Naruto AU: The Smut And The Healer

Chapter 5: Chapter 19 to 23

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Author's note: There are no aliens, Rinnegan or Tenseigan. But the Eternal Mangekyou exists in this AU. (AU, which Tsunade doesn't know she's in yet)
"This is for real?" At home, alone in her room, Tsunade, who had leveled up to level 2, stared in awe at notifications.
Since she mysteriously time traveled and accepted her new fate, she was curious about how to do it. Now thanks to Tamatsu needing her twice, she leveled up…Yes, apparently, the quack job was leveled up by healing people.
'...Maybe I shouldn't think too much of it…That quack seems to be a healer first, right? Or are there other ways?' Tsunade wondered, her eyes glued to the newest notifications.
[Quack—level 2!]
[Tsunade, +Overall poison immunity, +Overall poison talents]
[Tsunade, +Overall physical disease immunity, +Overall physical disease talents]
[Tsunade, +Overall mental illness immunity, +Overall mental illness talents]
'Do I automatically gain poison-related and disease-related skills when that job goes up a lvl?'
'...That means getting from level 1 to 2 should be good, right?'
Those two questions were the big questions occupying Tsunade's mind.
'If that's how it is, I don't have to worry about the nasty hag Chiyo in this life….'
'Her, Suna…Or my own cancerous Yin seal….'
"Hahahaha!!!" Coming to the realization, Tsunade grinned evilly and laughed alone. Startling the young maids at the door in the process.
Seconds later,
When she reassured the maids, and her door was closed again, Tsunade thought,
'...In this life, not only do I see, have various ways to achieve sage mode, but even without it, I can grow very strong….'
'...Strong enough not to need help facing Pain or even base Madara….'

Tsunade contemplated seriously. But then, thinking carefully about the madman, the fire dancer again, the girl scowled.
Recalling traumatizing flashbacks and growing solemn and pensive, after some time, she wondered out loud,
"Am I underestimating myself?"
Tsunade never thought about surpassing her grandpa's rival in the past…But taking all the new facts into consideration now…Could she?
…It seemed to be the case…Which was happy and scary at the same time.
Tsunade exhaled a long sigh…Life was odd and full of surprises. Well, second lives…If her experience wasn't unique.
Captivated by life, she chuckled, thinking it'd be a shame not to do her best with so many new talents and skills…With 80+ years of medical and battlefield experience, it would truly be a disgrace...
[Status: Tsume]
[Jobs: None]
[Unique traits: Beastly page (Blank)]
[Strengths: None]

[Status: Madoka]
[Jobs: Kunoichi, Dogmaster]
[Unique traits: None]
[Strengths: Ninkens, Taijutsu, Dog transformation, Cooperation, Movement, Senses, Perception, Claw techniques]
Looking at a window, Nawaki was surprised again. Just like with Nono. He was sure about something concerning the ROB now…
The boy was at the Inuzuka clan when he just sat in Tsume's living room. With Tsume holding his arm and not planning to let go of it…The boy wasn't a stranger. After he entered the Inuzuka gardens, some ninken roaming around the gates recognized him and gave him friendly, stinky-wet licks. Others notified Tsume's household.
Speaking of Tsume, she was 5 this year, and at this hour, she'd just come back from school with her mom. To them, it was always a pleasant surprise to hear that Nawaki was visiting. Especially Tsume because she liked Nawaki a bit too much…Those feelings she developed for Nawaki suddenly started the Day she first visited the Senju clan. That Day, during dinner, Nawaki had been a bit too nice to her…
Since she was five, it was a given what would happen. Tsunade laughed, seeing it.
Inside the house, Nawaki was having fruit juice when the Inuzuka clan head, Madoka, also Tsume's mother, asked informally, "How are your grandmother and sister doing, Nawaki?"
Asking, she turned her face to look at Tsume and chuckled. Saying, "*Sigh*, Tsume, it's okay to release your grip on your big brother Nawaki…."
"... He's just arrived and won't run away from you."
Madoka's daughter had both arms fastened around Nawaki's left one. She looked cute, responding, "Big brother Nawaki and I are comfortable like this…."
Saying, she eyed the boy's expression from below. Waiting for his validation, she blinked emphatically.
