Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 19: Kouta’s risk pays off!

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Almost every dish we ate had been snapped by Onee-chan.  She has a foodie blog with over 50,000 followers, so she never misses an opportunity to pad it with nice images.


Dad, Shi-chan, and I all enjoyed her cooking. She’s got endless experience, so it can only be seen as a win when Nee-chan comes home for dinner.


So, after listening to Onee-chan go on and on about all things food and fashion, we had managed to devour everything on the table.


Shi-chan volunteered to clear the table, but I wasn’t going to let her do it alone.


“Ah, it’s nice. The grown ups worked hard today.  Let’s let the kids take care of things.” Kanae had said that, despite it being Sunday, and both her and dad being off of work today.


“Dad, Let’s go watch some tv in the living room.”




Kanae dragged dad away, leaving Shi-chan and I to do the dishes alone together.


Though Shi-chan has kept up a friendly face up where she could, I could tell she had a bit of anxiety about the events which had just unfolded.


“Shi-chan.  Please let me apologize for nee-san.  I’m sorry I didn’t stop her from doing that, and even though I have a reason for why sh did, it’s probably not good enough for you to accept, so will you accept my apology instead?”


I filled the sink basin up, added some detergent, and began washing the bowls and plates.


“Kouta doesn’t need to apologize, rather, has Kouta been apologized enough to by Ryohei and Shi-chan?  

I was surprised about what Kanae-chan did, sure, but wasn’t that uncomfortable for Kouta to watch?”


“Maybe I’m properly traumatized by this point?” I hand over a soapy plate for Shi-chan to rinse and dry. “I mean, if it was dad who had done that just now, I probably would have hit him square in the face! 

…but nee-chan is another story...”


 Shi-chan took the plate and the extendable spray nozzle and rinsed the plate thoroughly.


“Nnn… Shi-chan, can I ask you something personal?”


“Kouta can ask me anything.”


“In your... past.  Have you ever… you know...  with another girl?”


Shi-chan puts the plate in the drying rack, then accepts another soapy one from me, while searching her thoughts.


“I guess?  I mean, if we aren’t talking about Kii-chan, then it wasn’t anything more than a little kissing and a bit of touching with one other girl, and it was only for a short time at that.  But I guess the answer to your question is yes?”


I look at her, and there doesn’t seem to be any disgust associated with that memory visible on her face.


“Did you dislike it?” I ask seriously


“Well, I like doing that kind of stuff anyway.  Kissing and… ”


“I like kissing Shi-chan too <3” I chime in to deflect what I don’t want to hear right now.


She squirts me with the extendable nozzle.


“Anh~ Watching shi-chan get her lips stolen by a girl has gotten me all wet <3”




I said it in a girly intonation, and it made Shi-chan laugh hard. It took a bit before she was able to go back to rinsing the dishes.


“Nee~ is that really something Kouta wants me to do?  Does he want to watch me kiss a girl?  There was that time with Nacchan, you know?  If that's what you wanted to see, all you had to do then was say yes…”


I shake my head and hand her a bowl this time.

“It’s not like that.  I mean… I’m a guy, so it's not like it’s not enjoyable to watch if something like that were to happen… But I’m just asking because… in order to get a place sooner rather than later… it might come with the condition that nee-chan has a place to crash at.”




“Kouta wants to get a place for his girlfriend and his sister?  E~ was that part about being a family wife not a joke?”


It’s not an incorrect assessment, but I think it warrants a discussion to understand why.


“Mm.  Is Kouta a sis-con?” She blurts out suddenly.


I drop the bowl I was washing back in the sink.


“Ah.  Um.  I don’t think it’s quite like that.   But let’s just say, Onee-chan and I.. have a unique relationship.”


“Oh, how unique?” She elbows me in the ribs.


“Unique to the point, that without her, I don’t think I would be together with you now.  

To have the courage to ask you the impossible, to ask you to be my woman, to hope that I can fall in love with you properly in spite of everything. All of my courage to do that came from nee-chan, after all.”


“All of it?”


“Maa… for the most part.”


“So if she told you to go to a hotel with me tonight…?”


“...then it would probably happen…”


Shi-chan and I finished washing the dishes in silence, but for some reason, she wasn’t looking too depressed.


“Kouta, let’s talk about this more, later tonight, okay?”


I nod, and we join Dad and Kanae in the living room.  Kanae of course is already working hard to get drunk.


“So, Kouta, tell us about Shi-chan here.” Onee-chan likes to know everything about anything.  Even when drunk, she’s calculating.


