Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 370: 370: A powerful enemy

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At the junction of the Northern Territory and the Central Territory, an old man wearing a light blue robe and seven or eight young men who also wore blue robes flew into the Northern Territory.

The moment they set foot on the Northern Territory, several people fell on the ground in unison.

This place is located on the border of the plain, and within a few miles ahead, there is a long mountain range.

"Elder Longxing, is this the Northern Territory?"

After falling to the ground, a handsome young man standing at the front of the team asked.

This group of people rushed to Shangguan Longxing and others in the Great Zhou Empire from Shangguan's house, one of the top ten families in the Jagged Dynasty.

Shangguan Longxing glanced around with his hand, then nodded and said, "Master Hao, this is the Northern Territory. From here on to the north, we will almost reach the Great Zhou Kingdom in less than ten days."

Shangguanhao nodded, then frowned and said, "This Northern Region is really barren. We have just left the Central Region for less than a hundred miles, and we can clearly feel that the intensity of aura has dropped by about five times!"

Shangguan Longxing smiled lightly and said, "Yes, this is the reason why the martial arts of the Northern Region is backward. This is a cursed place at all."

Shangguanhao was noncommittal, he was not very interested in the barrenness of the Northern Territory.

After pondering for a moment, Shangguan Hao hesitated and asked, "Elder Longxing, if cousin Qingmeng insists on not going back, do we really want to use it?"

Hearing Shangguan Hao's mention of Shangguan Qingmeng, Shangguan Longxing's originally kind face suddenly colded, and said: "It's about the family's interests, so she can't help being a little girl who is willful and reckless. I hope Young Master Hao has a sense of measure."

Shangguan Longxing's ruthless words made Shangguanhao very contemptuous, but he didn't say it.

Regarding the matter of arresting Shangguan Qingmeng and going back to marry, Shangguanhao is the only one in the entire family who opposes it. He and Shangguan Qingmeng are cousins, and the relationship between the two has been good since childhood.

He also knows what kind of stuff is the person Shangguan Qingmeng is going to marry, so why would he be willing to push his cousin into the fire pit?

It's just that, as a younger generation, he is quiet in the family and has no ability to change anything.

The only thing he can do is to go to Great Zhou with Shangguan Longxing to avoid Shangguan Qingmeng from getting hurt.

He knows who Shangguan Longxing is. The strength of this old guy is nothing in the family, but the methods are very vicious, so he won the trust of the Patriarch.

Just when several people were about to continue on their way, Shangguan Hao suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis.

This feeling was as if he could die at any time, causing cold sweat on his palms.

"All shield the breath, hide the figure!"

Shangguan Longxing and others, who were just about to leave, heard Shangguanhao's words and immediately followed suit.

Shangguan Hao is not very old, but he is one of the most recognized super geniuses in the family, and his strength is not much lower than that of the older Shangguan Longxing.

He suddenly warned that he must have discovered something, even Shangguan Longxing must pay attention to this.

Shangguanhao's voice fell, and the silhouettes of several people instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared on a towering old tree on a hill a few miles away, hiding their figure with the prosperous leaves of the old tree.

As soon as they hid, a few black streamers flew in the distant sky. The speed of these black streamers was very fast, and only a few breaths passed in front of the Shangguan family.

"Di Tian!"

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As soon as the black streamers disappeared, Shangguan Hao couldn't help but screamed.

However, he soon covered his mouth. Although his voice was not loud, it was enough to be heard by Wu Zong experts who were miles away.

Fortunately, the few people who just passed by did not notice Shangguanhao and others, nor did they listen to his voice.

After confirming that the few people were completely far away, Shangguanhao and others came down from the old tree, but at this time their faces were very ugly.

The auras of the few people who have just passed by are extremely powerful, and each of them reveals a strong aura of the magic way. If they guessed correctly, those people should be the magic way martial king.

"Elder Shangguan, why do so many Wu Wang suddenly appear in the Northern Territory?"

Finally, an ordinary disciple of the Shangguan family couldn't help but ask his doubts.

Shangguan Longxing did not answer his question, but turned to ask Shangguan Hao: "Master Hao, you just said Di Tian, ​​are there any of those people..."

Shangguan Hao nodded heavily and said, "Yes, among those who just passed by, there is indeed Di Tian."

Di Tian's name is known to everyone in the Jagged Dynasty. After all, he was the second in the previous ranking, and he was also a disciple of Bai Xiaoling.

Such an identity is impossible for others to know.

As a genius of the Shangguan family, Shangguanhao is also on the list of people, so he has had a lot of battles with Ditian, and he is very familiar with the breath of Ditian.

After receiving Shangguanhao's affirmation, Shangguan Longxing's face showed a look of horror, and he lost his voice: "Ditian is a disciple of Bai Xiaoling, why is he with the people of the magic way?"

Although the Jagged Dynasty advertises the right way, the chaos within the dynasty for many years has caused the power of the magic way to expand rapidly, whether there are three of the seven major sects.

Therefore, Shangguan Longxing was not surprised at all about the Martial King Realm master who encountered the Demon Dao, but it was too strange that Di Tian and the Demon Dao master were together.

No one in the entire dynasty knew that Bai Xiaoling, the sword sage in white, hated Demon Dao the most, and the number of Demon Dao kings who died in his hands over the years was no less than five fingers.

Now, his direct disciple actually appeared in the Northern Territory with several Demon Martial Kings, which is incredible.

However, Shangguan Hao was very convinced: "It can't be wrong, I am too familiar with the surging sword intent on Di Tian, ​​but why is he here?"

After confirming that there was Di Tian among those people, Shangguan Longxing and Shangguan Hao fell into contemplation.

At this time, a disciple of Shangguan's family suddenly said, "You said, will they go to Dazhou!"

His words made Shangguan Long Xing stunned for a moment, and then directly reprimanded: "Don't talk nonsense, it's not that the old man in places like Dazhou has never been to this place. How can a barbarian land where Wuhou can be called a top powerhouse? So many King Wu went."

The Wu Wang who just passed by, Shangguan Longxing roughly estimated that there were as many as five people. This kind of power would definitely not be underestimated by the Shangguan family.

The Shangguan disciple also shook his head and said with a smile: "Look at what I'm thinking about, how come the powerful king of Wu comes here together, 80% of them have found something amazing here."

Shangguan Longxing's heart moved, and then he said to the disciple: "Now you go back to the family and let the family members release news. It means that there may be a peerless treasure in the Northern Territory, and the demons are all rushing here."

This disciple's words reminded Shangguan Longxing that so many demon kings came to the Northern Territory, it is really possible for some treasure.

If that's the case, he can't let this group of demons take advantage, but he doesn't want the Shangguan family to face so many powerhouses alone, so let other families also share some of the pressure.

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