Nawaki patted her on the head with a smile. He didn't reply, but that was an obvious confirmation. The Inuzuka clan was mostly composed of women. Wild and cute women…
The depraved boy didn't know exactly why he liked the environment and atmosphere. He was at home here.
Madoka was a true doppelganger of adult Hana…Blood was scary. In his old life, Nawaki recalled that often grandparents shared more resemblance with their grandchildren than parents could.
Sighing at both of them again, the woman, also Inuzuka clan head, eventually chuckled and told,
"Nawaki, you need to stop spoiling this girl. At school, she's already broadcasting how she'll marry her BIG brother Nawaki Senju…Haha…"
"...Jokes aside, this girl doesn't look it yet, but she's fierce. She's inherited my grandma's ruthless character…."
"...Once she grows up, she may not ask for your opinion and abduct you in her bed one day if this spoiling goes on…."
"Hahahaha…" Tsume was too young to totally understand. But Nawaki laughed and said not so jokingly, "Don't worry, auntie, maybe I won't mind."
He drank his juice with his right arm when he was done remarking.
Hearing the boy's reply, Madoka's eyes widened when she smiled interestingly and said, "Ohhh…What don't you mind? The rumors or marrying Tsume?"
"Both," Nawaki answered honestly. Patting Tsume on the head while he added, "She'll definitely grow up to be a devastating beauty in the future…."
"...After all, she's taking after her mother."
Listening to the shameless words, Tsume flushed with tomato-red tint and ran away at a fast pace.
Looking at her daughter's complexion and behavior, Madoka laughed mockingly. She wasn't shy about her feelings but had always been weak against praise.
Left alone in the living room with Nawaki, Madoka Inuzuka discussed Nawaki's graduation until she recalled something. Then she abruptly asked,
"Is it true?"
"What's true?" Nawaki said confusedly.
"You finding me hot?" Madoka said with a wild but pretty smile.
"..." Recalling how he used to nap with his small head on Madoka's gentle thighs, Nawaki didn't think long to honestly say, "Yes, it is. Auntie, you're the most beautiful woman in Konoha…." Which wasn't exactly a lie because the milf truly was up there with the most beautiful ones…Though he loved Tsunade, she was young right now. She didn't have that mature charm yet. And It was still subjective who was number one in the village.
"Hehe…" Her face brightening, Madoka said, "You're getting better and better with words, are you?"
"You think? I wasn't flattering; it's the truth." Nawaki said.
"Hmph." Madoka chuckled, remarking, "Don't let your grandmother and sister hear about this. I don't mind, but you're likely saying the same to them, are you?"
"How can it be?" Nawaki smiled like a rascal and drank.
When Madoka chuckled, thinking of changing the subject, the boy asked things he never dared to in the memories. Or maybe he wasn't interested to know,
"Auntie Madoka, you've never felt like remarrying? How did uncle pass?"
Minutes later,
Nawaki and his auntie discussed a somewhat dark yet not-so-secret Inuzuka matter… Let's just say being born a male in the Inuzuka clan wasn't necessarily a godsend when you lack skill…
Only 1 out of 9 children would be dudes in the Inuzuka clan. The Snu Snu was often lethal when Inuzuka women became of age and didn't know where to look for a partner…Tsume had a lot of half-sisters…
Because of this problem, unlike other clans, the Inuzukas had open views on outside relationships and unions.
After they discussed the mature subject, Madoka went to call back her daughter minutes later. But she found her asleep.
Tsume was training to be a kunoichi, but most things were still tiring to 5-year-olds. The lass needed a nap before dinner.
Nawaki and Madoka were alone when he said,
"Auntie, I need your help."
"Help? I'm listening, Nawaki." The woman said curiously.
"You and auntie Shirotsuka always kept my secrets well, so the first people I thought of were you and her."
"That's true," Madoka said with a kind smile. "But since your auntie, Shiro is outside the village, what do you need? Say it; maybe I can help since I'm the clan head."
Madoka was a busy clan head. Nawaki was thinking about how he would generally come and tell his problems to her younger sister, Shirotsuka Inuzuka. But she was on a long mission.
Nawaki was small, but he was a hoodlum. About to leave the Inuzuka clan with a packet in his hands, the boy didn't forget to properly thank his auntie Madoka.
