Nanoforge through the Multiverse

Chapter 11: ‘Magical’ Journey

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Finishing the last injection into Saeko, she flexed her arms a few times before she nodded. ''Thank you.''

''Of course,'' Seth stated, examining the needle a moment before letting Sam break it down once more for materials.

''Is there anything else you have to do before we leave?'' Saeko asked, pulling her shirt down over the needlepoint after she placed a bandaid over it.

''No, we need to simply wait for a few hours until your vaccine completely kicks in, for now, make sure the girls are ready, I'm going to go dismantle the lab and anything else we could use,'' Seth stated as he stood, Sam already taking his words as confirmation to begin dismantling the entire lab, the nanites sweeping the building.

Moving to the main area of the living space they had created, he watched the T.V. screens. Watching the news update all across the world, it had been global scale, but the cure was moving in full force, could he trust it not to happen again? No, he couldn't, but that wasn't his problem to deal with, and the girls felt the same way. They did what they could to help, that was all they needed to do.

Rika suddenly came up behind Seth, rubbing her hands up along his chest and kissing his neck. ''Thinking about world domination?''

''Of this world? No... The next one? Maybe.'' Seth chuckled, turning to slide his hands under Rika's ass and lift her up, pulling her close. ''I am, thinking about being 18 again, remember those days?''

''I remember someone able to talk me into getting absolutely wasted, take me to his room, then do nothing, I woke up only slightly disappointed.'' Rika smiled at him as her arms rested around his shoulders.

''I am a gentleman... A booty loving gentle bandit some might say, but I am no person to take advantage of someone drunk, I prefer to use my skills without the bonus of alchohal.. Like out shooting one of the best snipers in japan.'' He grinned down to her, causing her to pout.

''It was one time, and my rifle hadn't had proper maintenance.'' She complained, leaning back.

''I remember it was YOU who told me 'A real man takes care of his rifle for the ladies, just like the ladies take care of her rifling.'.. Maybe that was Gandi?''

She muttered as she slid her legs back down and stood up from him. ''All the bags are packed, we're ready.''

Looking at the time he noticed it had already been about two hours of him watching T.V., getting lost in the drama of the world. Waving a hand the T.V.'s and the rest of the electronics got broken down as he pulled up his system, simply clicking on world travel he scrolled through the massive list, even after narrowing the search down, it still took him a while to find the correct location they wanted to visit. Once he clicked it a clock appeared that said five minutes.

''Alright, we got five minutes, then a portal will open up.''

Saeko walked in, carrying her bags. ''Why so long?''

''To prevent me from doing it in combat, or in places considered 'Dangerous'. God's don't want me to run from my problems, after all, not like I wouuuu....'' His voice died out, making the girls look at him with raised brows.

A new list in the system had appeared, titled 'Achievements'

When he clicked on it, only one was highlighted, the rest labeled '???'

[Save a world from its damnation.]

[Reward: 4 Wands]

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''Oh.'' Seth stated.

''Oh?'' repeated threefold as all girls did it before he handed them each a small box.

''Our wands came in as a reward.''

The girls opened their boxes, each wand a little different in design, but Saeko's was shorter, only 9 inches while both Rika and Shizuka had 11 inches.

Seth's own was 15 inches, raising a brow he examined his wand as did the others.

''We all feel that connection?'' Rika asked, swinging hers like a sword.

''Careful, once we enter HP, doing that will be incredibly dangerous...The wands are tailor-made for us and will strengthen as we do, basically, free wands that we don't need to worry about breaking... So I guess in a pinch it could serve as a dagger.''

Seth held his wand, summoning a small box and channeling that new sensation, before he copied the motions for the levitation charm, exactly as the books described and the movie showed. ''Wingardium Leviooooosaaaaa.''

Seeing the small cardboard box softly float up he chuckled a bit before letting it drop and then disappear as Sam took it.

''Why do you think our wands are different sizes?''

''Most likely to compliment our fighting styles. Saeko's is shorter to allow her to mix blade and sorcery, yours is eleven since you will most likely be focusing on your magic more than martial arts.''

''And yours?'' Saeko asked, examining Seth's wand.

Rika's hand shot up. ''Because Seth trained like a person he seen from a game!''

Seth snickered before he nodded. ''Abyss watchers from Dark souls, they used a hooked knife to basically throw themselves around the battlefield, I can't replicate that feat... yet, so I Trained to get comfortable using a sword and dagger, mostly for parrying and defensive purposes but also for execution. As I said the wand is unbreaking, so it was most likely made to compliment my aggressive style.''

Shizuka snickered softly. ''His... Wand was always bigger than others.''

Rika released a low perverted chuckle before a portal suddenly opened up, Sam pulling the luggage into her storage as Seth holstered his wand to the wand holsters provided as well, the girls following suit.

''Alright, through the portal.'' That was all he said before he entered the portal, the girls following him after a moment of gazing at the beautiful portal full of stars before they were suddenly in a dingy bar, no one around as it looked like a small dive bar. Seth using Sam to begin clearing the dust away.

''That's it?'' Rika asked, looking around.

Seth chuckled softly, wiggling his fingers as he spread his hands. ''Magic~''

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