“Eh~ Well, I’m still learning about her too.  So I can’t answer a whole lot, but she is going into second year like me, and she’s already eighteen.  She likes video games, and playing with the turtle-san at the aquarium, and for some reason says that the only thing she can cook is spicy food.”


“That’s it?” Onee-chan seemed to expect to hear more


“Well the rest is kind of… private?  Also, I’ve only been on two dates with her, what do you expect me to say?”  


I am unwilling to reveal the level of ero and ecchi things Shi-chan is capable of doing, especially to these two.  Nor will I mention Shiho, and Dad’s past, nor that Shi-chan is Shiho’s daughter.


“Well, it’s not what I want you to say, but you seem pretty serious about a girl you can only tell me three personal things about.  I won’t count being in the same year as one.” Then, Nee-chan belts out a line drive towards Nakada-san. “Shi-chan.  What’s got you so into being with my little brother?”


And so I hear much the same story again.


“Kouta saved me after a bad thing happened some time ago.  I think without him, I might be much worse off then I am now.  I’ve been looking for him ever since, but it wasn’t until only recently fate decided to have us meet once more, so I’m unwilling to let go of him, or he might disappear once more, and then I’ll really be no good.”


Nee-chan nodded along.  Dad pretended to watch tv, but was properly listening too.


“Does Shi-chan think she is deserving of dating our Kouta?” Kana asks harshly, like an overprotective mother.


“Oi, nee-chan!”  I get upset now. 


Sometimes Onee-chan doesn’t realize she overdoes it.


“N~n.  It’s fine Kouta.” Shi-chan grabs my hand and squeezes it softly this time. “I absolutely think I’m undeserving a person to date Kouta.” she replies carefully.



“Kouta for some reason which I’ve yet to understand, wants to be with this no good Shi-chan.  I’ve even properly told him I’m no good, you know?  But still, he’s accepted me how I am, and even though I cause him trouble all the time, he is always kind to me, and says wants to get to know me better before he’ll let me sleep with him, and I don’t know what to do about it. I just know I won’t let him go. Shi-chan hasn’t been this happy in a long time, and it’s all because of Kouta.”


Shi-chan stands up, and bows.


“I know I’m undeserving, but please support my love with Kouta.”



“Like I already said Shi-chan… Welcome to the family.” Kanae says heartfully.




“Now that you are part of the family, you understand that there’s something which if you do, will be absolutely unforgivable, and will cause no end of animosity between us.” Kanae’s eyes narrow, and a hostile energy pervades the room suddenly.


Shi-chan seemed petrified.  Nee-chan sounded like an absolute ice queen.


“...right dad?”


Dad too suddenly seems to radiate the aura of a Maou.

“Aa.  If we are talking about that, then there is no question.  Even Kouta won’t argue that it’s no good if Shi-chan doesn’t join together with us when the time comes.


Shi-chan just looks at me bewildered.


“It’s true… it might be hard to call you my woman after all, if you are going to be difficult about doing it together with us at that time.” My aura also flares up, hostile to all enemies of ours.


“K-kouta?  W...with all of you… do it?”


Shi-chan seemed surprised.


I nod agreeingly. 


“Yes.  This is something long agreed upon by dad, kanae, and I.  If you can’t do it together with all of us, then I can’t really see a future ahead of us.” I tell her.


“No future…?” Shi-chan’s reaction was one of near terror, so I tell her how it really is.


"Un. There can be no future if you ever support a team other than the Hanshin Tigers.”


“You tell her Kouta! Go Tigers!” Kanae shouts.


“Ouh! Tigers are number one!” Dad grunts out as well.


Dad and Kana knock their beer cans together.


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I just give the stunned Shi-chan’s head a pat.


Shi-chan can only shout in silent frustration.


...since she was no longer able to be a Ravens* fan.

------- Later in Kouta’s Room. -------


It’s about 10:30pm.  Kana and Dad stayed up until almost 10pm, before being super drunk and stumbling to their respective rooms to sleep for the night.


I too am tired, since I have to visit the office that senpai works at tomorrow to hand in work I’ve done, and receive new work in return.  So I do need to get to sleep reasonably soon.


When we enter in my room, Nakada-san closes the door and locks it behind her.


“Nee~ Kouta.”  She begins to strip down in front of me.


She’s equipped with only the strongest of armor, for the final boss.


It is the so-called midnight armor.


Bra and Panty.with Ribbon


“Feel free to look all you want, Kouta.  But, do you perhaps have any pajamas I can use for tonight?  I don’t want to wrinkle my clothes more than they already are, until I can get some new ones, or do laundry.”