"Walk safe, Nawaki. See you in a few days." After giving him something called [Beetle grass], Madoka smiled and leaned to kiss the boy on the cheeks.
It was at that moment that the latter did something very audacious, very promiscuous,
Something he shouldn't do to nice ladies,
Nawaki randomly and unexpectedly stole a kiss on the woman's lips. And not a quiet one…
"..." Parting her lips quickly, the Inuzuka clan head stared at the boy in stupefaction. She asked with her eyes wide from disbelief, "What was that about, Nawaki?"
"Something I often to do with auntie Shirotsuka," Nawaki said the truth to the single wife. "It cheers her up, she says…."
"What?!" Tsume was stunned. "S-She really does that with you?"
Nawaki nodded with a serious face.
"..." Madoka went quiet for a bit, almost spacing out. Her expression was growing a little dark.
"Auntie?" Nawaki said.
"...Ah, nothing." The woman said. "Go home, quickly."
"All right," Nawaki said. Before going, he added, "But I'll come back here tomorrow night, auntie…."
"Tomorrow night? What for?" Madoka asked hurriedly.
"To cheer you up, hehe." Nawaki giggled not so innocently as he left slowly.
On his way, he turned his head back a few times. He was happy that Tsume's mom stared with a lost look.
Konoha was such a paradise for reincarnated and experienced shotas…She was definitely a little fazed.
Night had fallen. It was the evening now.
Exiting the Inuzuka clan, Nawaki didn't directly head to the orphanage.
On a remote and dark street corner, he first opened the stash he was generously gifted with.
The boy was holding something valuable and precious, and he'd made important gains tonight— Which he wanted to count.
The [beetle grass] was a wild medicinal herb that a breed of chakra beetles loved eating. He'd also asked for the soldier and soldier-like pills, but he was too young, and Madoka said they would harm his body.
Anyway, the farming method which involved dung was special…And it was mostly farmed by the Inuzukas thanks to their ninken.
The beetle grass was used to produce different medicines and healthy foods in its purified form. But in its raw one, it was a long-term strength-enhancing drug.
…One which children of Nawaki's age could take…And with no side effects as long as one had innate yang affinities…Like Nawaki or most Inuzuka and Akimichis did…The price was also a natural deterrent.
The effects would last a lifetime, but the drug could only be taken for a week. After that, it was useless.
Inuzuka clan members with yang affinities would generally take it under 10.
"This should be about a kilogram of it…Maybe she's overestimating me…." Nawaki muttered to himself, looking in the plastic bag.
The drug had no side effects, but it was only for those with powerful yang affinity. Those with a weak one would be tired. When Madoka gave him the [beetle grass], she verified all his affinities with special chakra papers.
The boy wasn't surprised to see them since he already knew, but the woman was stunned.
In addition to Yang and Yin affinities, Nawaki had all the basic ones. Just like his two grandpas and Tsunade.
In the big families in the Senju clan, it wasn't rare to have two affinities. But even among the Senju, their little household was a queer one.
Nawaki's dad also had all affinities. But he never found a way to mix Earth and water to create wood chakra.
If it was so easy, Hiruzen would have the wood release…
Yang affinity was the missing secret link, but Hiruzen had the Yang release. Hashirama probably told him how his wood Justus worked, and Hiruzen tried.
But bloodlines and bloodline skills didn't work that way…They were simple and complex at the same time.
Bloodlines (elemental ones, at least) unlocked the gene preventing people from mixing different chakras. When he was on Earth, that's how Nawaki thought the show worked. And he was probably right.
It was still possible to mix different chakra without unlocking that gene. However, it was almost impossible. Only a few geniuses like Gaara's dad or the Tsuchikages managed to use bloodline abilities without bloodlines.
To use the wood release, people needed Hashirama's DNA. Which was another proof. Despite how talented Madara was, even he needed it…In his case, perhaps it was because he was an Uchiha…His Yin release was too powerful and probably prevented him from having a powerful Yang one…
To mix elements, of course, a balance needed to be achieved between them.
'Hey…I should stop. This is Naruto. If I continue, I'll sound like Iroh teaching Zuko soon….'
Shaking his head with a chuckle, Nawaki walked toward the orphanage. Before his death, he was on an Avatar binge-watch.
The Korra experience, however, was a toxic pleasure to him...
