he was the chief commander just now. Instead of calculating him, they helped him capture Luo Hong instead.

At this moment, he felt that he was saving the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.


With a light cough, Xiao Chen concealed the embarrassment of the atmosphere, and Xiao Chen walked to Luo Hong who was unable to move on the ground at the moment.

Luo Hong was about to split at this time, and he wanted to rush to the next life to tear Xiao Chen, but he couldn't do it.

"Elder Luo, you seem to be in a bad situation now!" Xiao Chen said with a joke.


Before Luo Hong could speak, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and interrupted him: "Aren't you going to protect the three great families? Now, I want to see how you go for shelter!"

When his words fell, the tribesmen of the three major families all showed horrified expressions.

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"Xiao Chen, we promise to surrender to you and not to kill us!"

"Your Majesty, let me go, I will quit the three big families now!"

"I don't want to die! I am a genius of the Feng family, and I still want to participate in the dynasty martial arts, I want to become a legend of the Great Zhou, how can I die like this!"


The wailing of the three great families spread throughout the entire imperial city, maybe they really knew it was wrong.

However, Xiao Chen would not pity them because of their regret.

With a light wave of his hand, three thousand tigers and armies stepped forward and killed the remnants of the three great families.

"Xiao Chen, you are looking for a dead end! If you are acquainted, let your army stop killing immediately, and then let go of the old man, otherwise my Luo family will definitely wipe out the entire Great Zhou!"

Luo Hong looked at Xiao Chen angrily, his voice was full of hatred, making Xiao Chen's eyes slightly cold.

This Luo Hong, even dared to threaten him when he died near the end of his life. Sure enough, he had been pampering him for too long, and he couldn't even use his brain?

Thinking of this, he looked at Luo Hong expressionlessly: "Since Elder Luo said so, then I can't let you down, Zhang Han, let the Hundred Wars Armor Piercers close the three gates of the imperial capital, and the Shadow Secret Guards cooperated with the Tigers. Clean the three major families."

"Yes! Subordinates do it now!"

Zhang Han responded, and then the figure disappeared in place, leaving Luo Hong with incredible eyes, dumbfounded.

Could it be that the emperor of this small kingdom really dare to oppose the Luo family, one of the top ten families?

Xiao Chen didn't give him a chance to speak, but directly told Da Si: "This guy will leave it to you, pry something out of his mouth!"

An elder of the Six-Star King Wu, led thirteen Wuzong powerhouses, traveled all the way to Great Zhou, just to save the three great families?

Xiao Chen is not a fool. Of course he wouldn't believe this kind of weird thing.

He knew that Da Si Ming could read a mind-reading technique unique to the Yin-Yang family. The light in his palm linger around the head of a person can completely read the mind of a person.

This is also a kind of mental illusion, which is similar to Xiao Chen's writing round eyes. Luo Hong is now trapped by the Six Soul Horror Curse, and can no longer use his true energy. Apart from his physical strength, he is not much different from ordinary people in other aspects.

Therefore, Da Si Ming should be able to easily perform mind-reading on him.

"Hey, the three big families are going to be over!"

"I didn't expect that the three aristocratic families that stood for thousands of years in the Great Zhou Dynasty would die today!"

"Our majesty, the emperor, is really strong. He can't use all kinds of cards!"

"What I am worried about now is that the three great families are destroyed, what about their techniques!"

"Yes, that is the lifeblood of Da Zhou martial artist, if it is destroyed, Da Zhou might be chaotic!"

Looking at the three major families who were being madly slaughtered by the Tiger and Cardiac Army, countless people sighed, some admired and some worried.

At this moment, the three major families have become real lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and the masters of the Luo family have been killed. How can they resist Xiao Chen?

The only surviving Patriarch Guo Fenghua had lost his vitality in his eyes, and the children of the other aristocratic families had also given up resistance, becoming totally devoid of fighting spirit.

But Xiao Chen didn't pity them, and watched with cold eyes the lives lost in front of him.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the side quest: Luo Hong's contempt! Successfully defeated Luo Hong, maintained his dignity, obtained a random summoning opportunity and a designated summoning opportunity!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the side mission: destroying the three great families! Get a random summoning opportunity and a martial arts inheritance opportunity!"

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