Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 38: -Special: A flower next door.

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//Author:  Event takes place on a friday night when two certain delinquent lovers of an average boy had failed to check their alchohol intake, and passed out early that night after working hard playing house.//

-----PoV:  Yorugata Ruru-----

My name is Yorugata Ruru.  

Much as my name implies, my feelings come and go with the night. I was pursuing my passion as a writer, though it hasn’t been going well at all lately.

It just so happened this night was a particularly bad one for me.  I was ghostwriting for the firm that handled my inaugural work, “It Can’t Be XXX!!!.”

It was a story about my real life best friend, Ninomae Hiromi, whose name was changed as a matter of privacy. The main character she protrayed worked as a receptionist at a certain office building in Akiba that is home to many talented independent video game development studios.

She is the receptionist there.  Everyone feels bad for her that she can’t seem to get a man, but Hiromi has a secret. She’s the singular Idol of the entire workforce of the building… they just don’t know it.

It was a good start, and I made enough off of it to rent this place, and slack off a bit while I prepared my next work.

But, that wasn’t what was happening.

Monday was the deadline.  I needed to come up with at least 200 pages ready to be submitted for editing.

I had 4, and even those I was about to delete from the word processing app I was using.

I was at the end of my rope.

I didn’t even know what I was writing about.  I knew I wanted it to have the theme of [Love] but to be honest, I was quite lacking in that department.

Everything I knew about love, I had learned from Hiromi.

I had come from Osaka, to Tokyo, and when I found a room for rent initially, it was with Hiromi.

Rent was cheap, and I learned all about how it was in Tokyo, and how to have fun from Hiromi. I learned about how she lived her nightlife, and asked if I could write about it, since writing was a passion of mine.

She let me, but it came with a price.

For some parts I would be writing about, she insisted that I experience them myself.

And so that was how I got a part time job at a certain Chara Cafe on the top floor at the building she worked at.

However just as I finished my book, and had submitted it, Hiromi was talking about quitting her lifestyle.  Shortly after, we ended up vacating the shared apartment, and I ended up here, in a 1LDK.

Hiromi stayed in contact with me from time to time, but it seems she was after something, and it was enough for her to flip her whole life upside down to try and obtain it.

So, without my best friend in Tokyo to inspire me.  With my editor and manager ready to give up on me, with my clumsiness so even the Chara Cafe manager is just about ready to let me go, I have no options left but to give it my all to write a second book as good as the first.

But as for what about, I can’t come up with anything.  It’s really frustrating!

I suppose I should show what I’m talking about…

Status Open!


Name: Yorugata Ruru

Class:  Author

Age:  20


HP:  7/10    MP:  ?/?

STR: 8        AGI: 11

END: 10    WIS: 13

INT:  11    LUK: 8


Writing Ability:  4

Household Chores: 2

Studying:  6

Independence:  3

Exhibitionism: 5

Sexual Ability: 2 






BRA (HT Keeta & 2Lucky Print)

PANTIES (Lucky Mascot Limited Edition)


EMPTY PACK >Discard? (Y/n)


That’s pretty much how it is.

It’s been three hours since my last smoke, I’m mostly naked because I like to be, but it isn’t helping my creativity.  I’m down to my last 2,000 yen, and I have no idea how I’m going to make the deadline happen.

So I get on my knees and pray.

“Kami-sama.  We are all Tigers* fans in the end.  Our bonds are stronger than religion, and our faith in winning the pennant is unbending.  But times are tough, and I need inspiration.  My muse, KanaTora*, has been dark lately, and I am desperate to avoid having to return home, and be forced to take that miai.  You know the sign to send me.”

I prayed hard.  Surely Kami* heard my prayer.

With nothing left to do, I decided to open the sliding porch window, and let in some fresh air.

At that moment the breeze felt real nice over my skin, and so I stood outside, closed my eyes, and just let the cool night wind caress me.

When I opened my eyes.  I happened to look to the left, and there, on the porch of the apartment next to me, was a boy who looked barely legal, and absolutely average looking in every way.  He had on a Tigers* championship season hat, and was staring at my mostly naked body with an unmoving calm face like a noh mask.

And it didn’t feel unwelcome.

The thought should have been to be polite, and call out properly to him first.  But instead I found myself walking towards him, and he didn’t shift his view from me one bit.

“Hey boy, would you happen to have a smoke?”

I’m out after all.  It’s still a bit of a walk to a convenience store, and I’d have to put on clothes.  It’s too troublesome.  Since he’s young, I figure he’s got a parent inside who probably does, and I can at least beg one off of him.

He looks at me, and it only takes a moment for him to go inside, and return with a cold asahi beer, an ashtray, and a recently opened pack with a lighter.

What is this luck!?  My luck stat is the pits, after all!

Kami-sama.  I won’t forget this generosity.

“Thanks kid.” I say, and I take a seat next to him and fire one up.   I know I’m mostly naked, and he’s obviously staring, but it’s give and take at the moment.  It’s fine if he enjoys looking a bit more.

