Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1048: 1052: Wrong landing location

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"This is the Dragon Ryuzakura of His Royal Highness Mitian!" Inu Lan's expression changed, and she muttered to herself.

The moment Guangyueri and the moment they held the single-handed sword just now gave people the feeling that they were seeing Mita.

The most important thing is that among the nine swordsmen, Inuarashi and Cat Viper, as well as Jinweimen and others, have all received kendo guidance from Mitsuki Mita.

Therefore, she is very familiar with Liu Ying, which has been passed down from generation to generation in the Guangyue family.

Most importantly, in the original work, whether it was 20 years ago, Guangyue Mitian was able to hurt Kaido, or twenty years later, on the haunted island, the Red Sheath Nine Heroes launched a general attack and stabbed Kaido’s Domineering Sakura , Are all the same.

As Kaido said, he is the strongest in the world, if there is no particularity, he can't break his defense at all.

The Liu Ying of the Guangyue clan is full of dragon-slashing attributes.

"Mita's Ryuzakura?"

Da Snake's face sank, he clenched the saber in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Guangyue Rihe, it seems I really underestimated you!"

"However, a woman of yours, with a group of old and weak soldiers, do you really think that you can escape here?"

"Everyone gave me orders, as long as Guangyue Rihe can be taken down, whoever can take over the position of Crazy Death Lang."

"Kenjuro Kurotan, I hope to see you again on stage plays!"

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!

This is exactly the idea of ​​the big snake.

"Master Orochi, don't worry, I have already prepared a second hand, and under their so-called support, I will win Guangyue Rihe as the best bargaining chip!"

Kanjuro walked out in the dark.

The expression changed from the old silly and cute, full of gloomy indifference. He carried a huge brush on his right shoulder and a large scroll in his left hand.

Just landing on the square, his backhand flicked.

The huge scroll flew up, revealing the portraits of warriors without helmets.


Bang bang bang!

Large swaths of white smoke rolled away without warning.

Seven or eight huge headless knight figures were the first to appear in front of everyone.

Looking at the painting technique, Kanjuro, who was like two people before, instantly changed Kinemon's expression.

If you say that Jinweimon was still subconsciously making excuses a moment ago that Kanjuro was just being forced to deceive himself.

Now, looking at the superb painting skills in front of me.

Even this most basic method has become the capital of his deception.

This has undoubtedly become a suspicion that cannot be eliminated.

"Kinemon, you have also seen it. Twenty years ago, the headless knight who stopped us to rescue Mida-sama is really related to Kanjuro. If in the next deadly battle, you still have a relationship with Kanjuro. mutual affection."

"If we die, it doesn't matter, but at least we must. Give Rihe Princess time to wait for an adult to arrive."

"She Mingzhi! This is a battle for life and glory!"

Do it!

The awe-inspiring words came out in Inu Lan's mouth.

The fighting spirit and anger that everyone had already held back exploded in an instant.

As the head of the Nine Knights of the Red Sword, Jinweimen's expression changed one after another, and he immediately grasped the Taichi in his hand.

"Do it!"

"Foxfire Second Sword Style!"

"Dog attack and hunt!"

"The cat pounces!"

Three figures shot out first.

The sharp blade entwined by Ryuzakura rushed towards Kanjuro at the moment the black light flickered.

For them, Kanjuro is a shame to the Nine Knights.

Under such a must-kill situation, the first thing to do is to frustrate the opponent's spirit.

The principle of catching the thief and the king first works everywhere.

"Stop them!"

The snake roared first.

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The Royal Court Fans who were guarding the surroundings rushed ahead and shot at the three cats and vipers.

Seeing all of a sudden, abandoning Guangyue Rihe, and instead attacked the three people of Yu Ting Fan Zhong.

This unreasonable attack suddenly tightened Guangyue Ri He and Yamato's nerves.

Seeing and hearing the domineering, under the frantic urge, he quickly covered the surroundings and opened.

"Little girl, you are still too tender, let me go to death!"

The voice of the haze sounded abruptly in the crowd surrounded behind.

A huge body rushed out of the crowd.

The eight hideous snake heads, and the crimson tongue that vomited, carried a pungent fishy smell.

Even the samurai along the way did not pay attention to them at all, and directly washed them away.

Eight huge snake heads ejected like cannonballs at a distance of tens of meters.

"Eight hunting!"

With the fishy wind, Guangyueri and Yamato, he felt a flower in front of him, and eight big heads appeared in front of him.

The expressions of the two suddenly changed, and the three of them, including the cat Viper and Jinweimen in the distance, were no exception.

they have

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I thought, Kanjuro is a portrait clone.

But I didn't expect that even the big snake that appeared in the attic was a cover.

"Denjiro, hurry up and save Hi and the princess!" Kinweimen roared anxiously.

"I'm sorry, but I won't let him free up, all the samurai, kill them for me!" Fu Lu Shou's bark-like cheeks bloomed with a gloomy smile.

The samurai, who had been staring at him, suddenly violent.

For a time, whether it was the Orochi or the thousands of warriors, like a wave of black pressure, they rushed towards Guangyuerihe.

"Sister Rihe, I'm stopping this big snake, you give me the queen."

Yamato squeezed the giant wolf-toothed stick in his hand, and hurriedly shouted.

However, after half a step, Guangyuerihe, who had been on alert, pressed her backhand on her shoulder.

"No, he's already here!"

Speaking inexplicably, everyone in the field was stagnant.

Even Orochi's culling action also came to a halt. Subconsciously urge the domineering of seeing and hearing.

The next moment, too late to think, hurriedly looked up to the sky.


The golden thunder light descended from the sky with a fierce attitude.

The air along the way tore, directly covering the serpent.


The air wave of the explosion rolled around like a hurricane.

Under the dust overturned, some of the samurai who approached slightly overturned directly.

Seeing this violent scene, the movements in the hands of everyone present stopped suddenly.

The expressions of Yu Ting Fan's face changed drastically.

They know the truth about capturing the thieves and the king first.

Otherwise, I wouldn't use so many tricks to deal with the light, moon, and sun.

At the same time, many preparations have been made to prevent the opponent from sneaking on the snake

However, they didn't even expect that the other party would fall from the sky.

Watching the sky full of explosions dissipate, the dust gradually returned to the earth.

It was the first to catch everyone's eyes. It was a figure wearing a coat and full of golden hair.

What he stepped on was the black charcoal big snake who transformed into the eight-qi big snake, who was awe-inspiring the moment before.

"I'm sorry, although I know the truth about beating people but not face, but the landing position happened to be wrong." Qin Yu said with a warm smile.

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