Nameless King

Chapter 1115: 1115 Drop

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Chapter 1115 Drop

The stones and runes from Alucard's blood were ready, to some extent the hole in the colosseum had been repaired. However, it would break after a light attack by even a Third Chronicle creature because those stones were still nothing.

In order for this wall to become a worthy part of the Colosseum, energy was needed - dense and pure, as well as in large quantities. Liang, The Strongest One, was ideal for this purpose.

Step. Step. Step.

He walked to the wall and placed his palm against the dark stone and the bloody rune. Then, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he channeled his energy through his hand.

At the same moment, the stones began to fill with energy, becoming denser and stronger. Very soon, all the runes shone brightly, making this part of the colosseum as strong as before.

"Fine, now let's move on. We have one more part to fix. Our fighters have done some pretty serious damage to this place." Nitra uttered, looking in the direction where another wall had been destroyed.

She turned around and headed that way, however, after taking a few steps and realizing that no one followed her, she turned around with a slight frown.

"Hey! Did you hear me? Come on! We must not delay Gael and Ereg! This is the second time their fight has been interrupted, it's not good at all!" Nitra waved her hand.

"There's something wrong here." Liang muttered, not letting go of his palm from the wall, "I feel like the Colosseum wants more. It's trying to convince me not to remove my hand."

Nitra's eyes went wide just like the others.

"Hmm? I regard the Colosseum as an artifact, but does it really have a mind? If so, it's just some kind of madness." Alucard uttered in disbelief but with obvious curiosity in his eyes.

"A mind? No... maybe in the future, but it's a long way from intelligence, it's more like instincts or desire... like plants. They don't have a mind, but they know what sunlight is and always seek it, just like colosseum to my energy." Liang muttered, being slightly puzzled. It was the first time he had seen something like this, and so was everyone else.

Gael glanced at Ereg, "Do you know something about it?"

Ereg shook his head, "Nah... One day, this colosseum just appeared here, it was a long time ago, about a few thousand years ago. I was worried about this structure not harming the world, but it was fine. However, I didn't think the colosseum had any hidden function."

"I see... Well, it looks like today we'll not only find out how much stronger we've gotten since last time, but we'll also see something interesting. Alucard isn't the only one who can bring surprises to this world." Gael nodded with a deep gaze.

"So... What are you going to do?" Nitra asked.

Liang shrugged, "Nothing much. I'm wondering what will happen next, so I'll give this unusual construction as much power as it wants."

Then, Liang became a bit more serious and once again channeled energy into the dark wall.

Colosseum happily absorbed Liang's energy, so every rune in the thousands of stones shone brightly as if rejoicing at such a reward.

Before, the Colosseum had only defended itself and its barrier from the violent streams of energy coming from the fighters fighting in the arena. However, now it was time for the colosseum to rest and recover.

The second hole, as if by magic, quickly overgrew, being replaced by new stones like copies that appeared from the others.

However, even after that, Liang did not stop, since the colosseum still wanted to absorb the energy.

"Hey... What should happen next? All the damage has already been repaired, hasn't it?" Alucard muttered, scratching his cheek thoughtfully.

"Well... What about the cracks in the floor? Those would be nice to repair as well..." Nitra suggested uncertainly. She too didn't know what was supposed to happen yet as the colosseum came to rest.

Then, as if the colosseum heard them, the ground shook, and the cracks shone brightly, filling with the white energy that the colosseum had taken from Liang.

After a few seconds, the arena looked the same as before, perhaps even better since it wasn't dusty and looked completely new.

"It's definitely done now, right?" Nitra asked again.

"Yeah, I think my power is no longer needed." Liang nodded, removing his hand from the wall.

However, as soon as his palm moved away from the wall as well as four of his five fingers, a thick darkness emerged from the stones, enveloping his last finger.

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Of course, Liang had no trouble pulling his finger out of this light grip, for someone as strong as him it was no problem.

"What the hell is going on...?" Alucard's eyes went wide in confusion.

He wasn't the only one surprised, Nitra, Ereg, Gael, and all the spectators had a similar reaction. No one expected that the colosseum could actually act on its own, even in such a small way.

"Interesting... I can feel it wanting to get even more energy, so much so that it doesn't want to let go of me." Liang uttered in a calm voice, then his face became more serious, "Fine. I will give you as much energy as you need. However, I have a condition. You must show me the exact amount, or else I will remove my hand and never come back."

The conditions were harsh and fair, so the Colosseum immediately began preparations for this important event.

The colosseum trembled as a huge crystal sphere appeared above it, large enough that an entire rock or giant castle could fit inside it.

"I see... You want me to fill it, right? Fine, I'll do it. I hope you didn't make the wrong choice because my energy reserves are truly limitless." Liang arrogantly said before placing his palm against the wall once again. n(.o.(v.-e--l..b.-I-/n

His aura intensified since he realized that the colosseum needed a lot of energy. Thus, he channeled several times more energy into the colosseum than before, however, something that was a surprise to everyone happened.

Ten seconds later, a single drop appeared in the glass sphere, completely transparent and clear like glacier water.

"What the hell...?" Ereg muttered in disbelief, "Is all the energy Liang used equal to just one drop? Judging by the size of this sphere, it would take several thousand drops to fill it completely..."

Nitra's eyes went wide as her mind began to calculate. She was calculating how much energy Liang would need to use to fill the sphere and how long it would take.

"Fuck... That can't be... With that amount of energy, you can create a half-world!" Nitra exclaimed with a dazed expression.

The others shared her feelings. They realized that even for someone like Liang, this was too much. However, they were even more surprised that the colosseum was going to absorb so much energy.

"Oh, that's interesting. Well, let's see if you really need that much energy or if it's just a trick." Liang uttered in a cold tone when his aura intensified, and his mantle surged upwards.

So much energy was channeled through his hand that the air rippled and space shook as if Liang could destroy an entire mountain with a single movement.

However, despite his efforts, after a few minutes, the sphere was only 10-15% full. There was still a long way to go, and Liang was not satisfied with that at all.

"Hey, I can help you as well as Nitra. If the three of us act together, we can fill this sphere in ten minutes, maybe even less." Alucard suggested.

But, Liang didn't bother to answer, he just frowned.

Nitra waved her hand, "Liang, Alucard is right. There's no point in wasting time and all your energy. Better to make things quicker and let Ereg and Gael continue their battle. That's the best option we have right now."

"No. I'm not going to do it that way. It's not about you, it's just a challenge to me personally now. Nitra, Alucard, protect the audience, I'm going to take this seriously." Liang pronounced with a great frown on his face.

Nitra wanted to challenge his decision, but the aura that started to emanate from Liang left only fear and consternation on her face.


Nitra immediately moved to the spectators on the left side and created many layers of barriers of darkness.

Alucard sighed, shook his head, and did the same thing only on the right side.

"What...? What's going on?" Ereg looked around in a puzzled manner. He hadn't expected Nitra and Alucard to suddenly get serious and defend Beastfolks, but he didn't know from what.

Gael frowned as he walked over to his friend and summoned several dense streams of ash to protect Ereg.

"Liang took it seriously. I don't know what's about to happen either, but I've known Alucard long enough to understand everything from his reaction. Most likely, Liang is going to show his full power to release enough energy into the Colosseum at once." Gael said while staring intently at Liang.

"Wait... Doesn't that mean... what does he mean?" Ereg muttered in a disbelief.

Gael nodded, "Yeah. He's going to use his the Form."

At the next moment, the entire Colosseum was engulfed by a monstrous pressure that made even those at Fifth Chronicle gasp.

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