And that'd be because he couldn't watch that bland, *good-guy* Mako…Nawaki searched for and read fanfics where a more powerful and handsome dude stole his girls and cucked him…Too bad Bolin couldn't do it and was just treated as comic relief by the producers.
Oh yeah, speaking of fics, better than those where the girls are stolen; Nawaki liked those fics where a dude would get the two girls before Mako even had a chance…It was even better if he was mad and cried about it.
'I miss TV and Korra fanfics…'
Going through S1 and S2 of Korra seemed to be the true difficulty…The rest wasn't as dark or depressing.
Sadly, Nawaki couldn't even watch the rest where Mako finally got cucked by his ex-girlfriends…
[Playboy—level 10!]
[Nawaki, +60 days of longevity]
[Mito, +60 days of longevity]

[Nawaki, extra life, 0.246 years]
[Mito, extra life, 0.246 years]

[Mito's powerful orgasm—all mental stress, injuries, ailments, and diseases healed]
[Mito's joint climax—healing shared with Nawaki]

[Morning wood: A hardening and elongating sexual technique using wood vitality to give powerful orgasms to women. More if they have yang or wood affinity.]
[Playboy (Lvl.10): The playboy is a natural-born womanizer who trains thanks to and can choose to strengthen his love partners.]
Konoha, a poor but verdant locality,
On his way to the orphanage, Nawaki examined the latest notifications and stats after he made love to his grandma again last night,
Minutes after Tsunade went to sleep, the boy went to Mito's room— where he and her sexily entwined for an additional two hours.
Overall, fucking Mito, Nawaki had gained three months of longevity, representing 90 days.

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He didn't level up ever since the bath session, though. It didn't seem to be that easy. But as long as he could keep gaining more life and keep training his stamina, he didn't care.
Leveling his job would let him produce sperm frighteningly fast and, in turn, fuck longer. That was the parameter mostly at play.
But in fact, without leveling, Nawaki could increase his sexual arousal and sexual prowess. It all tied into training the stamina. After all, this world had anime logic.
Another cool finding he made had to do with his [morning wood]. The skill's description was somewhat exhaustive. But not in the way Nawaki initially thought…He seemed to be some kind of outrageous sexual gamer…Because his grandma definitely had the yang affinity, things he didn't expect went down when he made her climax one too many times…
Nawaki realized he could heal his sexual partner and himself through sex…Which wasn't necessarily nice because Nawaki wasn't a good person at all…His mind was dirty, and he had bad plans…However, since it was Mito, it was totally okay.
Fortunately, this *problem* was something he could control…This was thanks to his playboy job, which let him manage and take back sexual blessings.
In the future, he wouldn't have to agonize over encroaching Konoha's pretty enemies back to health…Battlefields weren't playgrounds. But healthy shotas like him were powerless against slender butts and phat booties.
Going weeks without soothing wails and relaxing ahegaos was unrealistic. Nawaki estimated that if he risked such utopia, his subversively staggering, lurching Johnson could riot and go Slytherin.
But the world's Kunoichis weren't ready for Shinobi Voldemort or a Slytherin reckoning yet.
Scandalous, infamous things that shall not be named should never have anything to do with sweet crotch serpents. Coupling, even with a bit of brainwashing, was about mutual gratification.
"...Whatever." Trying not to raise flags for himself, the boy quickened the pace. And he soon reached the leaf's orphanage.
Konoha orphanage,
Inside a big wooden house, One too big to be made of wood,
"Nawaki Senju-sama?"
"What? That's the Senju prince?"
"The Senju prince is here?"
"P-Please, Senju-Sama, come in..."
When Nawaki walked in at the orphanage with a searching gaze, the head matron recognized him immediately. The woman seemed to be in her late 50s and dressed like a nun.
Nawaki'd never come by, but his picture was famous in the village. A lot Less than Tsunade's, but enough to raise some commotion everywhere he shouldn't be.
[Status: Uramitsu]
[Jobs: Kunoichi]
[Unique traits: None]
[Strengths: Shurikenjutsu, Genjutsu]
"Would you like to go to my office?" The matron, who looked confused by Nawaki's visit, suggested. The environment, at first glance, didn't look very good.
The place wasn't dirty, but despite being spacious, it was shoddy.
