Nankoufuraku no Maoujou e Youkoso

Chapter 192: 192 191 ◇ Looting Absolutely Fail

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"This is... Dear Citrie"

Ms. Margrette smiled constantly, but seeped surprises from between, mouthing her name.

[The Devil of Love] Citrie.

A little girl who looked like a dreamer. It has horns, tails and bat wings, and its pink hair is tied in two.

Its identity is the subbeast of the leopard, reproducing it with special transformative abilities up to the ability of the subject.

Four Heavenly Kings flirted brilliantly with the adventurers in the Reid battle, but usually a pretty thing-loving girl.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Malcolm."

"Malchi...? No, I don't mind. With Citrie-sama's abilities, she can get a variety of help tailored to the situation. You're welcome."

"Um, Lou - I'm here on your orders, so I'll do my best, but Citrie, it's Ya who's not cute, so don't expect me to be like before?

Mr. Sitley wants to be cute.

The same is true of his insistence as a floor boss in the Battle of Reid, but seeing Carmilla and the others struggle, he bent his obsession and fought.

It's good that there are things that take precedence over attention, but they can't always be sealed and said to be attention.

"... that outfit, it's not what you see in defense, is it? No, I'm not sure, though."

Mira said.

Sure, it's an adult impression because it remains the costume of a subhuman who was transformed until earlier.

"I wore it just for the dodgy sake. My pretty clothes are in here."

That's what I said, pounding the bag I was lowering from my shoulder.

"So I'm gonna get dressed, right?

Mr. Citrie ran to the empty carriage.


Mr. Ex and Mr. Arthur, too, are called away by Mr. Merlin.

"But Master Fellow is a good man to bring both Lemé and Castle Demon."

Mr. Margrette puts his hand on his mouth and says that.

I got eyes on her.

grin, and a well-behaved smile is pointed at.

"Has it been since we met once at the rally of the Battle of Reid, Master Lemme"

"Right, Mr. Margrette"

Mr. Margrette is a woman who seems to grow up well and is in fact the daughter of the Grand Chamber of Commerce.

Brown's exposed long hair. Horizontal hair is tied on both sides, the kind of hair that merges behind it. A woman with such an atmosphere as a lady in a deep window.

She seems to have business talent herself, and the magic equipment held by the face of the Hellvore party is her collection.

This time too, I was allowed to investigate the original dungeon jointly with that Mr. Fellow, so that arm is real.

"Aren't you Mr. Ex and the others better than me? You can't pull a second party inside."

Three out of five, to be exact, but still amazing.

"Ugh, right. But Master Fellow is the one who made the Battle of Reid a reality."

Sure, it's like gathering freshly discovered [lake braves] in addition to first-place, third-place, and fifth-place parties.

More importantly, the fourth-place party was in as a help with the training.

"Because we high-ranking adventurers are easy to get in touch with ourselves. An original dungeon usually attracts adventurers. In that regard, Mr. Leme doesn't know where he is at the moment, so I thought the negotiation itself would not be concluded unless it was a personal handover."

The more famous people are, the more connected they are to different people.

It's not difficult for the average person to get in touch with you, nor is it uncommon for you to go into the crowd if it's a job.

This time, indeed, I am here because Mr. Fellow came in person and asked me out.

Even if you can contact the Phoenix Party, it will be medium difficult to be a Leme individual.

There would have been some way to contact others, such as Mr. Aerial, but Mr. Fellow might have been in a hurry as well.

"Besides, I personally care about Leme."

That's what Mr. Margrette said and approached me, placing his hands and his own cheek on my chest.

Fluffy, tickling nostrils, soft smell. Warm feeling on the chest.

Mira let me kill you, I feel like.

"After all, they seem to be working out very well"

A grumpy voice, close.

"Uh, Mr. Margrette..."

"Please call me Mal"

"Mr. Mal, you know, if you could just leave..."

"Oh, me. I'm sorry, sir."

