Myth of a Fallen Angel

Chapter 2: Ch-2 Searching for a bug.

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I used to spent day and night awake.

After my mother and sister death, I couldn't sleep, even if I was tired. It took me a while to got used to the feeling of being sleepless.

When my father took me in his care, I started losing my humanity as the experiments in their laboratory continued, I am nothing but a tool for them, and I can't even complain or rebel because I deserve it.

Demons are the biggest concern of today humanity, and my task is not to only destroy them but turn them into weapons.

Humanity doesn't know what they are or where they came from, or even if it is appropriated to call them 'demons'. But they know for sure that angels, a species recently discovered, are the biggest weapon against them.

Angels have the power to drain any type of life form vitality and transform it into energy. Since demons possess an incredible large quantity of vitality, an enormous quantity can be extracted.

This is the reason of my existence, to be an unlimited energy source, nothing more and nothing else.

After the experiment was successful, I became an angel and my first task was to find a Tetracapsuloides, a demon parasite, hiding into this school.

Due to its intelligent nature, the government could only track its general position, my job now is to find it and consume it.

After that I will ask father to let me see again that beautiful open field which a visited with my mother as a reward and then, before he knows, kill myself.

So that I can pay for my sins

So that I can escape from this body that is no longer mine and finally rest in peace.


It's been one day since I started my 'school life'

I've been looking around since morning, but still I haven't found any trace of the creature. I'm trying to sense any place with a huge ratio of vitality, normally it should be easy to find, after all demons have an enormous quantity, but I can't find anything at all.

It also does not help that the school is really huge. It is a lot bigger than I expected, there's so much space that I feel like I'm lost. Moreover, me being an angel gather so much attention, so I have people looking at me a lot.

The general public does not know angel's abilities, and the government is trying to keep it hidden, so I cannot act suspicious. So every time someone wants to talk to me, I had to go through the stupid protocol of putting a forced smile and being friendly.

This is a double-edged sword, on one hand I can get closer to people to check them and on the other hand I lose a lot of precious time.

This demon is a parasite type, so it might have taken a guest, but it is also possible for it to be hiding.

Moreover, it can control the quantity of vitality that it emits in his base form and is also highly intelligent, so it's really probable that it thought it has more probabilities of survival not taking a body.

This will be annoying.

"Hey! Luzbel!" A girl shouts.

She is one of the girls from my class, what does she want?

"Leina, do you need anything?" Luckily, I remember her name.

"It's time to eat, do you want to come with me and some friends to the cafeteria"

"Sure, I don't know the place yet, so it would be nice to have someone with me."

Since I can't find anything, I should first search the students and then the area.


Tsk, why did they find the need to implant in my head this stupid voice, if you want to control me that much just put me in a prison.

As we walk through the corridors, I look at Leina's face, she seems to be enjoying the attention we get while walking.

In no time we reach the cafeteria, it looks massive and well decorated, it also smells good.

After ordering food, we go to a table with 7 people, 2 males and 5 females, they are all human. Speaking of human, I'm yet to find any non-human species, I wonder where they are.

Well there is one part of the building I haven't visited yet, so they should be there.

"Hey, welcome to our little group. My name is Fahn, and these are my friends, nice to meet you." A guy with an aura that screams 'rich' says.

"I'm Luzbel, nice to meet you all."

"That's a pretty weird name" Another girl said, "What does it mean?"

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"Nothing special, it's just the name I was given by my parents."

The others continue talking about random things, I try to engage in the conversation at the same time I focus on the vitality around.

My job is to find the creature, so I can't afford to let my guard down.

I need to find it as fast as I can.


....these people suck.

At the beginning they seemed like a normal group of friends, but after the awkward introductory ambience they started showing their true colours.

The whole conversation has been them talking trash about other students + being racist against demi-humans.

I hate rich people...

"Hey Luzbel, let's play chess, I'll bet 100 mil that I will beat you."

"Sorry, but you're going to lose" I say with a joke tone.

"Loser pays the winner the money, deal?"


If I lose, the government will pay anyway.

A few minutes later, I already won...twice.

"How did you do that!?" The guy asks with a frustrated voice.

He is obviously not used to losing.

"Do what?"

"Did you cheat?"

"Mmm...I would like to speak to my lawyer before testifying"

The people around us laugh, but the boy gets more irritated.

It doesn't seem that the demon is infecting them, and It's really annoying to play this character, so I should probably get going.

While I'm thinking about where to go next, I notice that the group is looking at me.

"Do you need something?"

Leina looks at me and puts a serious face.

"I have seen you talking with Nerissa yesterday, I just wanted you to be careful around her"


Leonardo approaches me and say to my ear.

"I think she has a monster with her"

Oh? This might be interesting.

"Why do you think so?"

"It's hard to explain, but...believe me alright..."

So sus...

Whatever, I don't lose anything investigating it.

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