Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 358: 358: Brave Zhao Yun

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A hundred miles away from the east gate of the imperial capital of the Canopy Kingdom, Zhao Yun is taking the 30,000 Eagle and Yang Legion to ambush here.

The Huolin Legion took the imperial capital too quickly, so the news has not spread to the garrisons everywhere, they still rushed to the capital Qinwang continuously.

Since the Eagle Yang Legion set up an ambush here, in two days, they have eliminated two Qinwang divisions, each with nearly 10,000 people.

"General, traces of enemy troops were found twenty miles ahead. The number is similar to ours, about 30,000."

In the small ravine, Zhao Yun was taking a rest with his 30,000 army, but the scout suddenly came to report.

Thirty thousand people, this is the largest army Zhao Yun has encountered since setting up an ambush here.

Although Zhao Yun was not afraid of these 30,000 enemy troops, as the main commander of the Eagle Yang Legion and shouldering the mission of ambushing the enemy troops, Zhao Yun did not dare to neglect.

He picked up his gun and mounted his horse, and then said to the troops who were resting: "All troops are ready for battle!"

After Zhao Yun's order was passed down, the soldiers of the Yingyang Army rushed out of the ravine in an orderly manner, and then lay in ambush on both sides of the official road.

Seeing the quick and swift response of his soldiers, Zhao Yun nodded in satisfaction.

The Yingyang army was founded, so the army's combat effectiveness is still quite weak. Take the two recent ambushes, it was won entirely by Zhao Yun's own power. The strength of the two-star Wujun is unstoppable.

Fortunately, after two battles, the soldiers of the Yingyang Army have improved their combat literacy.

At least with the same number of people, they will not lose to the army of the Canopy Kingdom.

After all the Eagle and Young Legion were in ambush, a cloud of smoke billowed in the distance, and the enemy came.

"Let go!"

After the enemy entered the range of the bow and arrow, Zhao Yun with the white horse and silver spear sprang out from the small ravine, then roared, and suddenly all arrows were shot.

"Not good, enemy attack, shield hand defense!"

The army of this canopy kingdom is also non-extensive. As soon as the bows and arrows of the Great Zhou Army were fired, countless shields immediately defended them, blocking the overwhelming rain of arrows and minimizing the casualties of the team.

At this moment, a silver spear about two meters long turned into a silver-white dragon, flying towards the shield only.



The strength of the spear was very huge. The moment it drew the silver light and hit the shield, the hundred shield players in the front were directly lifted to a height of 100 meters.

"Zhao Zilong of the Eagle Yang Legion of the Great Zhou Empire is here. Those who dismount and suffer surrender will not die!"

An angry shout came, Zhao Yun in silver armor leaped out of his horse, and his spear stood in front of the army.

The soldiers ambushing on both sides of the road also appeared quickly and surrounded the enemy regiments.

Zhao Yun's appearance shocked the enemy. He just shot back hundreds of shield players, and even shocked the soldiers of the Canopy Kingdom.

However, after a brief shock, the reinforcements of these canopy kingdoms also recovered.

A general riding a black dragon horse and wearing a red military helmet raised his sword and faced Zhao Yun and said: "Who is Xiaoxiao, how dare to use a cold arrow!"

This general is the commander of this army!

Zhao Yun cast a glance at the general of the Canopy Kingdom, and then asked in a deep voice, "Who is the enemy general? Report your name!"

"This general is the kingdom of the canopy. According to Tianguan guardian Mu Huangdao, if you don't want to die, get off the horse and be bound!"

The words of Mu Huangdao flashed a cold light in Zhao Yun's eyes, and he stopped talking nonsense with Mu Huangdao, and straightened his gun forward.

Seeing Zhao Yun who suddenly rushed over, Mu Huangdao was shocked, but he was also a martial artist who had been on the battlefield for many years, and he was not afraid at all.


The dull voice blasted in the ears of the army, Zhao Yun's spear hit the opponent's knife heavily, and Mu Huangdao felt a huge force spreading through the hilt.


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A mouthful of blood was spit out, and Mu Huangdao, together with the dragon horse under his crotch, flew to an altitude of several hundred meters, and the difference in cultivation between the two was too great.

Zhao Yun succeeded in one blow, but Zhao Yun did not give up. He not only wanted to defeat the opponent, but also frightened the enemy.

I saw his toe tap lightly on the horseback, and then jumped under the gaze of tens of thousands of soldiers.


The sound of the spear penetrating the flesh made the soldiers of the canopy kingdom suddenly sink.

Then, Zhao Yun's vigorous body slowly landed on the horse's back, and there was a corpse stuck in his spear.


The sorrowful screams that moved people's hearts sounded throughout the battlefield, but Zhao Yun did not change in color.

Holding the silver spear in one hand, he raised the corpse on the head of the gun high, and said coldly: "The enemy will give the leader, you will surrender quickly, otherwise you will be killed!"

Zhao Yun, who was looking cold, made the hearts of the soldiers of the Canopy Kingdom tremble, and they were terrified.

But seeing the Mu Huangdao who was in a different place, the lieutenant of the army was cruel and said: "Brothers, the general was killed by this guy. We want to avenge him."

The voice of the lieutenant suddenly regained all the troops who were in a state of confusion and shock.




These enemy soldiers kept roaring wildly, with crazy colors in their eyes, as if they were about to tear Zhao Yun into pieces.


Zhao Yun snorted coldly, not too lazy because these people bothered to speak, since they don't surrender, then kill them all!


He flicked the spear in his hand, and Mu Huangdao's body slammed straight at the crowd.

The corpse weighing only tens of kilograms, after being thrown out by Zhao Yun, was like a small hill weighing more than ten thousand kilograms, and hundreds of people were directly killed.

Zhao Yun shouted: "All the troops listen to the order, charge!"

With an order, Zhao Yun rushed into the enemy line first.

He didn't choose to abandon the horse Yukong, but directly rushed into the enemy's battlefield and slaughtered the enemy.

There are 30,000 people in the Eagle Yang Legion, but in every battle, it is Zhao Yun's manpower against ten thousand troops.

This time is no exception!

Thirty thousand people surrounded Zhao Yun, and a rain of arrows flew toward him, but he could not get close to him.

Every time he swings his gun, he can take away dozens or even hundreds of lives, and the blood is constantly swaying in the air, making it particularly dazzling in the sun.

However, these swaying blood did not contaminate Zhao Yun's white robe at all.

His complexion was as cold as ever, no matter how many people he killed, he couldn't make his mood wave a little bit, because he knew that this was war.

Zhao Yun is not a cruel and bloodthirsty person, but Zhao Yun on the battlefield can instantly become an invincible God of War, slashing the enemy in anger.

Because he knew that the best way to end the killing on the battlefield was to kill the enemy.

A cry of wailing spread throughout the battlefield, and the number of enemies who died under Zhao Yun's spear was no less than a thousand people, and the profound strength of the martial arts realm allowed him to wield it wanton.

Instead of using a wide range of martial arts, he uses a long spear to kill the enemy one by one, which makes it easier for the enemy to be afraid and retreat.

Sure enough, looking at the silver-robed young general Zhao Yun surrounded by the legions, he seemed to be tirelessly killing the soldiers of the Canopy Kingdom, and the hearts of these soldiers finally began to fear.

When the enemy cannot be defeated, no matter how strong the fighting will is, it will only increase casualties.

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