Naruto – Legend of The Half-Baked Shinobi

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Prologue

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It was an ordinary Saturday afternoon when I got dragged into the system. 

[The Worlds Probability Has Been Compromised!]

At the time I was just finishing some show a friend recommended to me.  It was about a kid who wanted to be the best ninja in his village.

[Emergency Protocol Activated.]

When I finished it I thought it was more or less just a waste of time given the ending. I mean who ends a series about ninjas with aliens?

[Beginning World Fracture System!]

Luckily though it turned out I was wrong. Since where I was going, not watching it would've been a mistake.

[Location Set...]

When that final message played back in my head, I couldn't have imagined what was going to happen next. 

[World of Shinobi!]

I ended up transmigrating into that show I had watched. 

. . . 

I didn't know when, or how, but I found myself waking up from a deep sleep. 

Before I even opened my eyes, I felt troubled. 

"Did I fall asleep? I thought I watched that last episode of that show."  

It was only, I opened my eyes, that I realized something was wrong. 

"What the?" Rather than waking up in my apartment, I found myself in a large classroom filled with oddly dressed kids. As I looked around to see what was going on, I noticed something odd. "Why are they all..." Like mannequins in a clothing store, everyone in the room appeared as if they were frozen in time. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked the kid sitting next to me. "Hey!" Raising my voice only a little bit higher than before I tried to get a response, yet all I got was silence. "Are these even people?" With how none of them responded,  I could only question whether or not they were just a bunch of realistic-looking dolls. 

"If that's the case then why am I here?" Somewhat skeptical of my initial guess, I reached out to the kid beside me just to make sure. Yet while I extended my arm I noticed something off. Rather than seeing the large scarred-up hand that I used all my life, in its place was a smaller fair-skinned one that belonged to a child. "What the..." Confused I examined my body and to my surprise, I wasn't in the same set of clothes that I was in before. "...." Not only that but even my body was changed into something else.

"Huh?" No longer a tall and somewhat chubby man, I was now a short and scrawny kid. "Am I high?" Too shocked to even accept this as reality, I started to question what exactly was going on.  "How did this happen? Why am I-" As I fell into this endless loop of questioning everything, that voice that I'd barely remembered hearing before, had appeared once again in my head.

[As a precautionary measure for all "Travelers" time has been stopped to allow for smooth integration.]

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"What?" Hearing that voice once again echo in my head, I couldn't help but look around in confusion. "Where are you!" I yelled.

[This message is being delivered through a telepathic communication technique no one is present in the space you're in.]

 "What's going on? I heard your voice earlier but, why am I here?" Knowing that it could hear my voice, I started to ask it for answers.

[Due to a sudden decrease in Probability, the world called Earth has been forced to send inhabitants to lower dimensions to prevent fracture. As one of someone dragged into this accident.]

"What does any of that mean? I'm sure that there are many other people who'd be better off in another world, so why me?" I had friends and a family who cared for me, why did I have to be dragged into this when there are so many people who could've been sacrificed? 

[The system doesn't choose who is sent. All it can do is support those who have been chosen.]

"Damn it!" Unable to accept that, I cursed out loud. "There has to be a way to send me back!"

[Returning isn't possible. Once displaced the only option is to live out the new life you've been given]

Once that final message played, I felt as if someone just dumped a bucket of ice water all over me. 

"Bullshit!" There had to be a way to go back. Even if it was unlikely, there had to be a sliver of a chance that I could return to my old life. "I know that there has to be some way! " I called out to the system. "Even if it means doing something terrible, I'll do it!" Rather than answer my call, it simply left a cold response.

[Initiating Memory Transfer...]

"Damn it, what are you-" Before I could even question what it was doing, a sharp pain shot through my head. "Argh!" It wasn't like anything I experienced before. "What's... going on?" As the pain ate away at my mind, 12 years of memories began to play again and again in my head.

"No..." As I was forced to relive someone else's life, I struggled to remember bits and pieces of my own. "I... I... won't let you mess with my head!" Using everything I had in me, I tried to remember as much of my life as I could, yet as those memories kept replaying over and over again I lost myself.

"Who am I?" As the pain kept on, I struggled to hold onto my own identity. "Ugh..." Yet just as my mind was on the verge of breaking, everything came to a halt before the voice once again played in my head. 

[Memory Transfer Complete! Congratulations on not being consumed by the previous host!]

"Damn..." Drenched in sweat I cursed whoever set this up. "That was no memory transfer. That was a whole attempt of mind wiping!" I thought. 

[The Probability Displacement Protocol has come to an end. Time will now be resumed.]

Once the message came to an end, the frozen people around me started to move once again.

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