Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 14: Kouta gets (Shi-chan) wet

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The train we had boarded wasn’t crowded, but there were no seats, so I found myself facing the ultra-cute Nakada-san in angel form, and performing a soft kabe don* onto the door to the train, as I occupied her entire personal space.

(*Hand on the wall/blocking with body kind of situation, often seen as romantic)

Nakada-san herself, was giving me a different kind of smile.  Something shy and coy.  I held on to one hand, but her other hand, which usually she would fidget with, or have occupied from time to time with her smartphone, was instead twirling the ends of her hair with her index finger.

I wanted a photo of this Nakada-san too.  I wanted to preserve this moment of cuteness forever.

“Kouta, I… want to hand you something.  You absolutely can’t touch it until we get to the aquarium though.  O-okay?”

I nod.  

She hands me a device, it’s on a key-ring with a cute little metal lion medallion.  It’s small and plastic, and looks similar to one of those wireless keys that opens a car door.

“What is it?” I ask, curious.

“GPS.” she replies.  “A special one.”

I place it in my pants pocket, and she places a hand on her chest.

“I’m kind of nervous and excited already.  I’ve never been to the aquarium before.  Do you think there’s an exhibit where we can pet turtles?”


“Un.  I’m pretty sure they have a petting area. I don’t know if they have turtles, but I know there are cephalopods there.”

“That sounds nice.  I never got to go when I was younger, so I hope Kouta can show me what I’ve been missing.”

“Un.  Shi-chan can leave it to me.”

I feel confident that I can show her all the fun sights at the aquarium.

We only needed to reach the fifth stop before we disembarked from the train.  We headed up to the street level while holding hands, and the first thing I noticed was a small growl coming from somewhere.

“Ah, excuse me.  I forgot to eat breakfast, because I was getting ready.”

Since she looked so cute, I can understand that it probably took her a lot of time to pick out the right outfit or put on makeup.  Although it didn’t look like she had on much makeup this time.  Just some peach colored lipstick.

“Would you like to eat something first?”

“Un.  How about that?” 

She pointed at a takoyaki stand.


“That would be enough for now.”

“Sure thing.”

We walk over to the stand, and she orders a medium size with extra condiments.

Her takoyaki are covered in mayonnaise and aonori, like a grassy snowball.

She eats them in small bites, which is a contrast to how she tackled that choco-banana.

“Kouta.  Ahn~”

Eh?  Is this it?  The legendary ‘girlfriend gives me a bite of her food’ scenario?

I open wide, and she deftly inserts only half of the skewered ball into my mouth.


I take a bite and my mouth is flooded with the flavor of takoyaki, and more worcester sauce than mayonnaise.  She pulls the skewer back, and then proceeds to take a few small and cute bites of the rest of it, which was almost entirely coated in mayonnaise.

It was cute, but strange.

Ah, there’s a little bit of mayonnaise on the side of her mouth.  Let me get that for you.

I lean in to kiss it off, and instead she tilts her head so I am looking at her instead.

Her eyes are as golden as ever, but they don’t seem to have that mischievous twinkle in them right now.

“Kouta, what are you doing?”

She asks me with a straight face, devoid of the usual malicious smile.

“I was going to just.. ah.. help you clean up the mayonnaise… on your lip…?”

She sticks her tongue out a little bit, and sweeps around her lips with it.  So much for a teasing kiss.

“Ah.. yes.. you got it.”

She goes back to eating slowly.

Is this some kind of act she’s putting on?

I get no more bites, just that one salty one.

I feel salty now.

I want to kiss her, but after she ate, all we do is go back to holding hands again.  Our fingers don’t even twine together. She isn’t even leaning into my arm like yesterday, either.  Just standing a bit away, and walking quietly with me.

In truth, this is the Nakada-san I had imagined before everything began.

A soft spoken, shy, Nakada-san.

There’s no whirlwind of energy, no propositioning my chastity, no excessive body contact.

Just a lovely Nakada-san, who is acting defensively, like an innocent maiden, who’s never been around a boy.

I feel like the compatibility with what I had planned isn’t going to mesh well, all of a sudden.

We only needed to walk a block, before we came to the aquarium.

I had purchased the tickets online, so I only needed to show my phone and we were let inside.

There were many hallways which were formed from the various aquatic environments.  So as we walked along a fixed path, we saw all kinds of fish swimming around us.  The lighting above us was dimmed somewhat, and it allowed us to see further behind the glass where the fish swam.

“It’s Kurage-san!”

She suddenly pointed at the jellyfish which was floating just above eye level.

She stepped closer to the glass wall, but didn’t touch it.  She just smiled and bobbed her head in sync to the jellyfish’s pulsing movement.

“Does Shi-chan like jellyfish?”

