Mystic Beast’s Journey

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Earth Friday September 26, 2022, 1:20 p.m.

It was a normal day at school but a terrible day in general. I was on my way back to class after taking a leak and then as I was entering the room just disappeared like it was poorly cut out of the building. I just stood there confused for like 5 minutes until I heard pieces of the roof crumble and fall to the floor, but by then it was already too late the floor and the roof started to collapse in on me and then everything went black, the last thing I remember is me saying '' This has been the worst birthday ever.''

Earth Friday September 26, 2022, 7:00 a.m. 

The day started off terribly. First, I was running late for school and missed the bus. Next, it was storming hard, and I had no way of getting to school besides walking now. Then, there was the fact the school is 25-minute run from here and class starts at 7:30 which means I wouldn't have time to eat breakfast and the day just started. It couldn't get any worse. Oh, how I would come to regret that thought.

7:27a.m. In class

''Cris, what happened to you? You look like you decided to take a swim in a pool fully clothed. Oh, and happy birthday ''

''Shut it, Sam I'm not in the mood and thanks I guess.''

You are probably wondering who that is that is Sam I can't remember how we became friends just that we are. Soon the teacher comes in and takes attendance. The teacher Mr. Woods was surprised for a few seconds because everyone is here today which was very rare. We then started first period History one of my worst subjects.

''Alright to start class I will be collecting homework and passing out the test I hope you studied.''

Ccrraappp I forgot my backpack at the house.

''Mr. Willow where is your homework?''

''Um, well I forgot my backpack at home, and it was in there sorry.''

''Haa. I'll let it slide this time. Bring it Monday if not you will receive an F no exemptions got it?''

''Yes sir.''

Well at least Mr. Woods is being lenient today, but I wonder how other teachers are going to react to me not having my homework.

12:45 p.m.

"Ugh, they were not happy about not having my homework.''

"Well Cris that is to nobody wants to be grading work that 3 days after it was do and the work for that day to. But hey look at the bright side they let you off with a single lecture and they said that you would give full credit if you turned in on Monday.''

"Hey! Sam, I thought you were supposed to be on my side."

"I am but you should also take responsibility for your mistakes."

"Ugh, I get it I messed up no need to rub it in."


"And that's the bell we need to head to class."

"What's our next class again?"

"haa, it's science with Mr. Woods I swear today is just not your day is it."

1:10 p.m.

"Um, Mr. Woods can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure, but be back before 1:30 got it?"


I am so glad Mr. Woods isn't one of those teachers who gets upset about asking to go to the bathroom during class though the reason is probably the fact that he knows the negative effects holding it has on the human body and the others tend to pay more attention to his class knowing that they won't have to focus on not using it in their pants.

1:15 p.m.

"Damn, why are the bathrooms so far it takes more time to get here then to actually use the thing."

Altheria September 26, 579 Imperial calendar, 5:00 p.m., Aspen Imperial capital Ashen, Royal Castle

"Your Majesty the summoning was a success."

"Excellent! Bring them into the throne room."

"As you wish Your Majesty."

Same time at the summoning area

"Huh, what is going on? Where is this? What happened one minute we were in class learning about the elements the next we are here."(Sam)

I look around and I see everyone except one. My long-time best friend Cris we met when we were 5 and have been friends ever since or more like I bugged him and followed him around until he gave up and he started hanging out with me more and more. Honestly if he didn't have me as a friend, he would completely alone he acts very cold to everyone but he's actually very nice once you break his cold exterior. Anyway, back to him missing from the group. It makes sense he did go to the bathroom and those things take like 5 minutes to get they honestly take longer to get to then to actually us. 

"Alright everyone calm down. Panicking will not solve this situation."

Just as I was about to continue my train of thought Mr. Woods spoke up trying to calm the panicking class and assess the situation. Just as he was about to continue a man in a white robe and a weird looking staff entered the room.

"Welcome chosen saviors. I know you are confused about what is happening but, I'm going to need you to follow to the throne room to get filled in on the details."

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Everyone was confused and hesitant at first but after the first started to follow everyone else followed. Once we arrived at what we presumed to be the throne room we saw the most average looking man ever sitting on the throne. I mean he just looks like a normal guy you'd meet anywhere brown eyes with dark brown the only defining feature is his clothes those are like the standard fantasy royal clothes.

"Welcome chosen saviors. I'm Andreus Serpas von Aspen the 8th and I'm sure you all are wondering why you are here, and I will tell you. You are he-"

But before he could continue someone cut him off and said.

"Let me guess we need to kill the demon king and save humanity."

