Nanites SON!

Chapter 42: Owning an Orphanage

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The biggest problem about moving a ton of kids all at the same time into a new city was dealing with the funds they needed.

Not hard at all, since David was flushed with trillions of dollars he got from Adam Smasher, plus the fact if he really wanted to he could just make more money from jobs, or by playing god with Arasaka, militech, any sort of stocks in this world. He could make himself a controlling interest overnight, donated to him by a mysterious benefactor.

David had gone through each of the children, a few of them already having minor cyberwear, which he replaced with 'improved' versions without them knowing. Along with making sure that all of them were aligned with their neuralwear properly and it wasn't going to effect any of them later.

It was incredibly rare, but there was a chance of 'neuralwear degradation.' when someone didn't have a compatible body type. Rare as it may be, he wouldn't lose any of these children over such a thing so he made sure it wouldn't happen.

Kiwi was a lot more open now, not just to David but to the crew, having the children close where she could readily visit them really helped her have more breathing room and made it so she moved in as well to help take care of them when she could.

David had finished helping Sam with her body, now they simply needed to take the time and let her slowly work with her mind. She wasn't isolated, but there was always a 'care taker'.

A personal android to help Sam with the things she needed. Until her therapy sessions bore fruit, it was also to protect others from her, in case she had an incident.

None so far, but David did it for peace of mind.

The apartment, and the orphanage itself had slowly become a fortress, hard to see without trying and tearing through a wall, but it was strong.

Not to note the fact he had nanites constantly around and inside the building, breaking down the trash and making sure the building stayed safe.

The opening of the orphanage started to attract other children off the streets, all having different stories, and different backgrounds. They didn't have a name yet because David couldn't think of any so he just left it out for now.

The Crew had shown up while David was performing magic tricks, doves out of a hat, pulling bunnies out of thin air, seeming to conjure flowers or saw someone in half.

The kids were cheering in affirmation, none of them understand how he was able to do any of it. But that was a beauty of magic. 

You didn't need to understand it to appreciate it.

As David finished is little show he walked off the makeshift stage and walked over to the Crew, fist-bumping Maine and Falco and giving Pilar a side hug over the shoulders.

''How are you all, enjoying the rich life?''

Pilar grinned, all his teeth gold which caused David to snicker as he shook his head. Maine looked to Dorio before he spoke. ''I started to put it back and save it. Dorio wants to go house hunting later for something.''

Dorio smiled with a nod as David nodded as well, tilting his head back towards the kids doing their own thing away from them all.

''Well, take your time, there is no rush. I've had my fill of the little devils for the day so I'm going to take Rebecca and Lucy somewhere, won't see us for a bit unless you need us.''

''See you later David.'' Falco said as David walked off to go find the two women in his life already in Bast.

Once David slid into Bast he was greeted by three voices.

''Alright Bast, take us to the factory.'' David stated, shifting as he reclined back in his seat, letting both Rebecca and Lucy climb onto his lap and snuggle together on top of him while he held the both of them. His eyes closed as he took a nap for the few hours it would take to get there driving at a normal speed.

A few hours later David woke up as Bast connected to his neural hud and began to play a soft tune to slowly wake him and the girls up.

Once they were up they all left Bast, the trunk opening as all of their companions in their animal forms jumped out. Joining them as they all entered the factory, multiple androids and massive equipment working as he had already started to build an atmosphere cleaner.

The Androids worked to make sure it ran properly and without problems. Lucy and Rebecca went to explore as David entered his 'Office' which was just a place that the noises of everything couldn't get to and was basically a comfortable apartment, once he sat on his couch he pulled the small laptop terminal onto his lap and began to type away as he watched the screen.

On it was chemical compounds, he had found in Arasaka files they were working on a 'Chemical Agent' that could dissolve plastic. It was originally meant to dissolve metal, but they 'accidentally' made this instead. He was working on a way to better fine-tune it, then going through a company to release it.

It was still incredibly dangerous as there was no way to identify what type of plastic it would eat. So instead he would need to only have it used in controlled environments... Like having massive metal tubs filled with all the plastic trash. A simple, somewhat crude way to handle it, but a way to handle it nonetheless. 

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Rebecca entered the apartment first, stripping down to naked as the first thing she did was loot the fridge for things to make sandwiches and sit down beside David, watching the T.V. while he worked.

He had recovered a lot of old data from Arasaka, one such data cache was about old streaming services that had a lot of shows. 

Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Funimation, Crunchyroll, Peacock, and Amazon Prime Video.

It didn't take much to recover all the data, and then turn it into a small little plug-in that he could connect to any monitor or display to make it so they could stream anything.

Rebecca had been recently getting into a show called 'Game of Thrones'.

Fantasy, dragons, and magic, amused David to see someone like Rebecca who was a gun freak to enjoy shows without guns.

Lucy however was on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, she loved romantic teen dramas.

David chuckled a bit at his thoughts and shook his head, going back to typing away.

A while later Lucy returned to the room as well, making a sandwich for herself and then cuddling up onto David's free side. If she wasn't watching him work, or watching the show, she was just absently thinking, or going over something in her own mind.

''David, I've got a question?'' Lucy asked, kissing his shoulder.


''What do you plan to do now that Maine and Dorio are retiring? I heard Pillar was thinking about going away to, just to try and find more things to do.''

''Going to keep a team ready for those who stay... Going to start including Samus on small runs, I'm most likely going to become a fixer, it would be criminal not to because of all my connections... Actually.''

David let his laptop shut down as he leaned forward and set it on the table before leaning back. Rebecca not wasting time sprawling across his and Lucy's laps.

''I'm thinking about living the nomad life for a bit. I've got a few friends in the Aldercaldos, have them take me in and travel with them, build up a reputation there while dealing with fixer jobs from the city. Once I get a rep built with all of the nomads, I'm going to start offering them jobs to help me start cleaning the badlands, mostly of 'human' styled trash, but some of the more peaceful ones can help me do trash. Since if I want to continue to live a 'normal-ish' life, for now, I can't just use my nanites to erase the existence of all the trash in the oceans...''

''We should build a company,'' Rebecca said, causing both Lucy and David to look down at her with aghast looks.

David put the back of his hand to her forehead. ''Oh my god Rebecca, are you okay?''

Rebecca shoved his hand away in a huff. ''Well if we do become Corpo's at least we won't be like the ones we try and fight!''

David frowned a bit, Lucy poking at David's arm. ''She's right... If you did build a company, you could guarantee that you wouldn't become like the other corporations, which would be bad for a normal person since they would use underhanded tactics to try and drag you beneath the rug like all the others... But that is only for a 'Normal' person.''

''Yeah! Plus, imagine Lucy in a hot secretary outfit!'' Rebecca said, grinning up at David.

David seemed sold immediately, even Lucy who imagined herself in the suit and pencil skirt had to admit, she'd feel sexy wearing it.


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