Nameless Extras journey

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – extra system

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" first of all calm down and think more carefully. Directly jumping to a conclusion is not a good thing." ( David)

Is there any phone or computer here to see the current information on the internet? Let's see if I found anything in David's memories. Oh,  it is a smartwatch on my wrist that has all the functions of a phone and computer. Was it there the whole time? It looks cool though with a red interior and black band. David has good taste in a watch. 

Again me and my stupid brain. For now, let's open it and look into David's id or something similar to it.  Oh, here it is.  A holographic screen appeared in the air just above the watch.


Name - David Adam

Rank - F

Id no. -  5,997,453,007

Age - 17

Gender - Male

Date of birth- 7 march 500 RE.

Address- spring city, a spring area, flower apartment, 7th floor, room no. 707.

Occupation - first-year student in dawn academy.

Potential - C rank.


Looks normal to me if you exclude some info on it like rank and potential. The main thing that got my attention is occupation. Is it the same dawn academy as I am thinking? Not good,  I need to get more info to confirm.

<After 2 hours>

I felt like all my strength left my body. All the information on the net is the same as described in the novel I once read. Is it a joke or something? I, a normal self-employed software engineer transmigrated to a novel I once read as someone whose even name is not mentioned in the whole novel. a perfect extra or mob you say.

I feel like crying with both happiness and sadness. Sadness about my situation and happy that I have not become mc of the story. As a reader everybody like mc due to his luck, cheats, plot armor, romance, and many more but if asked would you like to become that same mc then smart ones will say NO. 

Why? Because it is pain in the ass to become mc. Someone always walking on a thin line of death. Someone who trouble loves. Getting enemies at every corner. Well thank you but I will rather be nobody than mc despite all things mc possesses.

But the main question is that how do I come here? My memory ends right after I get passed out after drinking way too much beer. Did I die or not in my world?

" Who the hell here can explain everything clearly? Anybody? Please I am begging you." (David)

After speaking my heartfelt pleas I heard a strange sound.

[ Ding]

[ Extra system is starting please wait]

[progress 10%...40%....80%.......100%]

[ installation is done]

[ welcome to extra system host]

I can not believe my eyes and ears. Did I get the system? The SYSTEM. Dream of every transmigrater. The divine tool to achieve everything you want. I may not be a full-time otaku but I know about the system due to all novels I read.

" Hello, can you explain to me how I got here?" ( David)

[Ding ]

[ insufficient authority to answer the question. Please raise your authority to get an answer.]

" ...…"( David)

Cold water gets poured on my head as I become speechless at the system's answer. Okay take a deep breath and calm down nothing come from fighting an unbeatable enemy. keeping my voice as respectable as I can I asked again.

" Can you at least explain why I get here? Tell me everything you are allowed and also what is authority and how I raise it?"  ( David)

[ Ding]

[ as the host guessed this is the novel world. The host is here to complete the story that has been left unfinished. Authority is like the right host has over the system. The higher the authority more the rights and functions. The current authority of the host is lv 0. The host can only use the basic functions of the system. To raise authority host has to get involved with the story and main characters in the novel. The more involvement more the authority increase. ] 

I read the long description of the system and start thinking about it. Indeed, the story of the novel is not completed it was left in middle. Many readers showed strong disapproval of the author going on hiatus and I was one of them too. Man, it was a good story and a favorite of mine at that time but the sudden pause left a bad taste in my mouth for a long time. I truly wanted the author to finish the story.

Now you are telling me that I have to complete that story. Why me? Tons of other readers posted to the author to complete the story but why do I get dragged into this mess? This is not fair I want to sue you in universal otaku transmigrater court but I do not know how to. Now, what do I do?

" Can I go back to my world after I complete the story or I will be staying here permanently? What happened to me in my world? Did I die or not in my world?"( David)


[ calculating the answer according to host authority.]

[ host does not have enough authority to get an answer to any of the questions]

" At least tell me when can I able to know about it." ( David) 

[ Ding]

[ can not answer that question too due to insufficient authority. the host needs to get lv 1 to know more.]

" Okay tell me what functions can I currently use?" ( David)

[ Ding]

[ host can use status, system space( 2x2 cubic.m),  basic quest room]

[ all other functions are in a locked state. The host can unlock them when authority increases.] 

It truly is a basic version nothing sort of overpowered thing except that basic quest room. Quest is way too important to get stronger.  Let's try status.

