Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1065: 1069: Defeated like a mountain

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A huge projectile tens of meters long shot out in an instant, and the huge counter-shock assisted it, causing the huge Guloseac to retreat a dozen meters.

"Momo 100 times!"

Wald's muddy old eyes lit up, and his fighting spirit rose to the sky.

The power of the devil fruit in the body was urged to the extreme.


The huge cannonball that was more than ten meters soared in an instant.

In an instant, it reached a hundred-meter-like posture, giving people a feeling of black pressure.

The eyes of the pirates at the scene suddenly shrank, and their complexion turned pale. Standing beside Quinn, the member of the Fei Six Powers, the raptor Hisso, who has not yet taken a position by Drake, couldn't help it. ...Master Quinn...what shall we do?"

"What to do?" Quinn suddenly woke up, even spitting out the cigarette from his mouth, and roared anxiously.

"I was fleeing at the time. Once this shell explodes, who can carry it."

"Leave everything to the barbarian!"

As soon as the voice fell, Quinn pulled away and fled.

Seeing Quinn, one of the three plagues, was also fleeing.

The pirate who had just escaped the catastrophe at the scene instantly lost his temper.

Before the huge cannonball fell, there was still such a short breath.

However, for them, a certain way to escape is considered a certain way.

However, this idea just came to mind.

After the earth uttered a roar, a burly savage tyrant had already kicked the ground toward the huge cannonball.

Calculated based on the simple IQ of their tyrants, they are undoubtedly planning to shake the cannonballs falling from the sky with the huge rocks in their hands.

"You fool!" Quinn snarled hysterically.


The explosion sounded like thunder.

The one-hundred-meter large shell detonated.

The air wave rolled back like a frenzy of anger, and the whole world was swallowed by endless firelight at once.

Wherever we pass along the way, the indestructible shipyard at the mouth of the sea, which was originally known as a fortress, quickly collapsed and opened inch by inch.

Suddenly, within a radius of tens of miles, whether it was a building or a rocky land, the direct air wave rolled over in an instant.

Seen from a distance, the explosion that soared to the sky, and the huge waves of dust and flames, gave the impression of a huge mushroom cloud.

The huge recoil force, even the Guro Seach suspended in mid-air, was directly overturned hundreds of meters away before being stabilized by the Golden Lion.

"Crazy man, you old lunatic, can't be weighed, don't you get involved in the explosion?" The golden lion scolded and walked out behind the ship deck.

However, after seeing the aftermath of the explosion, in the posture of rolling around, the expression on his face was also slightly stiff, showing a look of movement.

After this shot, the Golden Lion also felt tricky.

"Haha, it feels so cool, and only by hitting the four emperors of gold, my ship cannon can reflect its absolute value!" Wald panted and laughed, sitting on the deck.

"I don't have the strength to continue the fight. It's your turn, otherwise my old brother will be chattering on the sidelines again..."

This blow was enough for Wald, who was nearly seventy years old and no longer a year ago.

After all, time is not forgiving!

"Hmph, I was still talking about it a moment ago, I can't make people look down on the old times, and I gave up so quickly." The Golden Lion snorted pretendingly.

"However, I can't just do it casually, let those little guys go."


Klockdal, standing not far away, couldn't help but twitch his cheek muscles.

Just in front of him, these two veterans, who were in their 70s or 80s, could not refute them.

"Let me come!!"

Krokodall walked to the edge of the ship's deck with a cigar in his mouth.

Set foot in the new world, after following Qin Yu's men.

Krokdal's two-color domineering attainments are no longer comparable to those in Alabastan that day.

The domineering look domineering that hung in the body was suddenly detonated and directly covered the entire fortress of the entrance to the sea.

Ten meters, one hundred meters, kilometers, ten thousand meters.

"BOSS, where is he!" Mr1 suddenly said.

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The dull crash sound echoed like thunder.

Large areas of building ruins were broken through, and they were the first to catch everyone's eyes. It was Quinn who turned into a brachiosaurus and ran away frantically.

Followed by a large number of givers who had escaped a catastrophe, and two burly tyrants.

"Bacha, Qigui, you stop them, I'll go to Master Kaido, and He Jin to support!" Quinn hurriedly ordered.

"No, none of you can escape!"

"Sara Storm Desert!"


The earth uttered a roar.

The thick rock layer, centered on Kuei, sank and collapsed.

Under the endless yellow sand transformation, it is even more

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It spread quickly around.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a giant quicksand basin.

The violent scene caused Quinn's face to change drastically.

The two tyrants hadn't recovered yet, their huge bodies plunged directly into the quicksand.

Only some of them are small in size and have a little agility, and the birds that belong to Jin's power can escape in time.

However, looking at the miserable situation at the bottom of the nest, his face suddenly paled.

"Eight tea, seven ghosts, hurry up and use the devil fruit ability, in the name of Kaido boss, I approve you to run away!" Quinn roared anxiously.

"Sand Crocodile Crocodile, if you dare to intervene in the war between our four emperors, our boss will definitely kill you."

Originally planned to use the brachiosaurus posture to be able to escape the battlefield as soon as possible, and after re-resting, meet with Kaido and Jin to retake the Haikou dock.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the front foot moved away, he ran into another tricky guy.

"Stop shouting, I don't know if Kaido will kill me, but I know that before that, I will kill you today."

An indifferent voice sounded abruptly in the yellow sand.

Under the wind and sand flowing in the sky, it directly converged into Krokdal's appearance.

After taking a deep sip of the cigar, the iron hook on his right hand suddenly swung away towards the two madly struggling barbarians.

"Desert King Kong Sword!"


Huang Sha flashed, like a giant sword incarnation, slashed towards Bacha and Qigui.

Within a short distance of tens of meters, there are also deep in the yellow sand.

With the simple IQ of the bully, there is no time to react.


The blood burst out all at once.

The yellow sand covered half of his body, and finally hit the ruins in the distance.


The ruins were split in half at once.

Two huge giant bodies were directly cut apart by the waist.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, it hit the yellow sand heavily.

Large swaths of blood spilled, directly staining the yellow orange sand directly red.

In an instant, the smell of blood quickly filled the entire desert with the wind.

The pirate, who was stuck in the quicksand and couldn't get out, turned pale suddenly.

Do not!

It should be said that even Quinn, who was the Three Plagues, also became unsatisfied.

This is defeated like a mountain!

After one more glance at Krokdal, a cruel look flashed across his face.

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