Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 12: Kouta receives some fatherly advice

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Having hung up the phone after receiving Senpai’s worldly advice, I realize I forgot to ask him about that situation.

Yes, that one.

The matter of Nakada-san and my father.

I decided to take what I understood from senpai’s heartfelt monologue, and just accept that it happened.  Maybe if she knew that it was my father, she wouldn’t have done it with him.  Based on her reaction to seeing me at senpai’s, it was pretty clear she could have recognized me if I was seen by her properly that night, so maybe she didn’t actually see me at all.  Maybe there was some other reason behind her smirk?

I try to let it go.

It happened, but it’s in the past now, right?


Kouta, gaman.

I reach for the phone and I send a text to Nakada-san.

[To Nakada Shi-chan

I just wanted to say I enjoyed the date today.  I am thinking of you right now, and I am happy.  I just wanted to let you know.]

ping!  Sent.

I decide to just relax for the night, so I find one of the old manga I have that Nakada-san said she liked.  

[The Reincarnated Villainess Takes A Commoner As A Lover ~True Love Knows No Bounds~]

Somehow when I read the title, I feel like it’s the entire story already, and I don’t need to actually read the story itself.   Who started this naming trend, anyway?

Some of the story is really cute, after all.  The female lead pretends to be a bitch, but she’s really actually pure inside.

I’d like to see a Nakada-san like that.


[Nakada Shi-chan (1)

Kouta <3

I had a lot of fun too.  I was going to fool around, but somehow I’m okay for now.  I’m at home, and having dinner now with Mama.  She’s interested in meeting with you.

Is there something you want to do tomorrow?]

I wonder.  I have the thought of where I’d like to go to allow Nakada-san to be a bit frivolous, while keeping the ambience of a nice date.

[To Nakada Shi-chan

How about an Aquarium date?  We can go at noon.]



[Nakada Shi-chan (1)

Aquarium?  Okay, I’ve never been to one.  I was supposed to go to one on a school trip, but I was sick that day.

I’m looking forward to it!]

And the date is now set.  There are parts of the aquarium that are pretty dim, so Nakada-san can get away with being feely with me.  I think I’ll do a bit of that with her as well.

I will keep the date proper, but get closer to her as well, bit by bit.

Maybe, we will be ready to do that by the time my birthday rolls around.

Will my experience with her be like Senpai’s was with Kimiko?

Somehow, it’s nervously exciting!

knock knock.

The door to my room opens.

“Oi, Kouta, I brought some food. Come eat.”

My father came home early.

“Un.  I’ll be down in a bit.”

He leaves.

This is the first interaction with him since that night.  Honestly, I’m a bit tense.  Even though I see him in a different light right now, my father is essentially still my father.   He’s taken care of me since I was born, and has done his best to raise me well.  Even with mom gone half of the year, dad still works at a black company to provide, and when he has time, he looks in on me.

Is it really fair that I treat him so poorly?

I save my project files, and head downstairs.

My father is downstairs and sitting at the table, there are a number of plastic containers containing food.

“I splurged a bit.  It’s premium sushi tonight.”

“Ah.  It looks good.”

I take a seat across from him and we ate quietly for a bit before my father asked how things have been with me.

“Have you completed your summer studies already?”

“Aa.  I’m mostly done already.”

“That’s good.”

“Have you seen Kana lately?”

“Nee-chan hasn’t been by.”

“Guess she’s caught up in her internship.”

The conversation is a bit muted between us.

“How about you, anything interesting happen?”

The loaded question appeared.

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I wonder if I should tell him I’m seeing Nakada-san.

“I should ask the same to you.”


“Dad… the other night… there was  an extra pair of shoes…”

Silence.  Father looks at me, his eyes are a bit wider than usual.

“Un.  Sorry you had to see that.”

He admits it, apologetically.  Are you sorry you got caught?

“Naa, Kouta…  you are old enough to understand, right?”