"What is it? Would you like to explain it properly around there? I'm very close to Mr. Lemme personally. Not to me."

It cracks in between us, says Mira.

It was a frozen voice so much that it was snowblowing.

"I followed up with an imitation to make sure. Sister Hell said that, didn't she? Master Lemé said he was working out his own flesh."

It's time for the Reid members to meet. Adventurer's side.

Next to me snorting, Mr. Mira is squeaking.

"... that Hellvore. Well, wouldn't it be strange if someone like her noticed?"

Speaking of which, Mr. Fulcus was also aware. When I'm not talented, I work out to the limit.

When you come first class, you may find out about them to a certain extent just by standing.

"Sister Hell highly values those who live with all their might. But your personality is ah, so you prefer someone who is easy to understand and strong. Especially if you are lords. So this is the first time."

Mr. Mal separated there once, opening slightly between them before continuing.

"- That's the first time I've shown a strong interest in the [Black Demon Instructor]."

"... isn't it very good to have eyes to see"

"Yeah, yeah, that's already it. I didn't have to think about it, I belonged to the fourth largest party in the world, so there's no way I'd be incompetent. Nevertheless, I'm worried because we both love Sister Hell. It makes me want to understand. What attracted Sister Hell to Leme"

It was [Storm Brave] Mr. Aerial and [Lake Brave] Rayce who clearly realized who I was in the Battle of Reid. And then there's Mr. [Destroyer] Fran.

If you're just going to talk about it on my account, perhaps [Demon Sword Brave] Hervor has noticed as well.

There may be other people out there, but I'm not sure.

Even that Phoenix is about as black magic as I finally realized.

In Mr. Hell's case, it is also significant that he fought directly with Berito on the tag.

I think Mr. Hell's example was made before he realized who he was, and he acknowledged me for continuing his efforts without talent.

But Mr. Mal - and I mean everyone else at the Hellvore party - still seems to care more than enough.

"I thought you might see a little bit of Leme's battle up close."

"So you recommended Mr. Lemme?

"Whatever, that's not all. The original dungeon does not know what will happen, so we are going to challenge it in a diverse formation. Speaking of brilliant [black demon mentors], let's say Master Leme, shall we?

Because talented [warriors] [wizards] [brave men] and so on gather talent in a balanced manner, some of them also need good [black demon mentors] and [white demon mentors].

That my name was raised as a leading candidate when that happened.

"Really? I understand the story. But I was wondering if it would be a problem to approach your lord unnecessarily. For once you seem to be the representative here."

"Ugh, Mira seems to be close to Leme"

"Pfft, naturally. Because, as Leme said earlier, we are close to each other personally."

Do you like that phrase?

"So you also know more about Master Leme?

"Naturally. In the knowledge of Adventurer Leme, there are only about two people in the world who line up with me… at best."

[Silver Ridge Brave] Nicolas and the rest would be about the Phoenix one.

"I'm ashamed to say that I'm not very familiar with something called [Black Demon Instructor] standing around. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to give you Mira's knowledge."

Mira nods, I see.

"Shh, you're a special winner, aren't you?

I'm also an adventurer geek, so I know very well, but it's a lot of fun to talk about what I like.

Nevertheless, there is also nothing more annoying than pushing knowledge on people who are not interested.

Therefore, a situation in which knowledge of what you like is required can be welcome.

Some people will be the type to enjoy it alone, but there are different people there.

One way or another, I think Mira is the type of person I want to talk to.

"Of course, I'd like to thank you."

"Not required. The idea of offering consideration for knowledge is splendid, but I'm not willing to make money with my guess information."

"Excuse me for this"

"If you really want to thank me, send Mr. Leme out to your Chamber of Commerce commercial... hehe..."

"Well, I can't make those promises, but thank you in a way other than money is bound to"

He was Mal with the impression that he kept a calm atmosphere all the time, but seemed to be pushed slightly by Mira's pressure.

That's great, though.