Everyone at that point turned to look at him and everyone in the class knew exactly who he was. He was one of the most popular people in the school. His name is Matt Morise and let me tell you he is a prick. He has the looks, smarts, and he comes from a wealthy family, so he decides to act very pretentious. He looks down on most people and bullies a select few for liking anime, manga, and that kind of stuff. Cris is one of them though he just ignores him like he does most people and let me tell you neither of them are small Cris is a good 6'0 foot with Matt being like 6'2 though Cris isn't fit, but he is not fat. Matt on the other hand has some muscle. So, Matt couldn't do much but make fun of him, but he never got much of a reaction from Cris.

"Hahaha. I like your spirit kid but no while I would love to kill all those filthy demons, we would be wiped out by the spirits for that as only gods and high gods can fight the demon kings and even, they cannot wipe out all the demons as wiping out a race without good reason is a severe crime which could get an entire nation for. Though the vice versa is also true."

The look of utter shock and disbelief on his face was priceless to the point I wanted to a photo and show it to Cris. Matt then says.

"Then why are we even here." 

"Well, I was about to say until you started."

He said with a bit of annoyance.

"Well, back to the main topic you were summoned to fight the forces Stellar Abominations."

Everyone looked confused why they would need to summon them if they have gods and demon kings. The emperor could tell by the look on their faces what they were thinking, and he continued.

"We summoned you because those from outside get special abilities called unique skills and they are stronger than normal skills and tailored to your jobs and personality granted there are some who get unique skills unrelated to their jobs. Another thing about people from another world they all of you received a thing called a blessing from the gods, spirits, and archdemons and demon kings on arrival and those give access to certain abilities earlier or acquire them faster than normal they also help with magic affinities and then there is things called jobs as mentioned earlier, all humanoids have access to them including the ones that are not strictly humanoids and can change forms. However, they start with what is known as a beginner job, but you guys get what is known as advanced jobs right from the begging. Some get what is called special jobs such as hero or saint/saintess those jobs are only acquirable by summoned saviors or more commonly called heroes. But you must remember that one cannot change their job path once chosen or in case of summoned force chosen throw analyses of habits and personality or in case of hero or case hero or saint/saintess who are chosen based on what is called a hero factor or saint factor which has no relation to personality but just something someone is born with. Once the reason you are summoned is finished the ones who got hero and saint or saintess as their job will change to a weaker version granted it is still very strong job and once the mission is done those who want to can also leave and those who wish to stay can stay. Another very important thing you need to know is every person from another world has the ability to access what is known as the skill shop which is something people originally of this world cannot do. If you want to see your abilities and job, just say or think [status] and I will say it now it is almost impossible to see someone else's statues without them showing you. ''

Talk about information bomb yeesh can't you shorten your explanation it's almost like he likes the sound of his voice. [status]

Little did he know he was absolutely correct and the emperor could have summarized he just wanted to lisen to himself speak but that is not something anyone will find out at least not for a while.

Name: Sam Sanches Sander

Gender: Male 

Age: 15

Race: Human


skill points: 3

[skill shop]

Job: Assassin level 1

Str:40        Vit:35

Dex:100   Sta:70     

Agi:80      Mag:35     


Unique skill: Unnoticeable level 4

Blessings: Demon king of the silent death's blessing, High Spirit of Darkness's blessing, God of Illusions' blessing

Affinities: Darkness-Partial Mastery, Illusions-Advanced, Poison-beginner

Skills: Assassin arts level 1, Poison understanding level 1, Dark magic level 7, Illusion magic 4

Titles: Other worldly summoned savior, Friend of a Mystic Beast, The unnoticed

Why did I get a stealth class? I mean I know I like stealth and all and I surprisingly don't talk much with people other than Cris but am I that unnoticeable? That actually kind of hurts you know.

"Um, Your Majesty I have some questions."

As I was thinking that I was knocked out of my thoughts by someone speaking and I could almost swear I just saw the emperor just smirk when he was asked a question.

"What is it that you wish to know?"

"Um, first what does the words like Advanced or beginner mean after affinities like Water or Wind and second what does 1/250 mean?"

"Good question first Affinities there is 5 ranks, and they go as follows from highest to lowest: complete mastery that can then evolve to a higher rank element, then partial mastery, advanced, intermediate, and beginner you can go into detail about this with a teacher at a later date. Then your next question the answer would be the level cap every creature has the same level cap to begin with besides 4 species and once you satisfy certain conditions after reaching max level you evolve."

"Um, did you say ther-"

"Well, that ends all the questions and answers. I'm sure all of you are tired so why don't you all take rest I'll call someone to lead you to your accommodations and if you want to find out the effects of skills and such just concentrate on the thing you want more information on."

Did he just avoid the conversation about those 4 races? I wonder what could be so bad about those 4 races that he didn't want any of use to know and what is this weird title [Friend of a Mystic Beast]? Well, I'm tired so I'll think about it later.

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