Mystic Hands – MHA

Chapter 3: 2 – Mystic Hands

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After waiting for a while, Kasumi's dad, Makoto, finally gets back home from work. He just finished designing a costume for an up and coming hero with a gravity quirk. As soon as he enters the door, he is bombarded with words by Zuri, telling him about what happened. At first he was a bit angry and sad looking, but when he heard about his daughter defeating the villain, he grabbed Kasumi and threw her up in the air while laughing.

"Hahaha! I knew my baby girl would have a strong quirk! I just knew it! If you can already beat villains with it, you'll be the number one hero in no time!"

Kasumi started getting visibly uncomfortable with being held and thrown up so many times. Eventually Makoto let's her down, and Kasumi feels guilty for being uncomfortable with him.

'I wish I wasn't like this…'

Kasumi gets in her own head, questioning why she feels weird around her dad and calling her mom mommy. Something about it feels wrong, like it's engraved in her soul.

Zuri, sensing this, picks her up and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go see the doctor then we can get some steak!"

Kasumi, being 5, completely forgets whatever was troubling her at the promise of her favorite food. Makoto looks at her and ruffles her hair a little bit, messing up the bun her mom made,

"Let's go get this done, twerp!"

Kasumi pouts at being called a twerp and retorts,

"Alrighty then, let's go, old man!"

Makoto, being only 27, freezes a little at being called old man. His brown hair isn't receding at all, and he has a very slight amount of stubble on his face which gives him a handsome youthful appearance.

Having a quirk can extend your lifespan as well, with most of the weaker quirk possessors having an average lifespan of ~140 years. Needless to say, he's not exactly an old man, he's more like a kid compared to how long he lives.

Kasumi just turns her head and hmph's at him, while Zuri giggles and rubs his back, assuring him he's not an old man yet.

They all pile into the family SUV and head to the doctor.

While on the way, Kasumi sees something… jumping(?) in the distance. She can't quite make out what it is, but it looks like a big guy possibly? Probably a hero patrolling!

'I wanna do that!'

Kasumi looks down at her hands and tries to bring back that energy that she used to save her mom from the bad guy. She tries for a while, and just barely manages to coat one of her fingers in the energy. It seems her emotions managed to break the barrier that stopped her quirk from awakening. She also notices something kind of… strange about her hands.

The tips of her fingers changed color a little bit. They look a little more metallic in color. Kasumi, being a metal nerd, notices that her fingers look a little bit like copper!

She licks her finger,

"Yep, that's skin alright."

'Guess my hands aren't ACTUALLY made of copper.'

She puts her hand out in front of her mom's face in the front seat.

"Mom, look at my fingers."

Her mom takes her hand and looks at her fingers.

"Well, let's hope this is because of your quirk."

Kasumi sits back down and buckles back up. The rest of the time in the car she was summoning that energy over and over again trying to get better at it.

Eventually, they get to the doctors office.

Kasumi is taken to a room where an old woman is waiting for her. The woman takes a device from the counter and wraps it around Kasumi's arm.

"Alright dearie, now I need you to trigger your quirk so the machine can name and measure it."

Kasumi nods her head and tries activating her quirk. The screen the doctor and Kasumi are looking at show numbers going up slowly.



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The doctor and Zuri's eyes widen as the number goes past 50, and their mouths nearly hits the floor as it passes 200. She looks at Kasumi and notices her confused look.

"Ahem, sorry about that dearie."

The doctor takes the device off her arm and sits in front of her as the computer comes up with a name for her quirk.

"So, the reason me and your mother are so shocked is because normally, children with newly awakened quirks start off with around a 10-30 power level. Children born from two powerful quirks can be anywhere from 50-100, and children who have awoken two quirks of their own can have anywhere from 100-200. In order to register as a pro hero, you must have a power level of 300 at the least. In other words, you're already almost as strong as a pro hero."

Kasumi feels as if she's been struck by lightning.

'I-I'm strong? Already? But then… I CAN SAVE PEOPLE?!'

Kasumi gets stars in her eyes and drifts off into her own world.

Her father, who the author forg-… who has no idea what power levels mean just kind of looks at the doctor before saying,

"So, my daughter is about as strong as a weak pro hero?"

"Indeed she is, sir."

He nods his head and smiles slightly, thinking that his daughter's future is solid as stone.

'She'll go to UA, become a disaster hero, and make buckets of money.'


"Oh, the machine came up with a name for it!"

[Mystic Hands: A combination of two quirks relating to hands. The first one covers the user's hand in a mystical energy and allows them to send it out at range. The second is a physical quirk that makes the user's hands change in color to metals. The user's hands also gain the hardness of said metals.]

"Oh my! Seems like you've got quite the pack of quirks huh! The last time I saw someone with two quirks it was a little boy with a fire and ice quirk. Though, his father was rather rude."

Kasumi and her father both ignored this statement, being locked inside their own minds. Zuri thanked the doctor for their time and woke them both up with a clap in front of their faces. As they pack back into the van and head towards the restaurant, Kasumi notices that same figure jumping around the city. They arrive at Kasumi's favorite restaurant: Uncle Ushida's Steakhouse. The place looks like a log cabin on the inside and has several "American" decorations inside.

Uncle Ushida's prized possession is a picture taken of him and former #1 Hero Nana Shimura.

Kasumi ordered a 12 oz steak and ate all of it, even though it was about as big as her stomach. She also had some thick cut fries, but she only ate about four of them. Zuri finished the rest of them. Uncle Ushida came out with a slice of cake suddenly, surprising Kasumi. His balding head, beer gut, and wide goofy smile painted the picture of a jolly old man.

"I heard from a lil' birdie that someone just got their quirk appraised. Congratulations lil' girl!"

It was a little slice of cake on a plate with "Cunglatuation" written in english.

Kasumi gives a pained smile and thanks the man before struggling down a bite of cake. She feels like she'll burst if she eats a single bite more. Zuri instead, finishes the cake "for her".

On the way home, Makoto and Zuri talk to each other while Kasumi sleeps in her booster seat.

"Makoto, you know her. She's not going to want to be a disaster hero. She's going to fight villains all her life. Sure, she might help during disasters, but she's not going to specifically help with that."

Makoto nods his head and sighs,

"Haaaah, I know. But a dad can hope, can't he? I just hope that whatever she does in her life, she stays the ray of sunshine she is today."

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