I also reach for the beer he put on the little outside table.  Oh shit it’s an ice cold beer too!

I pop the top and take a big gulp.



It burns the throat, but it’s super good! 

“Go, Tigers.” he says after a while. “We’re all deviants, aren’t we?”

He’s looking at me, but I get the feeling he is not undressing me the rest of the way with his eyes or his mind.  Whatever his thoughts are, they aren’t lewd ones of me.

“Kid, Like what you see?” I dare to ask.

I say it now, only because I never had the guys to say it to anyone else before.  I like the embarrassing, exciting feeling that comes with being seen like this, but not the actual dangerous risk.  I’m still a girl, and I’m afraid to be pushed down by the wrong type of person.

Thankfully he looks safe.

“Yes.  Those are the limited edition Lucky* panties aren’t they?   I’ve always dreamed about seeing them on my lover’s body.”


EEEEHHH!?  L-lover’s body?  B-bbb-but I’m wearing them?   Kamisama!?  Is this the plan!?  I’m to be this guy’s lover now!?

But the sign.. was there… Uwawawawa~

I take a sip of ice cold asahi liquid courage, and a deep drag from the cigarette to kickstart my mind or kill it entirely.

Useless shit brain, reboot out of panic mode already!

Ah.   We were talking about something just now weren’t we? I’m on autopilot it seems.  Was it the latest gossip from home about the team?  Yeah, I can’t believe that player had a mistress too*  and the other one who was a regular suddenly got sent to the minors for having a bad average despite being a great 3B.

When I came back, I was feeling really hot and flush all over.

I tried to get up but I slipped, and landed back in the chair.

“Are you okay?” the boy asks.

He’s not so bad looking.  I mean the face is average, but if he were to do something about his hair, and maybe work out a little, and not look like a penguin… I think he’d be pretty attractive after all.

The kid seemed concerned for my well being, though.

My stomach growls.

Ah, I drank on an empty stomach! So that’s why I’m out of it right now.

He manages to scoop me out of the chair I was sitting in with a bit of effort.  He’s no ultraman, but he was able to properly carry me inside my home.

I had him put me on the couch.

While he did so gently, the combination of the alcohol, and lightheadedness from being hungry had caused me to lose my better sense of judgment, and I asked him if he wanted to get a better look.

He didn’t seem to want to.

Was he being nice?

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You are a good kid aren’t you?

I lift my bra up and show him my breasts.

Good kids should be rewarded by adults.

They are tiny, I know, but please respect that small can be beautiful too~.

He just looks at them.  As if comparing them to something else mentally.  He doesn’t seem disappointed though.  So that’s a good thing, I guess.

“Kid, you said you wanted to see these panties around your lover, right?  If you take them off of me you can see something good before you put them on her.”

I saw two things flicker just then.  His eyes and his...thing in his pants just now.

Did I make a mistake?

The kid however, had no reservations about that offer, and he had quickly reached into the bands of my special limited edition panties and he slid them down slowly.

Ah he can see all of me!

...does he like it?

When he gets them around my ankles, I think he finally realized what was occuring.

His hands had stopped and I think he was about to give up.

Kamisama, this was what you wanted me to do for him, right?

I slide my right leg out of the panties, and wrap it and then the other leg around him quickly, and pull him into my moist batting diamond..

Was he going to resist me doing this?  If he did, that would make me a criminal.  I’m not a criminal, I’m just a drunk exhibitionist, I can properly obey the word ‘stop’ after all.

However that wasn’t what happened at all.

Ahn <3

What’s this? This little brat is licking me!

Ahn <3

Wow, he’s not half bad.. the only person I can compare him to is Hiromi, though.  But he’s doing a fine job for being a kid.

I pull him closer into me with my legs gently, but his response is by licking and sucking a little faster… and I think even founD MY SPOT AAAH~<3<3 OH. MAI. GOD.!!!<3<3  

I can feel electric moving through my body, and my hips even want to move on their own.  He doesn’t even use his hands to grope my tits, instead he’s holding on to and rubbing around my inner and outer thighs with his hands, pushing and caressing, it’s so welcoming a feeling.

It’s ah<3 so good~

I can feel it building up, and I don’t want to stop.  I’m probably going to, since he’s showing no signs of having a tired jaw or tongue, but afterwards.. is he going to put it in me!?  Does he have a condom with him.  I don’t own any!  It’s dangerous to do it with a stranger without one.

“Ahh<3  there<3  don’t stop<3 almoooooost~”

The voice just somes out of me, and I squeeze my legs so hard together, that I worry if I broke his neck.  After my orgasm…!!  He’s still licking!?  “Fuuuck... Ah<3 stop already!<3 Noooo~” After my second orgasm, he listened.  

His licks are slowing down.

He’s stopped.

I can unslacken my legs now and let him out.

I can see his face is moist with me, and is heavily marked with my scent now.

It’s coming now, right? That thing… I’m actually a bit tense!

“Are you going to… put it in?” I ask with a shy tone.  I’m actually scared that he is going to do exactly that.

