Nanites SON!

Chapter 44: Dealing with Strays

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''This the new girl? Can definitely tell she was a cop, but it's harder to notice now.'' Kiwi said as she looked Samus up and down.

''I've had her do odd jobs with interacting with the public to shake some of the cops out of her, but her trigger fingers are itchy so here we are.'' David chuckled, the only people from the old crew that was here were Kiwi, Falco, Rebecca, and Lucy.

Pilar denied wanting to go as he was trying to sleep off one hell of a bender, and Dorio and Maine had chosen today to go house hunting and they didn't want to put it off any further.

''So what's the job boss?'' Falco spoke up from his chair, sipping at one of the water bottles David had brought.

''Dealing with a few strays.'' David tilted his head back, the screen behind him turning on as it showed a few pictures of some people from the Animals gang.

''Sasquatch contacted me and asked if we had the ability to deal with a few rogue animals that have... 'Gone past' what they are about. Started to amp up on electric cyberwear and things that go against their whole 'muscle over tech' mindset.''

''Dealing with some animals? Don't engage in melee combat then, understood.'' Falco chuckled, shaking his head.

Animals were notorious for being 'bodyguards' or bouncers for places. They focused on bringing the animal out, using a steroid called the 'Juice' animal supplements and many other enhancing drugs and physical equipment to make themselves stronger, faster, and deadlier.

They hated more 'tech-based' wear such as what Lucy and Kiwi were armed with.

''Only I can safely engage them in melee, so I'll be the one running point. Lucy, Kiwi, you make sure no backup arrives unannounced. Rebecca, Samus, you'll have my back. Falco, you do what you do best.'' He got a nod from Falco before David continued.

''Since Samus is new here, and she might be wondering about the 'unspoken' information as to why I've been willing to accept this.'' The screen behind David changed, his expression serious as he noted the reactions from those around him.

The others were used to it, and Samus had seen some of the worst, but she showed visible anger, her teeth grinding as she took the pictures in, along with the evidence pulled up around them.

''Since they've started to amp up on tech, they're starting to border psychosis. It's causing them to... Get aggressive, early morning yesterday they killed three kids simply because their ball fell in front of them. Not to talk about the rape, and multiple murder charges that can't be called self-defense like the animals usually try to operate.''

''Questions?'' David asked, no show of hands, and no one spoke up. David simply nodded before he spoke once more.

''Kit up and let's move.'' David turned, the screen shutting off as he made his way to the transport.

The garage had undergone a small makeover, making it feel more like a mercenary base. With a few defenses and a dedicated underground armory and Vehicle storage section.

The old man that owned the garage didn't care, as long as they continued to pay him.

David even added a little extra so the old man wouldn't mind installing better temperature controls. David was tired of being hot while they were sitting through a briefing.

David pulled himself into the transport, Falco having already run tests to make sure it was in top condition before they started the briefing.

Soon Falco and Kiwi got into the front, Falco behind the wheel and Kiwi in the passenger seat that could turn into a mobile netrunning chair. 

David took Rebecca and Lucy's hand once they got there, helping them in, and his offered hand went ignored as Samus pulled herself in.

Seemed her kit was some armor, a tech revolver, and what looked to be a shotgun and custom fitted assault rifle, that must be her personal arm because David doesn't remember making that, or seeing Falco add it to the armory.

Once everyone was loaded in David sent the details of the location to Falco.

''Sasquatch asked me to attempt to reason with them, to return them to the animals and get their tech taken out, and if not. To at least go die with some pride left in tact in the ring. If we can't reason with them, she's asked we put them all down.''

Everyone nodded, David continued. ''As you saw on the screen, I have information of at least 30 of them, they might be more so that is what Lucy and Kiwi will be keeping an eye on, Lucy will also be running overwatch like usual with her tech sniper.'' 

Lucy leaned over to kiss David's cheek, something she got into the habit of every time he talked about the tech sniper made for her.

Rebecca was cackling as she rubbed her new carnage shotgun, the massive shotgun was a bit bulkier, and the only reason she could wield it at her size was that she had David make her a pair of his cyber arms, just slimmed down to match her old hands. Still powerful, not as strong as David's since he had the frame and strength to use them to their full potential, but with her small hands and the first set, she made her arms into spears.

The carnage shotgun had been modified to hold two more rounds, and to use an air venting system, allowing a higher load and bigger spread while keeping it controlled recoil.

It also had explosive flak rounds that Rebecca could load into it if she ever needed to... ''Clean up''

And by how her giggles got more demonic? David reminded himself to stay away from anyone in her shotgun range.

