Nanites SON!

Chapter 33: Upgrades… MORE UPGRADES

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There David was, standing naked as the day he was born, homemade hotdog with all the fixings on it as he stared at the news. 

Kiwi apparently had finally released the information of that government dude getting fucked in the ass by his son or whatever it was, David had already completely forgotten about it.

Another person ended up taking that person's spot, so David turned away from the news after taking a bite of his hotdog and going to go finish his gun cleaning.

Lucy was passed out on the bed after last night's date, Rebecca was so happy to learn how much she enjoyed it and asked to be at least shown to the location later on. For now, she had left to go purchase some gun oil, leaving before David could even offer to go, or simply make his nanites make it.

She definitely had another reason for going... Maybe a new gun?

David finished his hotdog, using the nanites to clean his hands as his holo began to ring.

<David's City Morgue, you tag them we bag them how can we help?>

Maine's voice came over the holo in a chuckle. <Man, you always get me with those... Faraday go the information he wanted apparently, and he's offered us another job, something with a heavy payment on it as well... I won't discuss the details yet until we can all get together at the garage, but I need to warn you it's bigger than what we've done before. So I need you to bring your absolute best...> M

<Right-o Boss-man. I'll let the girls know... Guess this means I need to bring out the big guns possibly...>

<The big guns? What you got hiding away David? Another piece of experimental tech? Some over-the-top gun that you and 'Becca been workin' on in your downtime?... Damnit now I'm excited to see what you three got cooking up... Alright David, I got to Delta. I'll speak with you later when I have the time for the meeting to take place.> M


The call ended just as Rebecca suddenly busted through the door with an armload of guns, cackling to herself.

Two months have passed since Maine had called to let David know to start preparing, and that is EXACTLY. What he did.

Prepare, the glory of creation, the strongest tool in anyone's arsenal. Time, and Prep.

David had finished the 'Companion' project, and Rebecca now had a large mechanical falcon that she loved conspiring with. It directly linked to her optic feed so it was her eyes in the sky, it was also intelligent and could spot threats for the three of them.

Its greatest feature, or what Rebecca thought was its greatest feature, was the fact it could form into a rotating minigun on demand.

It would drill into the ground and secure itself if it needed to, and she could use it as a turret.

The turret was cool, sure, ignore the fact it had a self-sustaining reactor in its chest that could keep it powered until the sun engulfed the earth or the fact it had a small nanite crew working on it that could basically make bullets out of anything.

Or the fact it could remote hack into things looked like a real falcon, sounded like a real falcon, and couldn't be spotted by any means other than things David could make.

It could even if the need arises, turn into full body armor for Rebecca to protect her life and turn her into a death machine.

But yeah, the turret was pretty cool.

Lucy got the cat that she loved, it had two versions. One with hair, and one without.

Hairless cats were 'rare' but they could still be seen around, so to let Lucy be able to show it off he made it so it could just, spontaneously grow hair.

Unlike Rebecca's falcon, it didn't have a turret mode, as Lucy requested it be something more melee based.

Not a hard request, so without Lucy 'using' the cat, it could kill multiple grown men before they realized what was going on.

Its paws had electrical settings inside them along with noise dampening. They could also eject their claws out and it would act as miniature explosives, strong enough to tear through armor, but small enough to be controlled.

It had a crew of nanites with it as well. When it was in its suit form, Lucy became able to use Mantis blades, and her agility got a significant boost as she was practically able to double jump, sprint at high speeds, and run along walls...

David turned Lucy into a Cyberninja really.

David had a Doberman that was clearly not 'living' despite each companion having a self-learning A.I.

Yeah, David cracked A.I., purely on accident when he was researching deeper into how the nanites worked by pulling up 'Files' that they had.

He only got a few bits of information and a name. 

'Senator Armstrong.'

It sounded familiar, but he wasn't sure why. 

These A.I. were centered around them to still make them act like animals, but they could talk if they wanted to, each companion having their own built personality and voice to go with it.

David made his dog sound like the terminator... For obvious reasons.

His dog was able to do anything a trained killer could, but David was most proud of its 'Weapons'

Since he didn't want something like the girls who wanted something light and 'cuddly.' he added a bit of weight to the dog.

