Mystery:the new pathway

Chapter 4: Protagonist aura and rumours

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Lauren blinked his eyes, he could clearly perceive the extra breath on his body at the moment the ability took effect, and the knowledge that appeared in his mind along with the effect of the supernatural ability told him that it belonged to the aura of the angel of the pathos path.

   At this moment, in the eyes of those who know how to do it, it is Sequence 2 of the {pathos} path . Though this pathway is an unknown Path in earth. Even if he uses extraordinary abilities to confirm him, he gets the same result. 

He can't use the pathway's abilities 

   But it's limited to this.

  Because Lauren didn't really get the ability of the {pathos} Path Sequence 2, but only got an illusion that can be said to be a disguise.

   If this were the case, Lauren wouldn't be too surprised, because Lin Ruo hadn't tried to use [rumours] to endow him with powers other than [protagonist aura]

Rumours and protagonist aura are the unique abilities of this path. 

Protagonist aura can allow Lauren to accomplish things such as manipulating a person do do something he wants or to create or become something just by saying the word

Rumours still not sure as the information that was hammered to me was incomplete. But it has connection to divination so it can allow me learn or access information 


   What really surprised Lauren was another piece of information he got after activating the supernatural ability—now that his supernatural ability cannot support his ability to simulate the sequence 2 of the pathos Path, that it would drain him in an instant.

   This message seemed trivial, but Lin Ruo couldn't help but swallow.

Not only that but what was that was it a hallucination dreams? But it looked as if I was that person 

   Could it be...

" I have three bodies well technically 2 since my current form is that of spirit body"

Though it's better to be safe and sound since protagonist aura has connections to divination and truth it should allow me to learn so things and solve some of the questions in my head.

Lauren thought to himself 

   "I am not a demigod in the way of pathos, this is a rumour."

   The unfamiliar power flooded Lin Ruo's body in an instant, that was the Sequence 4 beyonger who belonged to this unfamiliar path.

"A protagonist should be a sequence four of the seer pathway "

The unfamiliar power flooded Lin Ruo's body in an instant, that was the Sequence 4 beyonger who belonged to the seer path.

   As expected!

   The corners of Lin Ruo's mouth couldn't help but started to explore his ability to use protagonist aura.

   Fortune-telling, fighting, faceless man, manipulating the lines of the spirit body... Basically, there are the abilities of the bizarro sorcerer mentioned in the original work, and Lauren can now use it.

   This made Lauren start experimenting with these abilities involuntarily, but after only a few experiments, he stopped.

Because he can't keep the confused protagonist he can investigate the hallucination later,not only is he Keeping the protagonist waiting but Because just maintaining such eleven or two seconds of effort, the supernatural energy in his body has already consumed nearly one-fifth. This caused Lauren to quickly cancel this [protagonist aura], and then once again sensed the consumption of different energy in the body, and came to some conclusions.

"If you don't maintain other [protagonist aura] at the same time, the state of Sequence 4 can be maintained for about 60 seconds, but after 60 seconds, I will basically be temporarily disabled, and I will have to wait for a long time before I can recover..." Lauren squeezed his chin, expression is also somewhat Oddly, 

"One’s not impossible to change the situation if you use it well, but there is always a sense of sight that the demon disintegrates."

 But he didn't have too much dissatisfaction. After all, compared to the situation where he could not obtain combat power through the [protagonist aura] if he had this in his previous life, he would be able to achieve the [One-Minute Superman] state like this one now.

   He did a few more experiments afterwards, which did not involve extraordinary results, basically similar to the previous life. And what involves extraordinary, unexpected is actually related to knowledge, he rarely can be the first, and most of the things related to extraordinary abilities have been realized. But there is an upper limit, that is Sequence 4, Sequence 4 and below can basically be obtained through [protagonist aura], but the cost is really large, the closer to Sequence 4, the greater, after a few experiments, Lauren almost lost got Drained.

   If he hadn't restrained his desire to continue the experiment in time, Lauren would probably not even have the energy needed to maintain an understanding of Luen's lingua franca and Hermes.

And after experimenting with the [protagonist aura] ability, Lin Ruo, who has no spare energy to experiment with the [rumours] ability, because he was drained using [protagonist aura] so he wasn't able to test it.

 So how far he can be from Klein, and finally came to the conclusion Conclusion—The range it can move is limited to about 100 to 120 meters from Klein.

 This movement range is not too small to be honest, but it is definitely not large. But considering his strange state now, it might be a good thing to stay by Klein's side.

   Lauren who was thinking about this then returned to the room and saw Klein seriously wiping the blood stains on the table left by the suicide of the original owner, and from time to time he raised his head and looked in the mirror.