After about an hour they got to the location, and call up as David leaned to look at the building. Why was it always apartment buildings? Granted it offered rooms, especially the ones near Pacifica.

''Alright, I'll try to talk to them, you two.'' He looked at Rebecca and Samus. 

''Hands off your fire arms until I give the okay, I want them to know we're armed, and ready to fight if it comes down to it. Do NOT draw, until I say so.''

''Will that order count as a open fire order as well?'' Samus asked.

This caused the car to all chuckle, a dark and amused chuckle before Falco said from the front seat.

''David taught us something that we've hence forth adapted to our little group...''

They all said in a chorus, it even warmed David's heart a little. 

You are reading story Nanites SON! at

" " Only Draw, when you plan to draw blood. " "

Samus gave a firm nod before he opened the back doors and stepped out, helping them out before he closed the transport doors and used his fist to indicate they were ready. Falco pulling away.

''He's not going to stay near?'' Samus asked, turning to look at the building. She could already see a few faces. All looked like Animals.

Rebecca laughed before she cheerily noted. ''If it's Falco or David behind the wheel, they are always near! I've seen Falco drive through a building full of people, hit nobody, and then slam the grill of his van into the guy he was aiming for!''

Samus gave a nod, Falco was well known as a driver, but it helped her understand David more now that she could place him around the same level, she saw him during the shoot-out, but that was less 'driving' and more crashing into everything stupid enough to get in the way of Bast.

As they walked to the open garage they noticed a few animals already there, carrying massive LMG's at the ready, staring hard at David as he got closer with the girls flanking him, but staying just a bit back.

''Who's your leader?'' David asked, getting a laugh from one of the animals, the other growling.


''Blood Match.'' David simply stated, that getting a few hollars from the ones in the garage.

''Your offers?'' The one who growled before stated, relaxing a bit more since David stated he was here for a blood match.

Blood matches simply meant a match with guaranteed blood, usually death. It was usually for fighting for a higher position in the ranks. Strays were still animals after all, so there had to be a leader of the pack.

When David jerked his head behind him, the animals all got a sick grin on their face before one stood up. ''I'll lead you to the Alpha, follow me.''

As they began to move, it seemed they didn't perceive any of the three of them as a threat, especially since they were all armed. This made David smile on the inside.

They were brought up a floor to the second floor and led down a large hall, until they were taken into what looked to be a room that had four rooms walls knocked out, allowing it to be a large area, a ring in the middle as a few animals were already gathered around the ring.

They watched as a massive black man, with the usual chrome of a high-ranking animal beat the brakes off another man.

The black man that was fighting the smaller white man grunted as he noticed the man had stopped moving, simply tossing him out of the ring as he looked around. Locking eyes on David he raised a brow before he jerked his head towards the ring.

''No quick hacks, only fist.'' Was all the large man stated as he got to another side of the ring, starting to stretch.

David pulled off his shirt and jacket, which Rebecca stole to put on both, snuffling herself into his shirt and jacket with a grin as David stepped onto the ring.

A few whistles came from the audience as they noticed that David was mostly organic, at least from what they could see.

David did a few stretches as well before he entered into the boxing stance Dorio used.

Samus looked, not exactly worried. Just confused, why was David amusing this... Did he even have the skills in hand to hand combat to go against someone a good foot taller then him, and modded to hell and back?

The black man nodded to David. ''You modded?''

''Support mods, reinforced bones, Gorilla arms. Everything else was all organic gain.''

''I like you, you willing to join?'' The man asked as he put up a stance.

''Kick my ass and I'll consider it.'' David grinned.

Since he was the challenger, that means he would take the first hit. The black man suddenly moved forward as he went into a wild swing. David was able to get under it and deliver two straights, right and left into the mans side abdomen, causing him to stumble heavily across the arena.

Cursing beneath his breath as he rubbed at his side. ''Damn white meat, you hit hard...'' 

''You should see how hard I hit in bed.'' David chuckled.

Samus looked to Rebecca in response of that.

<He doesn't actually, not unless we want it. He's leading the guy on.> R

four chapters to make up for me not going to be around for a bit, since I quit my second job, I just so happen to have the same time off as the wife from Friday to Monday so she wants to spend it doing couple stuff.

In return, the Patreon is getting a lot of chapters today, and you guys get 4 chapters, all through the blessing of the Wife Sama as she calls away her Crusader for a....

''Heavenly.'' Battle. ;)

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