Although I would like to know about me, I have decided that it is difficult to stay close to Mira because of her condition.

He grasped Mira's bump and pushed it brilliantly.

It's not like what you're talking about is a lie, and nobody gets unhappy.

"Yes, I had something for you both. We'll have the Fulcus stuff right away, so please wait."


By the way, after eating root vegetables, Mr. Fulcus took the baked sweets out of the porch and was eating the shampoo. I don't think there's anything else I can do for you, you're on our side.

What Mr. Mal gave me was a metal plate the size of a thumb.

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It's similar to the registration card we have.

Registration cards are mandatory for adventurers and demons.

Names, gender, [position (job)], recognition number, etc. are stamped, and it is also necessary to use the transfer recording stone.

But what she had was not a registration card.

"It will be a combat permit within the original dungeon and a permit for the use of magic and skills in emergencies. Please take it with you on top of your registration card, I'll attach your permit and person."

This size would allow them to hang together in a chain for hanging registration cards. If this happens, it won't even be bulky.

It's a half-authenticated magic use for everyday use, but it's supposed to require permission.

Even with permission, use may only be permitted in certain places.

That's also why adventurers go underground in unions and demons train in dungeons.

For the first time in an emergency - when you use magic, you or someone may get seriously injured or die - the use is allowed, but it is also later questioned whether or not you are correct.

"Oh, the original dungeon isn't a normal dungeon, is it?"

The original dungeon is not a licensed facility. Because it is naturally occurring.

So don't use magic on your own. It is important to obtain permission in advance.

"I understand that, but what is this emergency?

"Is it something to avoid trouble? Without this, for example, when you crack down on bandits, etc., you immediately need to get the Knights' situation heard. We can't afford to take such care of those who cooperate in the investigation."

"And a bandit?

Mira doesn't seem to be pinning.

Growing up in the city, that could be what it is.

"Quite a bit, bandit."

When I said it, Mr. Fulcus and Mr. Maru nodded.

"In my training years, I hunted well"

"I decided not to ask about that now, Master Fulcus. In fact, our merchant squad was often targeted and in trouble. Without the bad guys, I wouldn't even have to hire an escort..."

The war is gone, but not all problems have been solved.

I guess they each have their reasons for dropping themselves on bandits, but that's why they can't be stripped of themselves.

"Shit, Mr. Lemme is cool too, huh? Ever run into one?

"I listen to you very carefully. Sometimes a merchant coming to the village once arrived at the village in a shattered... There's a knighthood near a big city, so you won't hear much about it."

It just wouldn't be anywhere near our village. Even if I was in the past, I'm not there anymore.

If there had ever been a bandit who tried to target the village, he would have been punished by the most powerful demon king.

"And surprisingly, there are a lot of people who want to try. You want to compete, or you want me to try and see if you're really strong? Oh, you're in trouble... I can't deal with them."

"There is. I, for example, change my costume during an attack, so I say, 'Really naked for a moment. What? Try it,' and I don't get humiliated very often... sadly."

"You just have to strip a guy like that naked and roll him around the other way around."

Mr. Mira got cold eyes.

"I don't like it, Master Mira, because I'm not good at seeing dirt."

"Heh heh, you sure don't want to see it if you ask"

The two are laughing with pleasure.

"As it is, well, anyway, it helps when you get into that kind of trouble. I would be obliged to report every incident to the Knights, but then I can't travel like this one."

In fact, it can often be cleaned up between individuals, but this time I'm going on behalf of the state, so I guess I'm following those procedures firmly.

"Very well. If this is the case, I should have brought the blood-sucking bats."

"Did they all leave you?

"No, just a few."

"Well, is Master Mira a [Tutor]?

"... no, well, it just so happens to be aptitude"

"Really? It's great to have the aptitude to be useful outside of your position."

We had that conversation for a while.

And finally, the time to leave.

Me and Mira are going to board the same carriage as Mal. Mr. Citrie, who became a maid of honor, also joined this. Mr. Fulcus said "go to sleep" and disappeared somewhere. It would be on some carriage.