   After Lin Ruo floated to the range that the mirror can see again, Klein naturally saw him, and immediately asked, "How is it?" 

"Are you okay you were spacing out?"

"It was nothing I just remembered something"

"Also I just tried it. My range of movement is probably limited to a distance of about 120 meters from you. No matter how far away, it won't work. It's like an air wall in front of me is blocking me from moving forward." Lauren said with a smile, just this A passage is no longer in Chinese, but in Luen's lingua franca.

Naturally, Klein didn’t think much about Lauren’s sudden language change. After all, although their previous communication was in Chinese, Lauren did indeed say the name of a special place known by people in this world like Backlund. This also made Klein subconsciously regard him as a traverser senior, and as a traverser senior, Lauren naturally couldn't fail to understand the language of this world.

"Then you are imprisoned by my side?" Klein frowned and said, although there are still some doubts in his heart, such as the distance of only 120 meters, why the other party has been outside for so long, but Klein is at this moment. But it is also true that for Lauren, being bound 120 meters by his side is undoubtedly imprisoned.

   And for him, it is actually very inconvenient to have such a spirit behind him.

"But there's no way. At least I can't think of a solution right now. Fortunately, I have nothing else to go to recently. There is nothing wrong with following you for the time being." Lauren could naturally see that Klein didn't have any. He was not surprised by the doubts he uttered, but he was happy to see the results.

   Because the reason why he started experimenting directly outside was intentional, he deliberately revealed some flaws and mystery. Without showing hostility, this can better help him shape his personality, and it won't cause Klein to be too wary.

  —If he was facing Klein who had already experienced the evil god Heir incident or the Great Smog incident at this moment, he would naturally not do this, but he would have no problem with Klein who had just passed through.

   After all, he has the blessing of the aura of a fellow traveler, which makes Klein naturally have a higher degree of favorability towards him than others.

   Lauren glanced at the bloodstains in the room that had not been wiped clean, and smiled and prompted: "Friendly reminder, it's getting bright soon. You're not the only one in this house, right?"

   Klein suddenly reacted, no longer entangled with the doubts just now, and instead began to continue to tidy up the room.

   After all, his sister Melissa is still asleep in the room next to him. If he doesn't clean up the blood in the room soon, he will scare him later.

   And outside the window, the red moon in the sky does not know when it has already slanted west, and at the edge of the horizon, a corner of the golden sun is exposed.

   The sky is indeed getting bright soon.

   After a while, there was movement in the compartment adjacent to Klein's current room, and then Lauren saw Klein, who had finished packing, throwing the revolver into the drawer in a panic. At only sixteen years old, a girl who looked somewhat similar to Klein also walked out of the compartment at this moment. She was Klein's younger sister Melissa.

   "What happened?" Melissa asked with some confusion, apparently hearing the movement of the revolver being dropped into the drawer.

   Klein instinctively wanted to find a reason, but from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the young man in the mirror.

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  Although he can't see the other party's entity, the young man is now looking at them with his arms around his chest and looking at them leisurely from the mirror. The smile on his face is gentle and makes people feel no evil.

I have to say that, not to mention the weird state, Lauren himself is really a very friendly person. Just standing there makes people feel good, and it is difficult for people to take the initiative to feel bad.

   But this is not the key to the problem, the key is that the other party is behind the spiritual state!

   Melissa will be scared!

   Klein had already mentioned his throat at this moment. He wanted to change the subject and casually remind Lauren to leave the mirror, but Melissa still took a step ahead because she looked into the mirror.

The girl walked to the mirror as usual. She looked at the mirror first, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, she used the mirror to sort out the folds of her clothes. Then she looked at Klein and asked more suspiciously: "Klein, what the hell what happened?"

   Didn't she see? !

   Klein realized this almost immediately. While he was puzzled in his heart, he also organized words to answer: "Sorry, I'm just a little nervous...because of the interview."

   To be honest, this is not an answer that can answer all the questions just now, but it is a very suitable answer. Because after hearing this, Melissa frowned first, and then seemed to think about it for a few seconds, and then she started to encourage: "Klein, you don't need to be too stressed. You are great. You will definitely be able to pass Yangen University. For the interview..."

   Facing his sister's encouragement, even though Klein had never thought about the interview, he nodded and expressed that he accepted Melissa's comfort.

   After encouraging her brother, Melissa took her toiletries and went out to the public bathroom. Klein breathed a sigh of relief after he left, looked at Lauren again, and asked, "Melissa can't seem to see you?"

   "She really can't see me." Lin Ruo affirmed Klein's question, but didn't say much.

After all, he himself is not very clear about this aspect. It was just that when he was experimenting with abilities before, he also tested whether other people could see him through the mirror, and got a negative answer. After Melissa came out, he was not in a hurry. .