“Yes.  I think they are pretty.”

The jellyfish itself was dark blue, but semi-transparent.  It almost looked like you could see stars inside of it.

“Kouta, will you take a picture of me and Kurage-san?”

I pull out my smartphone quickly, and she puts a hand out above her, like she’s holding it from just below.


Cuteness captured!

“Make sure to send that to me.”

“Sure thing.”

There are many things she sees that she reacts to happily.


A very large rainbow colored fish.

A school of small sardines which move around in interesting patterns.

Each time I am made to take her picture with them.

All the while, the neutral face she had from earlier is replaced by a brighter one.

We get to the end of one hallway, where there are only one or two people, and she tugs on my sleeve.

“Kouta.  That thing I gave you… can you press the green button once?”

I reach into my pocket and take the keyring out.  I see there are three buttons.  A green one with a plus on the left, a button with a power icon in the middle, and a red one with a minus on the right.

I press the green button once.


She makes a small sound.

“That’s fine, please put it away.”

I don’t know what the purpose of that was, but I look at the little metal lion emblem, and furrow my brow for a moment.

“Does Shi-chan like lions?”

“Un.  It’s because of my name, the first half is the same Shi* as in Shishiou*”

“I wondered about that.”

“Kouta doesn’t know my surname?”

“Eh?  No…  When we were being introduced… well, it was missed.”

“You’ve been calling me Shi-chan all this time though?”

“Well, that’s what Kii-chan called you, and what even you had me call you?”

“Shiori.  My name is Nakada Shiori.”


“No.  Shi-chan if you want, but if you want to call me intimately, just Shiori, no honorifics, please.”

“Alright then… Shiori.”


Her name is Shiori?  Why did I never know that?  In school though, no one ever called her anything other than Nakada-san, and I never looked into it myself, either.

“Shiori already knows my name.”

I say, unable to reciprocate.

“Kawamura Kouta.  Why wouldn’t I know the name of my lover?”

Ah it feels nice to hear her say that~

“Well, we aren’t lovers just yet though.”

I see her eyes flicker for a moment when I say that.

“But it feels like we are, right?”

“In a way.  I definitely love Shi-chan.”

“And I l-love Kouta.”

She stuttered.

Is something wrong?

She holds onto me with both hands, one on my shoulder and one on my chest as she makes a strange face for a moment.

She take a couple breaths, then lets go of me.

“Shall we move on?”

We hold hands again, and this time we lock fingers again.

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I would say the date is going well, but it looks like Nakada-san is having a hard time keeping in character.  I hope she is okay.

After some more pictures with various sea life, we find the habitat with large turtles swimming about.


She quickly runs up to the glass, and gently touches it as she pushes her face as close as possible to it.

She seems to like turtles a lot.

“Kouta, take a bunch of pictures, okay?”

She makes a few cute poses with the turtles in the background.

After she gets her fill of looking at them, we pass the end of the hallway, and reach an atrium where the paths split into different directions.

She points to the sign that says “Petting room.”

We walk along that path until we reach halfway, and she stops me again.

“Kouta.  Can you press the green button once more?”

I do so.

I take the chance to look into her golden eyes that seem to almost glow in the dim lighting.

She is looking at me too, and her face is turning a bit red.

Is she feeling embarrassed for some reason by me gazing at her?

I try and lean forward to initiate a kiss, but she leans back a little.


“Is there a problem?”

“No.  I was just going to kiss you.”

“A kiss… okay.  I’m sorry, I’m a bit distracted. “

“That’s fine.  Do you not want to?”

“No, it’s fine, please kiss me.”

I put my lips on hers, and instead of the violent tongue thrusting, it’s more of a series of soft lip-on-lip kissing.  There was no tongue being used.

That was kind of nice in itself.

I don’t push it though, and since she is keeping it a bit reserved for some reason, I keep with the flow, and stop after a bit.

She squeezes my hand a bit, and I can see her chest move a bit from a few larger breaths she is taking.

“That was nice, Kouta.”

It was nice.  It was a bit sensual, actually.  Whatever she is doing, it’s working in an entirely different way.

We continue on towards the petting area, and we reach an open space with a bunch of open top tanks that are just above knee height.

There are five tanks.  She immediately finds the one with baby turtles.

“Kouta, come here!”

She had sauntered over quickly, then waved at me.

I go stand next to here, and watch as she scoops up a tiny one, and it rest on the palm of her hand.  She runs a finger over it’s soft shell, and makes a cute sound.

“Uwaah~  Tortoise-akachan is so tiny <3”

I’m jealous of the turtle for some reason.  But the smile she has now is complete, and it is infectious.

She pokes it, trying to get it to move, and plays with it a bunch before returning it to the water.

