Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1076: 1080: This joke is not funny

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The bad guy blocking the way?

On the huge deck, the echoing laughter suddenly disappeared.

Facing the Leisford, which appeared at the end of the sea level and quickly zoomed in their eyes, a trace of discomfort flashed across the faces of many captains.

Their white beard pirate group, not long ago, indeed united with the red-haired pirates into an offensive and defensive alliance.

However, what is right now is the best time to report Blackbeard Titch's defection.

If the red-haired Shanks, he plans to be a bad guy and prevent them from taking revenge.

This time I am afraid it will not end so easily.

"Father, are we going to bypass them?" Marco suggested.

The current Blackbeard is not comparable to when he first left the Whitebeard Pirates.

Not only got the special secret fruit, but also gathered a group of good subordinates.

If there is a conflict with the Redhead Pirates here first.

Then sniping the Blackbeard Pirates, this would not be worth the loss.

"Huh, no need!" White Beard snorted coldly.

"I have to kill the black beard, the red-haired guy, if you really want to stop me, it's a big deal!"

"Yes, Dad is right!"

"Now that Ace's strength has undergone such a big transformation, it is not difficult to say that the title of the newly promoted Five Emperors will fall on his head. It is not difficult for us to force the redhead pirate group! "


A series of flattering words rang out one after another on the deck.

Ace knew that there was a lot of water in these words.

However, as a young man, there is a sense of identity that everyone hopes to return to, and a smile on Ace's face can't help but climb.

"Well, that guy has arrived, it's the old rules..." Marco said again.

However, the number of boarding with red hair has increased.

Those pirates who were slightly inferior in strength had already retreated.

When the Refos approached, the red-haired Shanks standing on the bow fell onto the deck.

Except for some captains, there were only good cadres.

"Haha, White Beard, it seems that this time you are determined and want to avenge Black Beard. This time, are you planning to continue to let Ace fight against him?" The red hair still carried a huge hip flask and stood. Steady on the deck.

However, after repeated visits, this time Hongfa had given up the move to disarm.

After all, playing domineering once is a testament to the strong.

Playing for the second time is just acting hard.

It will be nothing new the third time.

"Red hair, you came here this time, don't you plan to be a bad guy again!" Joz said in a deep voice.

"The current Ace has been trained by the king of Hades, Raleigh, and has honed his tri-color domineering to perfection, and combines the ability to burn fruits with the domineering. It takes even a long time for Dad to defeat Ace. "

"Don't talk about killing the traitor Blackbeard Titch this time, even if it is the Blood Banner Pirates, Uchiha Qin Yu, known as the newly promoted Five Emperors, is still unknown which is strong. Overpower him."

During this period of time, what happened in the White Beard Pirates group was a bit inferior to the big events in the sea.

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However, in the eyes of the captain.

Nothing is more important than the honor or disgrace of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Joz, you are in front of outsiders, but don't kill me, but if you meet the Five Emperor Qin Yu, I want to try to fight him and see how far I have progressed." Ace's face flashed. After a trace of warfare.

For the test of joining the White Beard Pirates, Qin Yu killed himself with a single move.

In Ace's eyes, it has always been the biggest thorn in the heart.

Now it's rare that the strength has become stronger, and there is more or less an urge to try.

"Do you guys still don't know?" The red hair paused, raised his brows, and said, "No wonder Ace wanted to die."

"Red hair, do you mean that Ace can't be compared with Blackbeard Titch?" Foil Busta was the first to lose his temper.

The atmosphere of the huge deck suddenly became tense.

Even the smile on Ace's face stiffened and disappeared gradually.

The white beard's complexion also changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Red-haired kid, I did agree to the proposal of a wartime alliance with you, but it doesn't mean you can set foot on my boat at any time and make comments on my family.

"Also, I don't think the guy with the black beard will be stronger than Ace!"

"Yes, redhead, what you said was a bit too much this time, don't forget, not long ago, the person who made Ace the next successor of the White Beard Pirates is also you!" Marco also said coldly: "You are now These words, but deny the self not long ago, this kind of behavior falls in the eyes of outsiders and will only become a laughing stock."

Marco has always agreed with the way redheads act.

After all, they were already old opponents when the Roger Pirates were still alive.

Although, now the red-haired Shanks has

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Jinggui is a member of the Four Emperors.

However, in Marco's eyes, the two sides are still on an equal footing.

Feeling the sudden change of atmosphere in the field, the red hair sighed helplessly and said, "Brother Marco, you misunderstood me."

"For the killing of Blackbeard Titch, I certainly hope that Ace will win, but when I say he is going to die, I mean that he will challenge the Five Emperors Uchiha Qin Yu."

"Not long ago, there was news from the navy headquarters that the Blood Flag Pirates raided Wa no country, the Beast Pirates were uprooted, Kaido was beheaded, and even the BiGMOM Pirates who went to support them also retreated and fled. The current Five Emperors Imp, it's not that Ace can fight against it, and even Baibeard and I should treat it seriously."

"I know, you may not believe what I said, but I think Warring States will contact you soon..."

Half an hour ago, Red Hair also had the same idea of ​​a bad guy, hoping that White Beard could give him another face, and in this unclear sea situation, let go of the attack on Black Beard.

However, after accidentally receiving a call from the Navy Headquarters, it completely disrupted Redhead Shanks' plan.

Bai Beast Kaido, that even he felt a tricky existence.

Now he has been beheaded in his own territory by going deep into the country of Japan.

Does this mean that the newly promoted Five Emperor Qin Yu can also threaten his life.

"Ahem, red hair, this joke is not funny, can you change it?" Marco said, pulling away his slightly stiff cheeks.

However, the voice was worthy of falling, and a rush of phone bugs broke the silence on the deck without warning.

"White Beard, I am the Warring States Period. I want to talk to you. I don't need a lot of time. I just want to tell you what happened in Wano Country."

The low voice of the Warring States period sounded, seemingly at a coincidental time, but it gave people a feeling of hammering down.

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