   But for the Extraordinary except ordinary people, especially the Extraordinary who can directly see the spiritual body of this world like the corpse collector, he is not sure.

   And it's not easy to experiment. If you don't keep it in place, it will be treated as evil and purified.

   He is too difficult.

murmured like this, Lin Ruo was not too depressed, and then looked at Klein and asked, "Speaking of which, what are you going to do next?"

   "I..." Klein froze for a moment. He seemed to hesitate, and he seemed to be organizing the language. In the end, he didn't directly answer Lauren's question, but asked, "Lauren, how long have you traveled?"

"Well, this question... is a secret!" Although he could lie at will, Lauren decided not to do that. Instead, he shook his head and said, "But I can tell you that there are other things in this world besides you and me. 

 and compared to my obscurity, some travellers made a lot of noise." 

   To be precise, they are all pretty big!

   Thinking of the historical development of the mysterious world almost dominated by several traversers, Lauren's smile couldn't help but bring a little subtlety.

   Klein didn't seem to expect to get such an answer. He paused, as if he had received information from the original owner's broken memory, and hesitated: "The Great Emperor Roselle?"

   "Yes, he is indeed a traverser!" Lauren nodded, seeing Klein's as if thinking of something, his expression was a bit disappointed.

   He said immediately: "It seems that you don't seem to like this crossing, want to go home?"

   "I still have my parents, relatives, and friends..." Klein asked back: "Isn't it normal to want to go home? Don't you want to go home?"

   Lauren was taken aback, he suddenly thought of his life when he hadn't crossed. At that time, although he had no father and no mother, he also had three or five friends. He had a buddy who cried and laughed together, and his life was absolutely happy.

   I just don’t know if it’s because he focused on doing things in the original World after crossing. Obviously, it should have happened a few years ago. At this moment, when he recalled it, there was a feeling that a long, long time has passed, and the memory has faded. After all all of them left me when I needed them the most 

 sigh that is an nothing but an illusion now...

   Lauren lowered his eyes, but sighed, "You are right..."

   But even if he had this illusion of memory fading, if he was given a choice, he doesn't know if he still wanted to go back.

   Just, how far is he from his real hometown after he has crossed twice if you include that hallucination of me becoming a dragon so twice in a row? Can you really return to your hometown again?

   Lauren doesn't know, it's like he hasn't figured out why he crossed.

"you're right…"

At the same time when these words sounded, from Klein’s perspective, it was obvious that the person in front of him was almost wrapped in an indescribable sadness and silence at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it was strange that Klein felt that Lauren I didn't seem to feel this sadness and silence.

   He is like a crying and unknowing person, thinking that the emotional ups and downs are not big, but in fact he is sad and uncontrollable.

This made him feel a little bad foreboding, and at the same time he felt a little guilty. He couldn't help but coughed softly and said, "I don't know if you have tried it... But I have a clue and a thought about my journey. , So I want to give it a try."

   Lauren who heard this also quickly withdrew from his emotions just now. He rubbed his temples, and the contents of the original work of the lord of the Mysteries in his mind flashed away.

He said, "Although I don't know what you plan to do... But I still wish you success!"

   After finishing Lauren laughed again, pretending to be ridiculed: "And I am bound to you now, if you can go back, maybe you can pick me up on the way!"

   "It would be great if it could be that way." Klein smiled, and subconsciously began to recall the details of the transfer ceremony he performed before crossing.

   After all, this is about whether he can go home, Klein dare not care.

   What Klein didn't know was that when he recalled the transfer ceremony, Lauren who was opposite him was actually thinking about similar things.

   But what Lauren thought about was, with his current state of spirit behind Klein, if Klein were to go to Source Fort, would he be pulled up together.

   Although he is not interested in grabbing the source fort, Lauren is still interested in witnessing the development of the Tarot Society.

   Lauren thought this way, he saw Melissa who had gone to freshen up and returned to the room.

   After making tea with water, she and Klein started eating black bread with tea for breakfast. Because Melissa still has to go to school, she naturally left after breakfast. However, before going to school, she repeatedly told Klein about buying black bread and lamb meat, as if she regarded Klein as a stupid brother who could not live.

   And Klein became popular in Melissa, changed his clothes, brought a revolver, and planned to go out.

   Of course, during this period, he and Lauren described his events before crossing, and explained that he planned to hold the ceremony again.

   This is not something that needs to be concealed. After all, based on Lauren's situation, even Klein can watch the whole process without saying it, but it is not true that the truth may be able to get some opinions.

"I haven't heard the ceremony you mentioned, but I feel that it shouldn't be dangerous for you... If you want to, it's okay to give it a try." After Klein floated out of their room, Lauren Said in a sincere tone.


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