" status" ( David)


Name - David Adam ( lv 0)

Age - 16

Title -  Soul of another world 

Rank - F

Potential - C

Affinity - shadow ( 61 %)

Talent - shadow Domain ( locked), < not selected yet >

Bloodline - ???? < sealed and unawakened >

Class - <unlocks at E rank>

Strength - F

Agility - F

Stamina -  F

Mana - F -

Mana recovery - F -

-----> Class skills

< class is not selected yet>

------> Manual Skills

Basic swordsmanship ( perfect)

    Set of basic sword moves.

Basic footwork ( master)

    Set of basic footwork.

Basic martial arts ( master)

    Set of basic martial art moves.

intermediate herb-gathering technique ( expert)

    Able to gather mid-level herbs skillfully without causing too much damage to herbs.

You are reading story Nameless Extras journey at

------>Skills -  (0/2)

< none> 

------->Special skills- (0/2)

< none> 

Skill points - 0 

Quest - <none>

Status - healthy 


" Can you explain to me what each section is in detail? ( David)

At the same time, I wondered why my age is different than my id but it did not take me a sec to guess that the date of birth on my id is not my true date of birth. I was born later but for how long I have no idea and do not think the system will tell me. Let's find out when my age again changes then I can be able to know.

[ Ding]

[ system will explain some important parts rest host can understand by himself or ask the system]

[title is a special name obtained after completing or meeting some conditions. The host can see what the effect of the title is by concentrating on it. Only one title can be equipped at a time.]

[ affinity shows how which element is more suitable or easy to use for the host. In simple words how much affinity or compatibility the host has with the element. Affinity is divided again as 0%-30% as low-level affinity, 31%-60% as medium-level affinity, 61%-90% as high-level affinity, and above 91% considered as perfect affinity.]

[ talent is self-explanatory but in simple words, it is a natural talent someone has from birth or awakens later. Not all rankers have talent.]

[ host talent is locked due to some special reason. Only by completing the quest host can unlock it fully. Class is the occupation someone can get by using class crystal. Due to the host soul fused with another soul, the strength of the soul is doubled compared to a normal person so the host can have two talents and two classes too. Host skill limit is also increased.]

[ host bloodline is also sealed due to some special reasons.] 

[ class skills are skills obtained after getting class. The number of skills depends upon the rank of the class. The bronze class gives no skills, silver gives 1 skill, gold gives 2 skills and the unique rank class gives 3 skills. ]

[ manual skills are those skills learned or acquired by continuous practice of manuals written by rankers to pass the skill to others. Manual skills can not be learned directly like dungeon skill books. The user has to practice a technique or skill written in the manual to successfully learn it. Manual skills are divided from tier 1 to tier 9. Tier 1 is the lowest while tier 9 is the highest. Some manual skills are sorted into basic, intermediate, and advanced sets]

[ skills are those skills learned by using skills books found in dungeons. They can be learned directly without any practice or knowledge but some skill books have conditions to learn them.  There are two types of skills learned by using the skill books. fixed rank skill and growth rank skill. Fixed rank skills are fixed at the rank they had found or learned and can not be raised in rank by any method and growth rank skills are those that grow along with the ranker. Rankers can only learn skills 2 ranks higher than their own rank using the skill books and there is a limit to how many skills rankers can learn using skills books. At each rank rankers  get 1 skill slot.]

[ special skills are those skills above or different than normal ranked skills. mostly  Only system users can have these skills as the only system can produce them. But there can be an exception to it too as this is not absolute that only the system has special skills.]

[ skill points can be obtained by completing the quest. Skill points can be used to increase the learning progress of manual and class skills.]       

For the first time system explained everything in detail without raising authority issues. I am not stupid enough to ask what is the special reason for talent and bloodline to get locked cause I know the system will not tell me so why bother?

First look into the title thing.


Title - the soul of another world.

Effect - (passive)

The soul does not belong to this world so it is free from the fate of this world. All fate or soul-related skills are useless against the title holder.


Well, not that awesome but pretty useful title. Hope it will come in handy in the future. Now let's go to the main topic of my talent and bloodline.

" system can you give me a quest to unlock my talent and bloodline?"

[ Ding]

[ quest appeared]

[ break the seal of talent

Description - due to special reasons your talent is sealed. To unlock the seal you have to overcome some difficulties and prove your determination.

Condition - get gold or a unique ranked class crystal.

Reward - talent unlocking, chance to draw the second talent, ????.

