Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 23: -Special: Adventurous Housewife Kimiko

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-Kimiko’s PoV.  One monday morning.-

“Micchi~”  chu<3  “Micchi~ wake up darling, or you’ll be late for work.”

I shake this hopelessly lovesick fool, but he’s not responding.  At this rate, he might actually be late!

Hmph.  The it’s time for the super special wifey attack.

I get close to him and start nibbling his ear, while reaching lower to get the blood flowing.

Does Micchinpo-sama want to play~<3”

God that name is embarrassing!

But I feel a stirring, and it seems that is the case.

I climb on top of this lumpy guy, and work my magic.  Despite being asleep, a certain part is very awake.

“Micchi~” I shower him with kisses while I take advantage of him. “It’s time to rise and shine.”

I am doing all the work, but this has yet to ever fail to wake the beast.

Actually, after a bit of this kind of sneaky play, I’m getting turned on.

“Micchi~ are you really asleep?”

Hmph.  How dare he be asleep!  I’m really good down there!

I can feel his breathing change.  This fucker is definitely awake!  I should punish him!

I lift my butt up, but suddenly his two strong hands grip my waist.

“Ahn~ Anh~ Micchi~<3  You… woke.. up…<3”

“Kimiko, don’t get off…  I’m… about to…”

Hmph.  Already too much for you? 

Well it was nice the other night.  I finally got over the soreness.  I’ll let you do as you want today.  I want to make today special for you, anyway.

“Gh.  Gnh… Aaahhh...Urk.”

Mm <3.  I can feel him throbbing inside of me, and letting it out.  It’s big and pulsing and warm.  If he could have held on for a bit longer I would have been more satisfied.  But just seeing this fat lump so happy to be with this beautiful girl, it’s enough for me.

“Did you enjoy breakfast~ hubby<3?”

“Nn..” pant pant “Kimi-chuwan as breakfast is always the tastiest part of my morning!”

“Then here’s the dessert~<3”

I give him lots of kisses, until I can feel his tongue get tired.

“It’s time to get ready for work. “

“Ah, did I almost oversleep again?”

I see him reach for his phone on the nightstand.

It has no lock.  I can look at it anytime.

I wonder if I should unlock my own. 

It’s a trust level I’m working on.

Sometimes I don’t think it’s real.  Michio is a really sweet guy, and I’m a total slut.  I’m not ashamed of that, but I can understand that hoping to be married and treated like a blameless wife shouldn’t have been in my fortune.

Yet, somehow it was.

Somehow I fell in love with this guy, and it took my body and mind time to understand what my heart knew a long time before.

I don’t know if his love is real, but it feels real.  It feels warm, and secure.

I am a terrible wife.

I day drink, I curse a lot, I am a terrible cook, I even do laundry wrong.  In fact, the only thing I’m good at is what I just did.

I’m good at pleasing him sexually.

I also occasionally cater to his strange fetishes.

Michio likes me to cosplay.  I’ve been any number of characters… some we’ve gone all the way with, others he just wanted to see me dressed up as and take a few photos.

Recently, my little Kouhai from the circle has finally gotten a boyfriend, but unlike me having to discover the hard way it was Michio all along, she found him thanks to random chance.

Chance that I wanted to hook her up with someone stable, and chance that the kid was a Kouhai to Michio from work.

I try and support their love, by playing cupid to them both, but when it comes to my own love life, I feel that I can do more.

And so, that is my plan for today!

I send Michio off to work with a soft kiss on the cheek and a fistful of his cute butt, and begin my plan.  

The [Lovely Catwife Brings a Bento to Hubby at Work] plan.

The first thing is to make a bento.  It can’t be hard right?

In the kitchen is a rice cooker, so I start by preparing a cup of rice, and set it going.  It should be ready in twenty minutes.

Next is sides.  I check the fridge and pull out some vegetables and other stuff.

Then I open my phone and look for a tutorial on how to actually make one.

I slice some carrots into thin strips. Then I work on a weiner and try to make a little squid out of it.

Can I even call it squid-san?  It looks nothing like the picture I’m seeing.