However, he’s holding the limited panties in his hand, and is looking at me.

I can see a clear outline of something hard beneath it.

He grabs my legs, and puts the panties back on.  Slowly and carefully too, as if he cared more for their safety than my own.

“I’m terribly sorry.” he offers as he pulls them up slowly back over my now very happy place.  “I didn’t mean to…”

He seems distraught.

“It’s okay kid.  You did great!  You said you wanted to see them around your lover, and now they are!”

Ha ha… ‘your lover.’ what am I even saying!  There’s no way this kid is ever coming back… and now I have to look at him and be embarrassed every single time I’ll see him next door from now on.

I feel a certain excitement that is getting me even more wet now.

“You... my lover?” he says with confusion.

“Why not?  You don’t mind if I’m a bit older, do ya’?  I figure you are 18, right? I’m 20.”

I mean, he looks about that age. 

“I’m.. seventeen still.”

OH FUCK.  He’s a minor still!

“But I’ll be eighteen in about a week.” he follows up with.

BARELY!  Eh.. maybe it’ll be okay?  Officer-san it was only a few days away, right?  It’s understandable, right?

Well, he sees the state of my place, and it’s really not good.

He leaves me on the couch and comes back with another beer, some leftover snack mix in a bowl, two bowls of instant noodles, and the smokes, putting them on the table in front of where I’m laying on the sofa, still feeling the small tremors in my body.

He then looks around for the trash can, and begins to clean up what is obvious trash, taking time to sort burnable from un burnable, and even putting the plastic aside for bundling later.

While he’s cleaning, we get to talking.

It turns out he’s not living with his parents next door like I thought.

He’s living with two women, who both happen to be his lovers.

Was this normal looking guy actually a player? Fuck, even though he’s not an Ikemen* he’s capable when it comes down to it.

I wouldn’t even mind being a mistress of his on the side, if I got to get eaten out like this from time to time.  I feel fucking great.

… actually.

“It seems stupid to ask this now, but what’s your name?  I’m Yorugata Ruru.”

He scratches the back of his head for a moment.

“Kawamura Kouta.” he says.

The name isn’t too bad.  Kawamura Ruru… it’s… kind of normal.. isn’t it?

Well, it’s not like I want to marry the kid.  I just wouldn’t mind if he kept me company from time to time.

“So what do you do, Kawamura-san?”

“I program games.” he says.

“Like console games, or pc games?” I ask him to clarify.  Hiromi was really specific about how different fields of programming can be, even in the games industry.

“, actually? PC is the main market for the most part.”

“That’s cool.  I had a friend who worked as a receptionist in that industry.”

He nods. Might they know each other?

“The senpai who taught me programming, also brought me in to work with him as a freelancer.”

“That’s cool.”

“What about Yorugata-san?”

“Me?” is he really asking? “I’m a writer.”

That seemed to be of great interest to him.

“Are you with a certain publisher, or do you somehow make money by using Syo* or Kaku*?”

Uwah! He’s a bit knowledgeable about the modern circumstances of online writing?

“I got my break on Alpolis* actually.  I have a light novel properly published from it already, I’ll have you know!” I pridefully boast.


I sighed and told him the truth.

“Actually, I was at a loss for what to write next.  My manager and editor are hounding me for a script or at least a pitch by monday.  And I’m not getting any ideas.”

“That’s too bad.” he said. No shit ‘that’s too bad.’

“Yeah, don’t worry though.  I’m sure I’ll come up with something.  Fear is the greatest motivator after all.”

He agrees too easily with me on that point.  Are you okay, kid?

Then he asks something interesting.

“My lover, Shi-chan, is also interested in writing on Kaku* or Syo*.  One of those reincarnated duke daughter stories, probably the villainess type more than likely though.  Could you show her the ropes of publishing to the site, and anything she might need to actually know?”

This guy?  He wants me to meet his lover?

“Sure kid, I’ll meet with her anytime.  But will you be okay if she finds out?”

He shakes his head.

“Better to be honest with her.  If I’m lucky she’ll forgive me.”

“Well, I actually have a lot to do at my own place still.  You can keep the pack.  If you need more, feel free and knock on the door.  Don’t worry about clothes, those two are always in skimpy clothes all day anyway. In fact, I’ll give you a safety warning that if you come dressed like that, it’s like prey walking into a lion’s den.” 

He shakes his head, as if he didn’t condone that idea lifestyle.

Kid.. are you really okay?

He thanks me for the conversation, and says anytime the Tigers are playing, I’m free to come visit without reservation.  He leaves by the porch, and I am left wondering what on earth just happened, and how I can get it to happen again.

Kamisama, you are the #1 Tigers fan, aren’t you? Is it okay to be this kid’s lover too?  I won’t be greedy, I promise.

It was only later on, that I found out what kind of person I really was, on the inside…

And about Nakada-san.

 (Special Secret: Shi-chan and Kana-chan would become great friends with Ruru-chin afterwards.  Though not a gyaru, another delinquent girl had entered in to Kouta's life in a small way.)  

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