Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 68: 68: Going forward

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Ten thousand miles away from Lianyun City, Ice Valley, at this moment, Ice Valley Lord Xu Ling, with Bing Yue and the elders in the valley, respectfully buckle the spirit card in front of him.

This hall is the ancestor shrine of Binggu, and it is also a forbidden place of Binggu. All the people who can enter it are the high-levels of Binggu.

There are a total of twelve people in the hall. Except for Xu Ling who is a two-star martial artist, and Fairy Bingyue is a two-star martial artist, the other ten elders all have Wuhou cultivation status. The strongest reaches the nine-star Wuhou, and the weakest has four stars. Wuhou.

It has always been rumored that there is only one Wuhou expert in Binggu. If outsiders know that there are so many masters hidden in Binggu, it might cause an uproar.

The number of powerhouses in this hall is enough to sweep the other three sects of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

"Master Valley, do you really want to use secret techniques?"

After finishing the salute to the master tablet, a middle-aged beautiful woman about the same age as Xu Ling walked up to her and asked.

"The two powerful men suddenly broke into my ice valley today with an unknown purpose. Although Bingyue repelled them, they were not able to keep them behind. It is not known whether the two men and a few days ago, we found out. We have to be cautious about the military commander of Youyue Palace hidden in the valley," Xu Ling said.

With Bingyue this martial spirit here, the Anzi sent by Youyue Palace, naturally, it is impossible not to be noticed. Wang Yue and the others came to Binggu.

"When did the great martial arts appear in the Great Zhou Kingdom?" The elder looked at Bingyue, who was sitting cross-legged on the padded cushion with his eyes closed, his face a little ugly.

The other elders were also a little heavy. Naturally, they all knew about the battle between Bingyue and Wang Yue. The level of the battle was too high, and they didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the battle. They could only be spectators.

Xu Ling frowned and said: "No matter what the identities of those two people are, one thing is certain, the secret of Binggu will not be kept, and we must be prepared to move."

The ten elders’ expressions became more solemn when they heard the word “moving sect”. Ice Valley does not belong to the native sect of the Great Zhou Kingdom. A few decades ago, they moved in from other places and ended their wandering and helpless lives and took root here. Are you leaving now?

Their hearts are a little sad, the sky is big and the earth is big, where is their home.

Xu Ling naturally knew that this incident was a bit unacceptable for them, but he could only helplessly continue: "We can leave, but we must find the whereabouts of the saint before we leave, even if we pay the price of our lives."

"Yes!" Hearing Xu Ling's words, these elders didn't have the slightest fear on their faces, but they were more decisive. For them, finding the saint is more important than their lives.

"Okay, now start to perform the secret technique to find the position of the saint," Xu Ling's voice fell, and the ground of the ancestral ancestral hall suddenly vibrated, and then the ground slowly separated, and a huge ice crystal phoenix rose from the ground to the ground of the hall.

The ice crystal phoenix is ​​about three meters high, and its wings stretched up to five meters, making it lifelike, as if it would become alive at any time and rise up into the sky.

As soon as the ice crystal phoenix appeared, the faces of Xu Ling and the ten elders became solemn, and even Bing Yue, who had been closing his eyes cross-legged to heal, stood up, with a trace of piety in his eyes.

The twelve people in the hall looked at each other, and then unanimously made a wound on their fingertips and pointed their fingers at the ice crystal phoenix.

A stream of blood flowed from the fingertips of the twelve people, and it turned into a stream of blood slowly, flowing towards the ice crystal phoenix.

Cang! Cang! Cang!

At the moment when the blood of several people poured into the ice crystal Phoenix, a stern phoenix scream, resounding through the hall, shocked their eardrums.

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Enduring the huge discomfort of their ears, they did not retreat in the slightest, still persistently pumping blood into the ice crystal phoenix.

The bright red blood began to circulate in the transparent body of the ice crystal phoenix, which was clearly visible to the naked eye, but the ice crystal phoenix's closed eyes slowly opened.

Ice Crystal Phoenix opened his eyes very slowly, lasting for about a stick of incense, and Xu Ling and the others also transported blood for a stick of incense into it.

Finally, the eyes of the ice crystal phoenix opened completely, and dozens of brilliant rays of light were emitted from the eyes, like the rays of light piercing the dark clouds, illuminating the entire hall.

The desolate breath of the ancient prehistoric emanated from its body instantly, an invisible oppression made the souls of Xu Ling and others tremble, like an ant facing the gods, could not help but kneel down to worship the ice crystal phoenix.

The blood circulated in its body, as if it had given it life, the arrogant head slowly twisted, and finally settled in the south.

call out!

The light from Ice Crystal Phoenix's eyes only lasted for a few seconds, and then disappeared completely, and finally Phoenix closed his eyes.

The phoenix closing his eyes seemed to have lost all his vitality again in an instant, with no aura, and the prehistoric aura in the entire hall disappeared.

The ice crystal phoenix once again became like a dead thing.

Tick! Tick!

The blood line disappeared, the ice crystal phoenix sank into the ground, and a drop of blood dripped from the fingertips of Xu Ling and others to the ground. The twelve people were pale and weak, as if they were drained of vitality, they might collapse at any time. Ground.

Even a martial arts expert like Fairy Bingyue lost so much blood for a stick of incense and almost fainted, not to mention those elders who were only Wuhou realm.

Xu Ling was even more unbearable. She was the most expensive of the twelve people, and the whole person seemed to be a teenager.

"Master, are you okay!" Bingyue forcibly endured her physical discomfort and asked with concern when she walked to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, and then said unwillingly, "I didn't expect to consume so much blood and still not accurately detect the position of the saint!"

"Why, Master, haven't you been able to find the saint?" Bingyue's face also became difficult to look, and the elders did the same.

The use of the secret technique this time has cost a few people a lot, and it would be difficult for them to accept if there is no gain.

Xu Ling sighed: "According to Master Ice Phoenix's guidance, the saint should be within two hundred miles of Los Angeles, but the time is too short to measure the specific position."

"Okay, wait a few days for the disciple to cultivate, then go to Los Angeles to find the saint," Bing Yue said.

"Yue'er, I am not worried about your strength, but I have never left Ice Valley, and you are not deeply involved in the world. Let the fifth and seventh elders go with you this time," Xu Ling looked at Bingyue, feeling a little sorry Tao.

If it weren't compelling, she really didn't want her lover to take risks, and now the burden of the entire Ice Valley was on her alone.

Xu Ling turned his head towards the direction of Luocheng, his eyes became a little deeper, and he murmured: "My Ice Valley should be born too."

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