“It depends on what I need to understand.  I understand mom is gone for long periods of time. But I want to know if this will affect things…”

Dad finishes chewing his food, and takes a sip of beer.

“You are wondering if Kaa-san and I will divorce because of…?”

“Something like that.”

“Haah.   Kouta, It’s not something I do with any regularity.  Our marriage is not open, and we work really hard at it when we have time to be together.

You know that place works me to death, but what can I do?

I happened to meet someone that night, and it quickly became like that. 

I didn’t even know her name.”

“Isn’t that somehow worse?”

“Mm.  Maybe.  But I think it’s for the better.  If I don’t know her, I can’t develop feelings for her, right?

It was just a physical thing that happened.  

In case you are wondering, I told Kaa-san about it.  She didn’t forgive me, but I also didn’t ask her to.

It’s entirely possible she’s done the same.

It’s better not to know, but your mother and I do love each other, so I’m sure we’ll manage through this.  I wouldn’t worry too much.”

Dad told mom about it?

I wonder how mom took it?

Did she get that cold feeling in her chest like I did.  Did she cry after dad hung up the phone?

“Speaking of your mother.  She’ll be back the day after your birthday.  If you want any souvenir from america, send her a message.”

“Will do.”

I expected the encounter with my father to be far more hostile.  I want to prod a bit further.

“Dad…  do you regret doing that?  With that woman?”

“Maa.  If you really want to know… I did my best to pretend it was Reiko.  Kouta.  Having a regret means you hold on to it.  This was something transient that has passed.  That’s all it was.”

I see.  Dad was just weak.

Somehow, I wonder how Nakada-san would feel knowing that she was a transient thing?

I won’t tell her, of course.  I will put the whole thing behind me.

“I see.   Then to answer your question dad.  I recently started dating someone.”

“Oh! Kouta is finally becoming a man, huh?  You treating her well, son?

“I think so.  We’ve only just gone out on our first date earlier today.”

“Well congratulations.  Well, I might not be good in your eyes right now, but I’m not a hypocrite either.  If you want to do that kind of stuff, it’s fine to bring her to your room.  I’m hardly home half the time anyway, and it’s more cost effective than visiting a love hotel.”

Trying to be a good guy now?

Hm.  Do I really have a reason to hold a grudge still?

“I don’t think that will happen.  I’m thinking about looking for a place…”

“You want to move out?“  Dad reacted a bit louder than I expected.

“I’ve been entertaining the idea.  I’m keeping my grades up, and I’ve been making money working on those games…  I was just thinking about being a bit more independent.”

“Hahh~ I see.”  Dad was nursing his beer, and then just munched on a big piece of Tuna.

“Seems a waste to have an empty house so soon.  But I guess time went by so fast, I missed you growing up to this point already.”

“It’s fine dad.  You and Onee-chan did your best with me.”

Dinner was over by this point, so since dad brought the food, I did the cleanup.

“Then let me give you one last advice before you grow up too fast.”

He walks over to me and put his hand on my head, ruffling it like he always has since I was a little boy.

“Kouta.  If you aren’t prepared to water the flowers, don’t plant the seeds.”

Is that a euphamism?

“You understand, right?”


“Good.  Well, I’m going to take a nap, it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten off early, and could use a solid night’s sleep.”

“Alright.  Thanks for the food dad.”

All that was left behind on the table were two empty cans of beer, a necktie, and some feeling I couldn’t put into words.

“Shitty old man.”

I said it in a low voice, only because I wanted to.  Whether it was my real feelings at the time, or that I wanted to be angrier at him… at the man who admitted to being weak... at the man who I expected to be stronger…

The only thing I was sure of, was that I was unsatisfied.  I was so very unsatisfied with how it went.

Maybe I’m in that rebellious phase?

(Secret 12:  Despite not being from Osaka, Kouta and his father are huge Hanshin Tigers fans.  One of his best memories is going to a game with his father when he was in middle school.)

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