Because nuns led the establishment, Nawaki didn't expect a difference. Naruto was Japanese influenced, but even in Japanese culture, nuns lived modest frugal lives.
Nawaki nodded and followed the woman. Ignoring some of the pitiful-looking, poorly clothed children around him.
If he kept looking, the Senju clan would need to be renamed soon.
"Y-You want to make a large donation?"
"You heard me right." Sitting at a desk in front of the surprised matron, Nawaki said again. "Is that a problem? Orphanages should be happy to receive finances."
"No, don't misunderstand Senju-sama. But the sum you announced is a bit too considerable..." The woman clarified her issue.
"You shall not worry about me," Nawaki said sternly. Using formal speech to show off. He didn't care how cringey he was. He was 8, so he had to exploit cringe sometimes to impress people.
"Ah? Y-Yes, of course...Senju-sama." The woman promptly replied.
Sneering internally, Nawaki knew that the matron would never dare to embezzle the funds he would ask his grandma to invest. However, he said, "...While we're on the subject, I don't want to see any child look or dress like they did today. You'll need to guarantee they all eat well and receive a proper education."
"I'll have my people come by every day to check the situation. If you let the babysitters and caretakers play around, I'll do worse than just taking back the money...Do we have an understanding?"
"Eh?" The matron was too taken aback by the 8-year-old to speak quickly and with coherence.
Glancing at the woman's stupid face, Nawaki sighed, adding, "If we do, I'll make this arrangement nice for you too..." When he added this, he smirked and rubbed his fingers together. He was making a money gesture.
If there was one thing the Senju didn't lack, it was money. Though Nawaki wasn't the patriarch yet, his grandma was his woman. He didn't need to be nervous to take care of such a small thing.
He wasn't sure what kind of Shinobi and Kunoichis the orphans would turn into or if they would turn into criminals later. But he didn't care.
Nawaki'd come to talk with Nono and see her attitude. But it wasn't because he liked her more than any orphan forced to reside here. She was just more talented.
When Nawaki and the matron were done discussing his investment, which he would come with tomorrow, she called Nono Yakushi.
The matron wasn't sure what the boy wanted with her, but after he glared when she asked, she decided to fetch her quickly.
Alone in the office, which was agreeable, heated, and smelled okay, unlike the rest of the construction, Nawaki shook his head, thinking,
'The world's the same everywhere...'
The boy didn't even think to wonder why nobody in the village cared about this issue. This was the same reason nobody cared for Naruto when Kushina and Minato died. Retarded things were just meant to be retarded.
When the 7-year-old Nono walked inside the room, Nawaki smiled nicely and told the matron, "You can leave us alone."
The nun shook her head and said, "Senju-sama, sorry, but that won't work."
Listening, Nawaki glared.
Sweating from her cheek, the woman told, "Please, don't misunderstand Senju-sama. It's not because I want to intrude…."
"...Nono can't speak on her own… She's mute and communicates through sign language."
"What? Is that true?" Surprised by the info, Nawaki stopped glaring at the nun and examined the orphaned Yakushi.
Nono made and maintained eye contact calmly. Staring intently at him with her glass-wearing green eyes. She was mute but was obviously not shy.
"..." Going quiet for a moment, Nawaki asked the matron, "What happened to her? Why can't she speak?"
The nun replied with a wry smile,
"This girl has been this way for a while now…She used to have a big sister who died last year."
"That's when it all started…."
"A sister?" Nawaki asked with interest and surprise. "Was she also from the orphanage? How did she die?"
"Yes, she used to." The matron replied. "Nono and Shinra are blood–related orphans from the Shinobi war. But Shinra passed recently after she realized her dream and finally became a genin… It's a heartbreaking story, really…."
"The girl wasn't talented in the ninja arts, but she tried hard…."
"... Day after day, she came back with more bruises. She was training, doing her best not to repeat the academy and graduate."
"...She was doing this all for her." Nawaki glanced at Nono when he remarked.
"Yes, for her little sister and her future…." The matron had her hand on Nono's head when she nodded, continuing, "...But she died in her sleep. From a bizarre sickness days after she graduated..."
"...Nono couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. She lost the ability to speak that morning when she saw the body."
Done listening, his face a little compassionate, Nawaki's gaze went to Nono. But she didn't appear depressed at all.