Not only did it have a minigun it could use as well, the nanites on it helping it stay well stocked with ammo, but it has a, as David enjoyed calling it. ''Fuck off Cannon.''

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It was plasma-based and a well-placed shot could take down even heavily armored Military AVs.

Its suit form had the Doberman features in its mask, the pointed forward ears, and facial structure, as Lucy and Rebecca shared similar traits to their animals.

David made it look mean, intimidating and badass, simply because he wanted people to understand that if he needed to put on the suit, he was no longer fuckin' about.

If the intimidating armor didn't do it, the shoulder-mounted smart mortars, and arm-gattling cannon would.

David really wanted to put a chainsaw on its tail or something, but since he had to take a few more missions that required the 'Chain-saw Psycho.' persona, he didn't. Instead replacing it with an 'experimental' tech heat blade. Basically just a less cool lightsaber.

Still looked cool when it deployed though.

Another thing David had cracked was the Gravity tech. It was still in progress as he would need to actively put research into it to make it better, but for now.

He, Lucy, and Rebecca all had a 'Gravity' harness, that could direct their personal gravity in a different direction, a very crude version of flight, and the fact that they could run along walls, ceilings, and such.

The nanites produced their own energy inside the core of the harness, their friction creating enough heat to act as a mini-heat battery.

It also provided a sort of 'shield' to them which could deflect physical bullets.

There weren't energy blasts or things like that, but anything physical could be stopped by the shield.

It was incredibly powerful tech, and David used it for gains.

Since it could alter his personal gravity, and 'density.' He could make every single movement incredibly heavy.

He was already under four times the normal gravity while he worked out because of it, it also had a side effect of increasing his speed once that gravity was released, as it became much easier to move in normal gravity.

Not that he needed to be that fast, since his Sandy worked perfectly whenever he needed it to, as long as he never went past 15 uses a day, which he's never even gotten to half of that.

As he began to get his clothing on, his Companion sat patiently in the middle of the room as it watched him get dressed. Putting on his harness first.

A soft tone as David's eyes started to glow.

<David, we're ready for the meeting so head over.> M

<We're on our way.> 

The call quickly ended and David whistled once which made the Doberman get up, moving to David's side as he closed up the apartment and headed down to Bast.

A sultry voice greeted him as he walked into the garage. 

''Good morning David, Lucy and Rebecca are already inside and ready to go.''

Bast had some upgrades, including an onboard A.I. like the companions, David was not the one who chose the voice.

Lucy demanded him to choose a hot female voice since it would ''Appease the Cultured.'' whatever that meant.

She got armor upgrades and an extended cab, bringing her to four seats instead of just two. As well as some firepower upgrades, mini turrets that could act as an active defense field, shooting down missiles or small drones, or even shooting grenades out of the air.

Since David could make the components that made the car go vroom smaller, and better he did so. Which allowed them to get a bit more room for the inside, as well as the trunk. He kept the car a proper length, it feeling strange to see it longer then it should be.

''Morning Bast, we're heading to the Garage.'' David said as the door opened for him, showing Lucy in the back seat, leaning forward into the front seat showing Rebecca a ring on her handheld vidboard.

''Would you like me to drive, or would you like to David?'' Bast spoke, her voice now inside the car as the door closed behind him. 

''I'll drive.'' David stated as the steering wheel came out of the dash in front of him and he rested his hands on it, Bast purring verbally before her engine purred to life as well.

''Decide on a ring yet?'' David asked as he pulled out of the garage, starting the drive to the Crew's Garage.

''Rebecca wants a simple band, and I was thinking the same, but we're still both looking in case we find a style we like,'' Lucy said, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

Rebecca nodded, with the seats as large as they were she was able to sit with her legs crossed up on the seat, her feet tucked beneath her legs. ''I like the idea of us eventually having a ring, to signify were a 'thing'. Since none of us like the whole big marriage in a big nice church thing. But we know you will do something more than just make them 'Rings' so we're putting way more thought into it than we should.''

''Worst case? I make them, you don't like them, and then I can easily remake them, or reshape them, or whatever is needed. I know I'll want my ring to turn into brass knuckles... I'm not sure how, or how I want it to look, but definitely need brass knuckles... Name them 'Thoughts and Prayers'...''

Lucy snickered, and Rebecca just burst into full-bellied laughter.

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