Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1024: 1028: This is a big joke

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The huge wave of air was rolling down like a wave.

Seeing the huge meteorite falling from the sky, the group of pirates who lost their minds suddenly woke up.

"Escape... Hurry up, this kind of attack can't be stopped at all!"

"This is crazy. From the beginning, this bet should not be agreed."

"No, from the very beginning, we should not believe that Fei Liubao has the qualifications to challenge Qin Yu the Five Emperors..."

A series of exclaims exploded in the field.

A group of pirates who were still in the field, holding the mentality of watching the show.

In an instant, it exploded like an ant on a hot pan.

I didn't care about Fei Liubao at all, and fled one after another.

Facing this kind of attack like a tribulation in front of them, they have no confidence and try to support them.

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards, I've lost my face." Fozfu's face sank, he bit the cigarette in his mouth, and said, "Sasaki, although I don't want to admit it."

"However, the Skeleton Demon is right. I am alone. It is a bit difficult to take this blow. So I hope you, don't have the slightest reservation, and join me to break this meteorite open."

"Fozfor, it's rare to see you asking for help." Sasaki also took a deep breath and said, "Do it!"

"Runti, don't watch the show, let us join hands to take over this season!"

Facing the Haikou that Qin Yu had praised the moment before, they didn't care at all at first.

However, when he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, the action was unambiguous.

He glanced round, locked on the occasion of the huge meteorite.


The sound of the three dragons, tearing the world apart.

With Franz as the leader, the moment his muscles bulged like a rock, the green veins became prominent, and the body was rapidly swelling.

In the next moment, in full view, the three of them became Triceratops, Plesiosaurs, and Plesiosaurus.

That body is as big as tens of meters.

Looking at the three people who suddenly showed the ability of ancient species of devil fruit, Qin Yu really doubted whether he had entered Jurassic Park by mistake.

However, with the passage of time, the huge meteorites rolling down in the sky quickly magnified in full view.

Kilometers, five hundred meters, one hundred meters!

Looking at the diameter of thousands of meters, it gives people a posture of covering the sky.

Franz, who was transformed into a triceratops, roared first.

"Hands, we will crush it!"

"Three Swords·Gladiator!"


With stride and stomping, Franz obviously blended the kendo and the devil fruit form together.

With a huge body as the hilt, with the help of three indestructible horns, it becomes a sharp blade.

In the domineering coverage of the armed color, with the help of powerful explosive power, the strongest spur is trained.

Everyone just felt that the earth was in a huge earthquake, and under a flower in front of them, Franz appeared like a black long rainbow across the sky.

Faced with this violent blow, Runti, who followed closely behind, also moved.

The strong hind legs, bent slightly, suddenly a tower.

The ground beneath my feet was overwhelmed and quickly collapsed.

Under the gaze of everyone, he ran into Franz's feet directly with a giant gesture.


The dull impact resounded like thunder.

Let the Franzi shoot out at an extremely fast speed, transforming into a huge black spear, running through the sky and the earth, the Franz situation soared.

At the same time, waiting for the opportunity, Sasaki, who transformed into a plesiosaur, also took a big mouth in the blood basin and directly spit out a stream of water condensed to the extreme.

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Once again, he ran into Franz who was lasing and gave him a bottom-of-the-box attack to speed up again.

Feeling the speed of skyrocketing again, and the fierce attack posture.

As everyone's expressions changed, Yamato on the side was the first to lose his breath.

"This is Runti and the others, secretly in order to kill the three plagues, they used a combination of skills. I heard that even the **** guy of Kaido can also kill with one blow. I didn't expect to see it here."

While talking, Yamato couldn't help but look up.

At the moment of entering the goal, Flanzi, who used himself as a blade and Runti and Sasaki as double explosive powers, finally appeared in front of the huge meteorite.


The thunderous explosion sounded suddenly, and the violent air wave rolled back like a tide.

The huge meteorite, falling, took the lead in stagnation.

The next moment, a crisp cracking sound resounded suddenly.


A hideous crack spread and opened without warning.

It has a cobweb-like posture, spreading rapidly.

At this moment, the black pistol that Franz was incarnate, like a spear piercing the sun, was obviously mixed with an unstoppable posture and had the upper hand.

Facing the huge meteorite falling in the sky, a slight change appeared.

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Not to mention the pirates running away, it was Runti who fell from mid-air, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Franz, that meteorite is going to be broken, you can work harder, as long as you break it, we will be considered a winner."

The hurried words rolled away in the blast of wind and waves.

Under the huge meteorite, Franz, who penetrated the rock with a sharp triangle, couldn't help but feel the joy in his heart.

The sudden increase in fighting spirit turned into full of enthusiasm and roared.

"Three Swords Flow·Liuying Impact Break!"

"Break it for me!"

Roaring again and again, the armed domineering domineering hung in the body was urged to the extreme in an instant.

At the same time that the ripples of Liu Ying surged and opened, it instantly plunged into the crack of the meteorite like a sharp drill.


The thunderous roar resounded suddenly.

The huge meteorite was directly opened in half in full view.

The cracks that resemble spider webs spread quickly.

Looking at the meteorites that were directly broken and fell like a tribulation, scattered in all directions.

The pirates who fled in all directions were startled first, and then cheered.

"I, we are saved, Fei Liubao crushed the meteorite."

"Haha, I have known for a long time that this so-called meteorite can't defeat the Fei Six Powers at all. Now that the blow has passed, we have won."

"Hehe, it seems that the so-called Five Emperors Qin Yu is nothing more than the same..."

The successive cheers made the scene boil.

However, in the face of these grassy pirates, Runti, who had just stood firm, looked at the falling meteorites in the sky, but felt a little unsufficient.

"Sasa...Sasaki...Hurry up and take a look. After the broken meteorite, is there still a dark shadow in the sky? Is that the second meteorite?"

The small voice, at this moment, seemed to be filled with magical sounds, shaking everyone's nerves.

The pirates who were still in the mood for the rest of their lives, the joy on their faces suddenly became stiff.

Without time to think about it, he hurriedly looked at the sky.

The scene of entering the goal made the eye sockets crack.

This joke is a bit big!

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