'Is she that strong? Or does she have a stoic nature in general?'
'Stoicism doesn't have an age, but still...Is she putting on a tough front?'
When Nawaki started considering Nono's muteness, the matron said, "Sorry, Senju-sama, but what do you want with her? Maybe I can help."
Nawaki shook his head, replying instead, "Can she write?"
"Yes, of course." The matron nodded. "This girl can do most things better than the children here except speaking…."
"... She's a bright lass who picked up on sign language in a few weeks. I only showed minimal guidance…."
"Really…Great then," Nawaki smiled in amazement and pride. He wasn't sure why he was proud like a dad. Maybe they should call the FBI on him...
Coughing the next second, he said, "Give her some chalk and a slate then. You can leave us alone once you do."
Moments later, the office was quiet, and there was a staredown, one not hostile but very odd and cute,
Holding some white chalk and a black slate, Nono didn't look afraid to be left alone with Nawaki. Not that the 8-year-old looked menacing, but he was a stranger coming to her home and asking for her.
After an awkward cough, smiling gently, he said, "Got any idea why I want to meet you?"
Nono nodded.
"Do you? Then please, write what you think," Nawaki said, smiling with interest. He was really curious to know what Nono would say.
Not that it was hard to guess, but was she bold enough to advertise his thoughts early?
Still not fazed, Nono adjusted her glasses and nodded again. Turning the slate toward her, she fidgeted with the white chalk for a moment until she showed it to the boy.
Her handwriting was pretty when Nawaki read: *You're the Senju prince, ain't you? Do you want to adopt me? I'm not sure why you would, but it's okay. You can.*
"Haha, Yes." Stunned, Nawaki raised his brows, pleasantly surprised, saying, "Correct, I'm here to adopt you, not anybody else. But that's only if you want to…Are you unhappy in this place?"
Nono's face turned a little strange for the first time hearing the question. She quickly turned the slate and wrote something else. The next second turning the slate again, she showed: *I won't say anything about it before you promise to take me with you to the Senju clan.*
Nawaki chuckled…This was Kabuto's mom, without a doubt…But she was still young and naive…
Realizing her mistake quickly, though, Nono tapped her forehead. She was going to scribble something else when Nawaki laughed and said, "Alright, stop. That's enough; I promise to take you."
"..." Nono stared in astonishment.
"That was supposed to stay my secret, but I'd already decided before coming," A blush and a queer smile she didn't try to hide took shape on her face when Nawaki stated.
Nono seemed intelligent, so there was no need to explain his last words. Though he wanted the girl to feel at home later, he didn't want her to be too lazy.
The Konoha orphanage was in some kind of green crevasse, right next to the tall Konoha walls,
When Nawaki left the wooden house with Nono, they didn't directly walk back to the Senju clan. Climbing the stairs to the more elevated Konoha streets, they stopped midway.
When they did, the confused Nono, who couldn't speak, used her slate to write: *What's wrong, Nawaki-sama? Are we waiting for something? Someone?*
Nawaki shook his head and replied, "No. I want you to help me with something. Also, quit the honorifics. I'm taking you in, but not as your father, obviously..."
Nono listened attentively when he paused and continued, "...Since we're about the same age, starting today, I'll be your older brother..."
"...Of course, if that's okay with you, again..."
Nono nodded fast.
It wasn't like there was much to argue or debate over in the first place. However, minutes ago, Nawaki learned that the talent he scouted— now a family member— wasn't timid. The girl quickly adjusted to things good for her.
"Great." Nawaki grinned.
Thinking of what he wanted to do the next moment, he asked curiously, "You know how to play instruments?" Because the glass-wearing loli had given him many surprises since they first met, he had to inquire.
Before returning home with his new blonde sister, Nawaki made another find.
Nono was a talented drummer. She also had a good rhythm and could dance...Very well, actually...Despite her muteness, the girl knew how to get down...
He had started introducing Tsunade to songs and music, so it would come in handy tonight.
When the two arrived, standing in front of the Senju main mansion, Nawaki turned and asked, "Ready?" That girl didn't understand what nerves meant, but he still had to ask, considering what they were about to pull.