Ms. Merlin says she wants to talk about magic, so she's going to ride it too.

I think I was relieved. [M]

There will be no fool to attack this member, he said.

Even though we're all holding back, if there's one person who can detect magic, he'll know the difference in strength.

"Stop, orah......!

A few days later.

Bandits attacked me.

Should I call it the Bandits? Plus, it's pretty big. Isn't there more than two hundred people?

Explore movement from magic. From the way each moves, it feels like some bandits have recently begun to act together. This kind of thing is connected by the rule of following a leader, but can you feel some signs of that leader? As a single population, we are not able to work together successfully.

Coalition, I wonder.

"I know when Temehe and the others were investigators of the original dungeon! I don't know about the strong ones, but we're enemies! If you die here, you won't be able to do the adventure anymore! Just give it all away, and then disappear! No, leave the woman alone, too!

Well, where did it leak from?

No, we're only additional investigators, so we have a main unit.

The bandits found out that large quantities of supplies, 'cocoons' and other value-stretched equipment would be transported out of the reach of the Knights. This is going to be a big buck, and some bandits put their hands together.

Maybe he was really going to attack the main unit. You think someone found us at a distance and decided to attack us first?

Well, around that, okay, nothing.

We were getting off the carriage.

Mostly all the adventurers and subhumans.

"E, tell Ex it's Arthur!? Ma, even Merlin......!?

Behind a group of men blocking our path, a summer-like man screams.

Well, there won't be any highly-ranked adventurers in the squad so far, so there's probably no choice if you think so again...

"Either way, you're going to jail. Wouldn't you at least like to save time and get in intact?

Mr. Ex spoke calmly.

"Za, you must be kidding me! [Brave man] You must be human! Ten Thousand Years Second Place (,,,) Doesn't Bark Great!



I cast magic on my wand. Same goes for Mr. Merlin.

Mr. Fulcus holds the spear on his shoulder and Mira puts her nails on his wrist.

A werewolf man changes to a werewolf state, an oak man holds a stick, and a cat subhuman woman pulls out her sword.

Mr. Arthur put his hand on the pattern, and Mr. Ex - dropped his shoulder.

"That word hurts..."

I say it like it's never happened, but it's not.

There are many people who really want to be number one. We don't all say so, but there are those who are serious about trying to cross the Aerial Party.

The Aerial Party is in the spot of immobility.

[Invincible Brave] Ever since Mr. Altreet's party retired, it's long gone.

And then for most of the time, the Expats keep second place.

It stands in its closest position to the top for nearly a decade.

That's not a day of stagnation.

What an easy drop in rank if you stop.

So that's proof of the challenge every day.

Nothing. Viewers say whatever they want, and I can say it's in the job to take them because they're spectacular about the offense.

But we have a heart, too. You can get hurt and you can get angry.

At least, a second place word in 10,000 years is harder than being attacked by a bandit.

"Reme, can you go the left half?

The trees grow as they cross the road. Look here, it's like a slope there.

Height is on the other side. There are many over there as well. This one has non-combatants, as well as equipment to handle with care.

Can we hang black magic on the left half of our enemies - a hundred in the big mess - around the road, Mr. Merlin says?

Normally I can't.

But I answered without hesitation.

"Everyone can (,,,,,,)"

Mr. Merlin raised his eyelids slightly, and then - laughed happily.

"Nice, great"

Mira loosened her expression for a moment, and Fulcus seems to have raised her mouth angle just a little too......

Mr. Citrie said, "You're adorable, boy! ♪ And backup? He did.

Is it decided that this member does not need to move?

They will hang charms if their enemies come closer.

All enemies' magic reactions are mastered.

Something black gushes out of Mr. Ex's shadow (,).

"That's a broken negotiation. I'll have you locked up after a few injuries."

"Bullshit! Ya bastards! Do it!"

An absolutely unsuccessful plunder has begun.

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