Oh well.

I’m trying my best!

I stuffed in some pickled radish, and look for what else I need.

A boiled egg?  That will be another twenty minutes. Pass.

Oh, a scrambled egg blanket.  I think I can do that.

I heat up a pan on the stove and crack an egg into it.  Using a tutorial on the Tube, I stir it with some chopsticks until it’s like a fluffy yellow blanket.  Success!

Next I lay it gently over the rice.

I add a shot of ketchup and make a little cat face with ears and whiskers on the egg.  I’m no good with drawing letters like the girls at the chara cafe on the top floor of his job.

Maybe I should get a part time job there so I can learn how and also see him everyday?

But working sucks.  I like to drink after he leaves and watch television in my underwear.  Not doing a thing and being pampered, that’s the ideal life of a gyaru after all!

It took me a while, but it’s done!  

I’m a domestic goddess after all!

Next is ‘that.’

Yes, the costume.

From Nyan*Nyan Deluxe.

It’s Taiga-chan’s cosplay outfit.


What’s with this tail?  I don’t see a fastener, just a weird round end…?

Wait!  Oh hell no!  That big end is supposed to fit in my little end?

It’d destroy it!  I haven’t even let anyone use it before!  Not even Micchi… 

Do actual cosplayers use these!?

That’s a dangerous world…

Ok, let’s put the tail aside.

Next up is changing into the costume.

God this is so slutty.

Oh the gloves are soft nya~ I like these nya~

I practice cat punching, and beckoning in front of the long mirror in our bedroom.

Fuckin’ hell i’m cute!

Micchi~ you better appreciate what your beloved wife does for you!

The top is just that.  It covers the lower half of my breasts.  I wish they were bigger like Shi-chan’s.  But not all of us are blessed.

“Sorry Kocchi, but next time I’ll grope her tits a lot!”

Ok.  I have a long coat over everything which I can take off at the office before I do it, then get back home quickly and get drunk before I die of embarrassment.

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Why does he have to have such a weird hobby?

Okay, outfit... check! Oops, almost forgot the ears.   Now to go to see Micchi~

I exit the house, locking the door behind me.

I head towards the elevator and reach for the button when I realize I forgot the bento.

I go back and put the key in the door…

Damn it!  I forgot they were next to the bento!

What do I do?

Oh.  I left the balcony door unlocked.  I just need to see if one of the neighbors is home.  I can get across that way and into the house, probably.

I realize that I don’t actually know either of our neighbors… this might be a problem!

I knock on the door to the left of us, and receive no answer.

So, heading to the other side, knock, and after a few moments, a kid either an eighth or ninth year aged boy opens the door.

He looks like Kouta, except a bit sharper.  The dead giveaway is the face that could use a mask or a scrub, and a decent shave to get rid of that fuzzy thin neckbeard that’s trying to form.

That’s a huge turn-off, kid, let me tell you.

He just looks at me, and doesn’t say a word.

“Good morning neighbor-san.  I live in the apartment next door, I’m Miyajima.”

He looks me up and down. I know I’m suspicious damn it! 

“So, I was going to take a bento to my husband at work, but I left the house and locked it behind me, right?  Well, I forgot the bento, and the key to the apartment is right next to the bento on the kitchen counter.  I left the balcony door open, and I was wondering if I could come inside and cross over from your balcony, please?”

Yes.  That doesn’t sound suspicious at all.

The boy takes another appraising look at me, but then opens the door and lets me in.

“Thank you so much!”

I move to the balcony in this room, and open it, exiting to the outside.

There I can see the crossing, and the gap isn’t too far apart.  But once I get to the edge and can see the small gap that goes three floors down, I become scared.


The boy is standing at the balcony entrance, and is looking at me freeze up.

“Is Onee-san scared?”

Yes.  Very scared.  It looks easy on tv, but in real life it’s actually scary.

“Ah ha ha…” I slump my head. “Yes.  I’m sorry, I’ll find another way in.”

“I can do it, but… what’s my reward if I do?”

I can bribe him?  Sure!

