NanoCorpse: Zombie Nanomancer

NanoCorpse: Zombie Nanomancer

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NanoCorpse: Zombie Nanomancer

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"Can you remind me why you don't have my job?"

He grinned at me and jokingly replied, "Because I don't have parents that can drop a worldwide famous multi-billion dollar electronic company on my head. So they can go and drink every day."

*SIGH* I gave my most exaggerated sigh yet and looked back up while leaning back in my chair. I was going to conclude the conversation when suddenly a grin crawled up my face. I said sarcastically, "Oh right, sorry, I forgot you're a broke bitch."


Joshua Nicholas Henderson is a CEO of a multi-billion dollar company that was left to him by his parents at the age of 21.

This all changed on the day 2050; the world he and many others once knew was no longer the same. Zombies roamed the streets, animals became powerful monsters, and plants became man-eating flesh-eating creatures.

That was not all that changed; humans can now become superhuman through mana, grow more robust, and control the elements around them. Only time will tell if people have become strong enough to start natural disasters.

Together with hundreds of his employees, Joshua rushed to the company doomsday vault without knowing when they would ever leave again. With supplies and activities to do for years to come, the people inside had plenty of time to think of ways to survive.

Years later, life continued, and people had already become strong enough to fight hordes of zombies and control power beyond the past's wildest dreams. Most importantly, the people in the vault had just made a breakthrough in making the zombie virus cure. With such a breakthrough, it would be possible to complete a cure within another five years of research.

Unfortunately, this cure would never see its finished product when the vault had taken a crippling explosion, almost killing everyone inside the vault. Joshua was not safe from such a disaster and had taken lethal damage. Still, before he could die of his injuries, he was infected by the incomplete zombie cure that had contaminated the area around him.

When he finally opened his eyes again, he was hit with intense hunger, ruthless rage, and what felt like unquenchable sexual frustration. He would have to learn how to control his emotions, grow his power again, overcome hurdles that come after him, and much more.

Follow Joshua's journey as he explores the land around him and experiences things he hadn't before, going through life again.
Or should I say his afterlife?

The story is a realistic fictional story for the MATURE audience; if you continue to read, expect the following:
Content will contain mentions of death, gore, enslavement, rape, strong language, etc.
Thank You


Author's note: The upload schedule will not be uniform and will be made when I feel like I want to; in the future, I may take this more seriously depending on the results but expect 1-2 chapters a week for right now.

Depending on how well the novel goes in the future, I will begin to look for ways for possible financial donations, such as Patreon or even going to Webnovel. With that, I will be able to motivate myself more to write for you guys.

Other than that,
Thank you for reading my novel!

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