I stare for a moment, because if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to call myself a man.  But I also go to my closet and pull out what I have.


It’s a set of magical girl pajamas.


As for why I have them?  I won’t say.


“Here, these should fit you.”


I hand them over.


She slips them on, and the gorgeous gyaru is now a magical gyaru*


It’s a holy scene.

She then folds her old clothes, and sets them down on an empty spot on top of my computer table, then tugs my arm and pulls me towards the bed.


We get there, then she starts trying to undress me.




Is she trying to seduce me again, after all of this?


“Kouta.  I’m not asking you to.  I just want some closeness tonight.  Okay?


It’s our first night sleeping together.  I want to feel Kouta’s warm body next to mine.  


That much should be okay with Kouta, right?”

It should be okay, right?  This is how you go from 2d to 3d.  It’s a slow and gradual process.  We become comfortable with each other slowly, and then when it happens, it’s natural.  


It doesn’t help that I’m nervous and self-conscious about it.  It’s a girl seeing my body.  How many has she seen before mine?  How do I stack up?  I’m very self-conscious about my averageness.  I mean, sure in manga or anime it’s a trait that has no real negative qualities… but what if one day, she wants someone more attractive?  Nakada-san is a real beauty, it’s no lie, so should she want to, it would be as easy as taking a breath to dump me and find an ikemen who would happily fill my role, and probably be better suited to her too.


It’s embarrassing for me, but Nakada-san seems to be able to remove my clothes with a practiced ease.


It’s kind of difficult to accept.


All that remains is my boxers, and my lacking figure.


“Sorry.”  I apologize for my unattractive body.  The most exercise I do is Anitore* twice a week after all.


She puts a hand on my chest and I can feel her hand is a bit cool.


“Kouta is really warm!”


Am I?  I don’t feel any different, really.  Just nervous and excited a bit.


She then presses her body against mine as she embraces me, and I can feel her twin mountains push into me.  It’s somehow a wonderful feeling being transmitted between us.


She hooks her arms around my neck, and leans back, leading me into my bed.


We kiss for a while, and before long, she is straddling me.


“Kouta. I get to do one ecchi thing.”


It’s true, but isn’t that applicable to dates only?


She reaches into the pajamas, and does something.  Ah, it came out.


It’s her bra.


She then grabs my hands, and brings them underneath the top.


I cannot see them.  But I can feel them perfectly.  It is like two very soft mochi.


She stares at me with her golden eyes, and they have only a single geas within them.


That is the order to enjoy them.


And so I do.


With Nakada-san sitting atop me, my hands are fondling her breasts, and it is skinship between us.


She alternates between staring deeply at me, and leaning back, making an occasional cute noise.


I can feel my son rise.  I can feel her daughter taking a hot bath.


I’m doing something I never really believed could happen.


If I wanted to…. If I asked… she would let me… right?




She reaches down and covers my mouth.


“Don’t say anything.”


So I shut up.


“Roll them softly between your fingers.”


Eh?  Was this an instruction?


I was mostly massaging in a circle pattern, equally distributing grope pressure around the breast.


Anon #33 said that was the best way to feel good when massaging a breast, since a woman can feel it roil up the space below their abdomen.


I was following sound advice.


But I move each hand to the bean-like protrusion that was squishy and mostly flat just a few moments before.

I roll them softly between my fingers, and Nakada-san lets out a cute noise.


Then she leans down and gives me a passionate kiss.


Chupu<3 Chuchu~paku  Rero~Rero~


Ah, I am being invaded.


I will surrender, please do not send the little boy or the fat man.


I will explode another time.



I don’t know how we didn’t finish.


There was a stain on my boxers left by Shi-chan when it ended, and the pajamas were now somehow more magical than before.


She is my magical gyaru* shi-chan!


She used the power of LoveLove to capture the evil intention in my heart.


We lie side by side, and I am the little spoon this time.


Her no-bra pajamas press into my back, and I feel a jolt of electricity from my brain to my crotch.


I’ve never experienced something like that before.


I want to do more.


She will let me do more, right?


“Nee~ Kouta.  What we were talking about earlier… about your unique relationship to Kanae-san, will you tell me?”


About mine and Kanae’s relationship.


“It all started a year after I was born.  Kanae was six…”


(Secret 19:  Nakada-san wasn’t the least bit worried if one thing led to another that night.  She had found Kouta’s condoms earlier while rummaging through his room, and was prepared to keep him safe all night long should the timing become right.)

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