Nono readjusted her glasses. She didn't nod or write on her black slate. But for some reason, feeling her mighty cringe, the Senju prince interpreted the girl's gesture as *I was born ready...*
Senju clan, A big living room,
*Slates sounds*
~~When the pimp's in the crib ma
Drop it like it's hot
Drop it like it's hot
Drop it like it's hot~~
*Rhythmic Slates beats*
~~When the pigs try to get at you
Park it like it's hot
Park it like it's hot
Park it like it's hot~~
*Very rhythmic Slate beats*
Nawaki was rapping in the living room— Mito and Tsunade sitting, stunned in front of him— and Nono using her slate to give him the beat.
Both children were moving their bodies infectiously when the song finally ended.
The boy who felt like continuing with a more tropical, beautiful tune from the same artists again heard Mito burst into laughter,
She was holding her stomach, tears at the corners of her eyes when Tsunade asked with an eager, greedy-to-learn frown,
"Dammit, Nawaki, where do you hear all these melodies and songs? Who was that from this time?"
At that time, the hysteric, cracking-up Mito was able to breathe and question curiously, "Hahaha! Oooh... OOOhhh...Nawaki, who's the cute lass? I-Is that your little girlfriend? Hahahaa..."
Mito and Tsunade were very open-minded, learned, and accepting women. But the situation with Nono was confusing, to say the least.
First, the two children entered the living room, where the two adults sat and drank tea together. The next, they started rapping and shaking their shoulders like hoodlums.
Nawaki's blood relatives didn't understand what rap was or what language the lyrics were in…Neither did Nono. Still, she didn't care, it seemed…
…Speaking of the little girl, Nawaki eventually had to introduce her. When Mito asked who she was, replying, he said, "That's not my girlfriend, grandma; that's Nono."
"Nono?" Mito turned to the blonde Yakushi.
"Yes, Nono Yakushi." Nawaki nodded and said. "She's a mute girl I decided to adopt today. If you're going to ask me why get Tsunade to look closely at her."
Nawaki was using code language: In their new code language, *look closely* stood for the windows.
"Yakushi?? Is she special?" Tsunade, who immediately picked up on the clue, said, moving her eyebrows. After examining Nono, who had an apprehensive, curious look, she said, "Oh, wow, she's special, alright…Nawaki, where did you find her?"
"The orphanage," Nawaki replied. "But that's not important. That's our little sister starting tonight."
"Sister? Am I not enough for you? Who did you ask?" Tsunade remarked, chuckling.
"Grandma, she makes the decisions in this house, If I recall?" Nawaki responded with irony, turning to Mito. "Grandma, you won't send her back there, will you?" When he said, he wasn't asking fairly. He knew Mito was too considerate, too lenient to do so. More importantly, he and his grandmother were very in love now. She'd do almost anything he asked.
As expected, the widowed Uzumaki replied with a wry, teasing smile, "Well, since you already took the trouble and went out of your way, of course not..."
"Thanks a lot, grandma. I don't know if there'll be a Next-time, but I'll definitely do what you say," Nawaki said like a good boy he wasn't.
"Haha, no problem, Nawaki...To tell the truth, she looks cute and can bust a move too..."
In front of Tsunade, he and Mito still had to act...
When the old jinchuriki was laughing, Nono quickly wrote on the slate, which she showed Mito and Tsunade: *Thank you very much, Mito-sama, Tsunade-sama.*
"Awww...." Seeing this, Mito looked moved. Melting up, she stood and walked toward Nono to hug and speak with her.
The two were speaking quietly, indistinctly, when Tsunade remarked, frowning, "...If what we see can be relied on, you found a talent..."
"...But that girl's really mute, is she? Was she born that way?"
"Yes to your first question and no to the second," Nawaki clarified without elucidating the details. Tsunade would soon know. Because it was like that, he walked up to her and whispered something relevant, questioning in her ear, "Did you see anything strange when you looked...UP CLOSE?"
Tsunade was too smart; she effortlessly understood the gamer-like jargon Nawaki came up with. It was straightforward, so she said, "Strange? Such as? Did I miss something?"
"Blank?" Nawaki tried her out again.
"Blank?" Tsunade repeated, squinting her eyes in bewilderment. "What are you on about?"
"...Nothing you need to mind," His worries absolutely gone, Nawaki said innocently. Internally, he'd relaxed a lot. The ROB was FBI-bust-worthy, but it looked like he could still think things through.

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