Afterwards, we look at a few of the other tanks, but the only other one she is interested in is the cephalopod tank.

“It’s Tako-san!”

She puts her hand in the tank carefully near one of the little octopi, and it explores her fingers by rubbing it’s tentacles on them.

“Ehehe~ It’s soft and slimy!”

She has fun playing with it, and I even join in too, putting my hand in as well, though it seems the many Tako-san there don’t want to play with me.

Tentacle play is better when women are involved anyway.  Who wants to see it with a guy?

I don’t feel bad I was left alone, but the date I feel is going swimmingly.

She has her fill, and we find our way back to the atrium.

Again she tugs on my sleeve.

“Kouta.  Can we find a more private spot?”  


We see a sign that says ‘rest area.’ and so we head in that direction.

The room has a number of places to sit, but it’s early in the day, and there weren’t too many people around as it was, so we are alone.

She finds a long space, and sit down, she points to the spot next to her, and beckons me to sit.

“Kouta.  Can you press that button one last time? But this time hold on to it.”

I loop my finger into the keyring and pull it out of my pocket.

I press the green button then see her eyes open wide.

“Ah.  Kouta.  Lap pillow?”

Her face looks like it’s not sure if it’s unhappy or not, but she pats her hands on her thighs, and I’m not about to refuse a lap pillow half-time.

I lay my head down, and see her looking straight ahead.  Her face is completely flush, so I go to rise up, but her hand is on my chest and she’s pushing me back down.

“Kou...ta… D..don’t move.”

Something’s up.

Actually, with my head on her lap, I hear a strange sound.  It’s like a dull noise, like an electric toothbrush.

She starts breathing really heavily, and grabs my hair with one hand, and digs into my shoulder with the fingers on the other.

She’s leaning forward a bit, and the scenic mountains fall towards me.

“Nnh.  Nnh.. ggghh… “

She’s making noises while sounding winded, though they are quiet sounding.

“K.. Kou...ta.   W..will you listen…”


“Ah<3… ah, um… listen to me… come?”

What the fuck?

She leans forward, and suddenly I’m being gripped painfully in the arm, and the fistful of hair she’s holding on to is being tugged hard.

“Nfu.. ngu… Kouta… coming… Kouta… coming… Kouta… list...anh~~<3”

I reach up with my other hand, and put my hand over her mouth, trying to muffle it.

She’s still repeating it, ‘Kouta, coming’ over and over.  I can feel her legs spasming, and I hear what she’s saying has changed.


She lets go of my shoulder and reaches down toward the keyring I have my finger in the loop of.

I finally manage to put it together, and I hit the red button and power button a bunch of times.

All at once, she lets out a hard moan, and slumps down, my hand comes loose from her face, and I am suddenly buried in a faceful of breasts.

She’s just panting now.

I move my head slightly to face her zone, and I can feel a warmth coming from there.

Are you kidding me?  Here?  At the aquarium?  In public?

One ecchi thing.  I gave her permission for one ecchi thing.

But the whole date so far was the ecchi thing!

What is with this girl.

She played the demure maiden but she’s still that Nakada-san.

“Ehehe~  Kouta... heard me... this time!”

My face is red, both in pain and absolute amazement that she could pull this off with me be being so clueless.

I didn’t know what the button did.

In retrospect I should have thought it being a GPS was pretty weird.  But I was distracted with how cute she was looking.

I got baited hard.

It took a couple of minutes for her to regain her composure, but then she lifted me up from the lap pillow, and leaned down to meet me.

We locked lips, and enjoyed a soft kiss with some light tongue.  She still wasn’t as forceful as before, but it was incredible.

When she was done, I fell back onto her lap, and she gave me a nice smile.

“Gochisousama Deshita.”

Ah, I was devoured completely by her pace this time.

She run her fingers through my hair as she calms back down from her remote play.

“Kouta.  Say my name.”


“Kouta.  Say you love me.”

“I love Shiori.”

“I love Kouta<3.”  

Mm, it’s nice, but now a family of three has entered the rest area.  So, with courtesy to the other patrons, I get up from the lap pillow, and stand up.  Moving in front of Shi-chan, I extend a hand, and help her up.

She still only holds one hand, with fingers interlocked.  She doesn’t grab hold of my arm, and push herself into me.

That part of the act continues.

But we exit the rest area, back to the atrium.  The next stop is the gift shop.

"Let's buy a souvenir, before we leave!"

She browses the various trinkets they have for sale, before deciding on one…  no, two.

It’s a mascot-type character.  It’s a female turtle being felt up by an octopus.  It’s Kamecchi-chan!

Of course it is!

Wait... why was it in the kids section?

(Secret 14:   Kouta learned much later on, exactly how bad Shi-chan was at self-pleasure.)

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