“Kid, how’s your social life?” I ask him, a plan forming in my mind.

“Not the best.  I have a couple friends, but they are the kind that get bullied a lot.  I’m safe for now, but it’s probably only a matter of time.”

“I’ll fix that for you today if you can get my front door open.”

“I don’t see how?”

“Trust this Onee-san, okay?”

He looks at me with skeptical eyes, but he motions for me to step back.

The kid for whatever reason has a good sense of balance and manages to climb onto the thin railing, and jumps across easily onto our balcony.

He slides it open and points at me to go to the front door.

I hurry and exit his house, as he unlocks my door.

I go to the table, and see the bento and key.  Safe!

“Okay kid.  Come here.”

He walks over, and is standing near me.

I open the coat I’m wearing, showing the cat cosplay.

His jaw drops.

I unfasten the front clip and let the straps covering my breasts fall away.

“Thirty seconds.  You can stare at them or feel them gently with your hands… Go.”

I start counting backwards from 30.  It’s about a 22 count before the kid dares to reach for one.  He’s close, but can’t bring himself to touch.  I move closer to help the brave soul that was going to save my almost failed plan to make Micchi super happy! My breasts albeit small, are beautiful for their size.  This young boy is now palm deep in sexy housewife titty.

“...5...4...3...2...1… and done.”

I take a step back, and refasten the strap, and button the long coat.

“Now you know what a married woman’s breast looks and feels like.  Feel free and mention it when the cool kids talk about it.  It’ll get you in, no problem.  Also.  Use a face scrub and get rid of the fuzz.  It’ll help you look good enough for a girl to want to talk to you.”

I grab the bento.. and the key!  I usher the kid outside the apartment, and lock the door with the key properly this time.

The kid has finally closed his mouth, but he is a bit stunned.

I ruffle his hair and move to the elevator.

“Onee-san.   Thank you very much!”

I hear the boy call out to me with honesty.


The elevator door opens, and I am on my way to Micchi.

I safely board the train to akiba.  It takes about half an hour, and thankfully Micchi’s job is right next to the station.

I see the receptionist, Hiromi, and wave her down.

“I’m here to deliver a bento to my husband, Miyajima Michio.”

Hiromi is cute, hope she can find a husband soon.  She’s gotta be in her mid twenties already.

I’m lucky to have youth and good looks still.

She hits a buzzer and the door opens.

“I trust you know what office he is in?”

“Yup~  Thanks!”

I shed the coat, and show her the gravity of her mistake at just letting me through.

“Can you watch my coat for five minutes, please?” I wink at her.

With [Cat Gloves] on and [Nekomimi] on, Catwife Cosplay is ready to go!  (I won’t put that tail in! NEVER!)

I burst into the office and see Micchi and Kocchi standing next to each other.

Kocchi looks good in a business suit.

But the only one for me is Micchi <3

“Nyaa~ Bento for Dannya*-sama~” I say cutely in character.  I can see Micchi perk up immediately.

I move in a teasing catwalk over to him.

“Dannya-sama~ Catwife has arrived nya~ <3”

I throw my arms around his neck and lower him down so I can do the cutest thing.

I lick his cheek.

“I miss you nya~ can’t wait for you to come home later nya~  I want to you squeeze my tail lots nya~ <3”

I will never wear that tail though.

After the bento is delivered, I wave goodbye to both of those boys and saunter out.

In the lobby, I get a stare from Hiromi.

“It got me a man.” I say bluntly to her “If it works, it works.”  and I take my coat and put it back on.

Leaving the office, it’s another half hour home, a quick stop off at the seven nearby, and home to get tossed.

I’m such a good housewife.

One day, when Micchi is truly in love with me, I’ll tell him the truth.

I'm not as big a slut as he believes I am.  But a girl has to have some secrets, and if he can love me knowing it's so many... will he be happy knowing it's not really?

(Special Naughty Secret:  It took Shi-chan’s help, thirty minutes of patience, and a large bottle of lube to get the tail in.  Sex with Michio that night, was the best she ever had.)

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