Time limit - none

Punishment - none]

[ do you accept the quest?]

[ Yes/ no]

[ quest appeared ]

[ info gathering

Description - knowing about your surroundings and world can increase your chances of survival by a big margin. 

Condition -

read 10 history books. (0/10)

read 10 geographical books. (0/10)

read 10 technology and biology books. (0/10)

read 10 general knowledge books. (0/10)

reward - a special skill.

Time limit - 1 month

Punishment - none]

[ do you accept the quest?]

[ Yes/ no]

I asked for one but got two. Lucky for me. But why no quest for bloodline? I dare not ask the system as I know it will not tell me.

I selected yes on both quests. Now I got things settled temporarily time to look into David's and my novel memories carefully.

< after 2 hours>

I looked carefully into both David's the previous owner of the body and my novel-related memories. Well, I must say David's memories are strange. There are many blank areas and till he gets to 5 there is no memory of them. Blank like someone sealed it on purpose.

The behavior of David is also not like a normal person's or I say like a kid's. After getting admitted to an orphanage in the spring city by an unknown person at 5 David has not made a single friend till now.  After getting into the orphanage David started to do part-time jobs at age of 5.

The orphanage is capable enough to give proper food and shelter to all children so there is not any reason for David to do part-time jobs that early. Even after the dean of the orphanage talked to David he did not stop. Till he become 10 David continuously did part-time jobs for 5 years.

People long stopped caring about his behavior and nobody in the orphanage also cared about it after pursuing or advising David sometimes. All children's inside and outside of the orphanage considered David a freak and avoided even talking to him. Due to that David has not a single friend inside or outside of the orphanage.

After David become 10 he officially started to train to become a ranker. He brought necessary stuff like a wooden sword, basic manuals, and other important things from the money he earned by working for years. He joined the gym too to train his body muscles.

after 1 year of training, David gets familiar with all basic manual and sword moves.  At 11 he starts doing risky jobs on Saturday and Sunday when there is no school. like becoming a porter for some mercenaries and gathering herbs in the shadow forest. Shadow Forest is a dangerous area near spring city where mutants live. It is also the main income source for city rankers and mercenaries. 

Many times David gets into trouble at his job. Arguments with mercenaries or running into mutants during herb gatherings but David survived all these troubles. Sometimes he gets badly injured by some mercenaries or mutants but after getting healed he once again gets back to work.

David gets a new nickname " Freak of the spring city" due to his behavior. Some People admired David for his efforts while some called him crazy but David did not pay any attention to them. David gets into the top 10 in every ranking at school. Many children look up to him as a role model especially those from the same orphanage as David.

David fully focused on his goal to become a ranker so much that he did not make any friends or any girlfriend. At 15 while gathering herbs David found a high-level herb that gets sold for 10 million mana coins.

David buys himself a 2 BHK apartment with an extra training room for 2 million mana coins. The area around the apartment building is the most expensive and safe in spring city.  David left the orphanage at age of 15 as he has enough money and a place to live. David gives 1 million mana coins to the orphanage as a gift for taking care of him for years.

It is many times more amount the orphanage spend on David till now. After moving into his apartment David stopped being a porter and only did part-time jobs and herb gathering jobs which are less dangerous.

After turning 16 David becomes the few lucky humans who can awaken their mana core which is a must thing for a ranker. Generation after generation it is confirmed that only after the age of 16 one can awaken their mana cores. It is the best and safe age to have mana in the body without causing any damage to the body.

David did not get prideful and continued his training every day with more passion even after he awakened his mana core. months later,  At the entrance exam of dawn Academy David was able to get 407th rank in the combat section. David gets selected in the 1st ranked academy in the whole human territory.

David's story is no different than an mc of the novel who overcomes all difficulties and achieved success through hard work. But this story is giving me strange vibes like something is wrong.

This David is way too mature for his age. I was an orphan from birth and know the hardships of orphans but even to me, this David is strange. It is more like someone reborn as David with the experience of the past life. 

This theory can be true as the most important areas of David's memories are blank. What happened to the original David when I take over this body? What is missing before David becomes 5? Who are his parents and where is he from? Despite my birthday is passed why is that status showing my age as 16 instead of 17? Is my birth date not the true one? Too many questions but not a single answer. Looks like David has a story of his own. Things started to become interesting and mysterious too.


Oh, my stomach is making noise. Due to all these things I have not eaten anything yet. First, grab something to fill my stomach.

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