Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1020: 1024: Tiger poison eats seeds

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Disorganized thoughts flashed in the mind of the cat viper.

Facing Inu Lan's decision, Cat Viper knew the power of it.

However, before they could react, Sasaki, who had not been moving, took the lead.


With stride, Sasaki the murloc shot out like a cannonball.

The strength was so great that even the ground beneath his feet was crushed to pieces.

A short distance of tens of meters, was pulled closer in the blink of an eye.

When Duke Inulan reacted, Sasaki's figure had completely occupied his sight.

"The flaws in your body, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"The knife just now tastes good, right?"

"Murloc karate, big suck!"

Sasaki slammed his hands abruptly, ten fingers clenched, and under the tense muscles, the free water in the air seemed to be moved by an invisible big hand.

It turned into a miniature whirlpool in Sasaki's hands, erupting a powerful attraction, directly covering Duke Inuarashi.

Duke Inulan, who had come by head-on impact, instantly tore the wound on his chest that had been stopped.

Scarlet blood gushes out directly.

Eventually gathered in Sasaki's hands and turned into fist-sized blood cells.

Without any hesitation, with a fierce posture, he slammed into Inu Lan's chest again.


Inu Lan's huge body flew out directly.

Seeing this violent scene, the face of the cat and snake changed drastically.

No one had thought that Sasaki's murloc karate had the ability to absorb water from the air.

Even the blood in the wound can be easily torn apart, immediately disrupting Inu Lan's attack rhythm.

Facing the Inu Lan flying away for a moment or three, Cat Viper looked back and glanced at Guangyueri behind him, and suddenly became hesitant.

"Jiejie, it seems that the first kill will fall into my hands, let me die!"

Feminine laughter echoed in the sky.

The black shadow swept across the void, and the hard bow in the Batman's hand was directly drawn into a full moon.

Seeing the domineering armed color that quickly covered it, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.


With the sound of the bowstrings, the black sharp arrow cut directly through the sky and shot towards Duke Inulan.

A short distance of tens of meters is just a blink of an eye.

When everyone reacted, there was no time to rescue him.

"Thunder and gossip!"

The huge mace, with an awe-inspiring sound, swept out first.


The black bow and arrow were swept away instantly.

The huge impact has set off a large wave of air, and even the ground below directly smashed a big hole.

Seeing Yamato who came forward suddenly, the expressions of the people present couldn't help but stagnate.

A moment ago, Fozfor used the explosive neck ring to threaten Yamato repeatedly.

It even threatened to detonate once they intervened, thereby weakening their joint combat power.

I thought that Yamato would throw a rat avoidance device and would not help out again.

I didn't expect it at all to lay a foot in this moment.

"Sister Yamato, you are too risky like this." Guangyue Rihe's expression changed drastically.

Yamato just got a firm foothold, backhanded the wolf-fanged stick on his shoulders, and said disdainfully: "Sister Hihe, don't be too nervous, I don't believe the old guy Kaido, he really wants to kill me! "

"Fozfu, if you have any kind, please click on it. This young master wants to see if I am here today and can it be delayed for that hour!"

The proud voice echoed in the field.

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Looking at Yamato, who was unwilling to give in, the nerves of everyone present suddenly tightened, their eyes turned in vain, and they were locked on Fozfor.

Facing Yamato's words, there was an explosive collar on his neck.

They are eager to know whether Yamato's words are true or Kaido is crazy.

"Master Yamato, it seems that you haven't understood the real survival rules of the Beasts Pirates. If you want to bet, don't blame me, your subordinates are not merciful." Fuzifu's face sank, his cigarette in his mouth, and he took a deep breath. Take a bite.

Directly press the remote control button in the backhand.


The crisp sound of the organ sounded abruptly, directly prying everyone's nerves.

Everyone's gazes swept back and forth, falling on Yamato's body.

The originally dim screen directly jumped out of the number three, the scarlet color, which looked extremely dazzling.

Seeing this sudden scene, let alone Guangyue Rihe and others, Yamato's nerves changed drastically.

This kind of explosive collar can not only explode regularly, but also explode immediately, forcibly dismantling the invasion explosion mode.

At the moment, Fofolz is obviously starting a three-second timer explosion.

Looking at the number shifted to 2 above, let alone Inu Lan and Cat Viper deliberately rescued them.

Even if it’s Yamato, facing an explosive collar made of special materials, it’s impossible for a moment

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Can break free.

The only thing I can do is to wait for the explosion to come.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded without warning.

Looking at the thin figure that appeared to Yamato's side like a ghost.

The scarlet eyes, under the fast turning, the long-lost Gouyu Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, was madly urged to rise.

With a swift gesture, Thunder Light's right hand was clasped on the collar.

Under the gaze of everyone, there was a sudden pull.


Everyone just felt a flower in front of them, and when they were able to react, the explosive collar that was in the countdown flew directly in the direction where the three of Fuzifu were.


The cigarette dangling from Fozfu's mouth fell suddenly.

Before he could think about it, he pulled away and retreated.

Runti and Sasaki on the side were equally uncomfortable and quickly turned and fled.

The rest of the pirates also woke up suddenly and hurriedly withdrew and retreated.

It's a pity that when I saw the explosive collar flying over, and the final freeze-frame number on it, my expression suddenly became stiff, and I only had time to say "I rely on it."


The endless flames flew up all at once.

The violent blast wave gave people a feeling of being attacked by a Category 12 hurricane, rapidly rewinding in all directions.

Feeling this terrifying aura, the pirates besieged from all directions, they didn't have time to get out and violently retreat, and they were directly swallowed by the explosion.

As for the previous moment, I vowed and firmly believed that Kaito's tiger poison does not eat his sons. At this moment, there are tens of millions of Cao Nima rushing past.

If he could kill people with his thoughts alone, Yamato would definitely kill Kaido tens of thousands of times.


The sound of the explosion was rewinding, and the flames mixed with it went straight down for nine days.

Everything in a radius of several hundred meters was directly covered.

I don't know how long it took before the explosion of air gradually subsided, and the dust in the sky gradually fell.

Among the huge ruins, the silhouettes of pirates were scattered on the ground.

There were also some pirates who could not evade, leaving only the broken limbs and wreckage, and they died directly in the explosion.

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