Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1054: 1058: The strongest defense is broken

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A flash of blood, covered with an armed and domineering brush, broke in two ways.

Scarlet blood stains spread out from Kanjuro's eyebrows.

Under the **** arrow shot, Yuan stared at his eyes, Kanjuro with a face full of disbelief.

In full view, he was also cut in two paragraphs.

The ink flying birds under his feet broke apart in the void.

Both sides of the body slammed straight to the ground.


Kinemon's expression suddenly changed.

He was quickly stopped by Inu Lan, who was standing beside him, shaking his head and probing his hand.

Different road non-phase plan!

Before Kenjuro rebelled, they were the same as the Nine Knights of Chisao.

Faced with Kenjuro's spike, they are bound to provoke revenge.

Unfortunately, everything is right and wrong.

However, they most did not expect that Kenjuro, who was also one of the nine red scabbards in the past, showed his true strength.

Facing the Five Emperors Qin Yu, he would be so vulnerable.

"Little devil, whether you are the Skeleton Devil or the Thunder Dragon Imp, go to death for me!" Kaido roared.

With a big mouth in the blood basin, the blazing dragon's breath came out like a frenzy.


The violent air current, under the rewind, poured on Suzuo Nenghu's body.

At the same time, the flames on Jhin's body also suddenly soared, and the whole body was burning.

"Shadow Firebird!"

Bang bang bang!

The sky full of flames rose into the sky, turning into a firebird of the same size as Jin, and chasing after Qin Yu.

The speed is so fast, and Kaido's dragon's breath, one after the other, fell on Suzuo Nohu.


The violent air waves rolled back like a hurricane, and the huge impact gathered together.

Rao Suzuo Nenghu also took a few steps back.

Seeing that the blow succeeded, Kaido made a roar from the sky, and shook his huge body, chasing after him with an awe-inspiring sound.

As soon as he approached, the huge tail swiftly swept across Susano Nohu's body.

The dark, ink-like armed color quickly covered it, and it gave people an unparalleled taste.


The huge dragon's tail suddenly entangled Suzuo Nenghu.

Under the venting of the violent power, it was even more abrupt, causing a clear cracking sound from the armor.

At the same time as a shocking crack spread and opened.

Under the loud sound of birds singing in the sky, Jin rushed towards Qin Yu with a rolling sea of ​​fire.

The fierce and incomparable sharp claws were mixed with the mighty flame power directly to Qin Yu's location.


The armor that had been cracked made an overwhelming sound in an instant.

When the low explosion sounded, the cobweb-like cracks spread quickly.

In just a few seconds, Susano Nohu was directly spread over the entire body surface.

Seeing Kaido, one of the beasts, one of the four emperors, and Jin, the head of the three plagues, joined forces to attack.

The melon-eating crowd at the scene just reacted in shock, and Jinweimen and the others were completely uncomfortable.

"Princess Rihe, the five emperors Qin Yu's strength is very strong, enough to compete head-on with the beast Kaido, but if you count one Jin, I am afraid you will only be passive." Dog Lan said anxiously.

"Let Me and the Cat Viper take action and stop Jhin. Only in this way will Qin Yu, the Five Emperor, free up a chance to defeat Kaido, the beast."

"As long as Kaido of the beasts die, and the country of peace that has lost the serpent, the remaining samurai gangsters, and the remnants of the group of beasts and pirates, everything is not to be feared, we and the country will certainly embark on the road to founding the country."

The awe-inspiring words gave people an uplifting taste.

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The Cat Viper and other members of the Red Sheath Nine Knights who were on the battlefield showed a resolute expression on their faces.

"No, this kind of battle, if you intervene indiscriminately, will only drag him down, not to mention, he hasn't really gotten serious yet." Guangyue Rihe raised his head and said.

A pair of beautiful eyes twinkled, as if wanting to see through the figure hiding in the middle of Suzuo Nenghu.

The inexplicable words once again tightened the nerves of Cat Viper and others.

At least, in their eyes, facing Qin Yu who repeatedly attacked Kaido and Jin, it felt like he couldn't fight back, right?

"Break for Lao Tzu!"

Kaido roared again and again.

The dragon's tail, which was like an iron whip, exploded in strength, once again surged.

Suzuo Nenghu, who was already crumbling, broke apart at the sound.


The fragments in the sky collapsed, setting off a large wave of air, and rolled away in the void.

Facing this tortoise-like defense was finally broken, Kaido, entrenched in the void, saw and heard domineering, driven by madness, quickly locked in the figure of Qin Yu hidden in the explosion.

The huge dragon's tail was tightened again, and with an awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the air, it suddenly pulled out.

"Boss Kaido don't

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! "

Jhin's urgent cry sounded abruptly.

Kaido's nerves stagnated, the attacking movement, there was a moment of pause, and a shocking scene flashed in his mind.

Before he could think about it, he quickly drew the dragon's tail.

"Dust Cut!"


The explosive air wave set off all over the sky instantly rolled back to both sides, giving the feeling of being cut in two by a sharp blade.

The ground below was split open without warning and spread to the distant tower at the same time.

A blood arrow splashed out on Kaido's tail.

The blood and water collapsed in the void, like a dazzling firework.

In the eyes of everyone, there is simply a shocking feeling.

Rao Shijin also showed his face in disbelief.

Kaido is known as the strongest creature in this sea.

With the increase of age, the strength will rise steadily.

It can be said that the current Kaido of the beasts is not comparable to that of Guangyue Mitian 20 years ago.

In the fight just now, he even used his armed domineering.

I didn't use the advanced Liu Ying.

However, being able to wound Kaido's tail with an invisible slash alone is absolutely beyond their imagination.

Looking at the bloodstain on the dragon's tail covered by the black and black armed color domineering.

Is this the strongest defense broken?

Jhin was very convinced that if he hadn't just been domineering and driven to the extreme, he could predict a trace of the future and promptly remind Kaido.

I am afraid that if this knife falls, Kaido will definitely end up with a serious injury even if the entire tail is not cut or two.

"Bastard kid, dare you hurt me!" Kaido was also startled, feeling the tingling from his tail, and could not help but roar first.

"However, I am sorry to tell you that I can recover from this kind of injury in the blink of an eye."

The rolling sound rolls back in the sky and the earth.

The devil fruit ability in Kaido's body was immediately urged to the extreme.

As the controller of the devil fruit ability of the phantom beast species, he has already obtained the fruit ability awakening, and his own biological particularity.

In addition to strong defense, Kaido also has the ability to restore vitality.

For him, any injury, even if it endangers his life, can only recover from a thought.

However, as his power was driving, the tingling still on his tail made his expression stiff.

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