Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1099: 1103: Trouble you to read more clearly

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"Haha, you haven't heard that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, what about this?" Qin Yu smiled dryly, floating in the air.

Looking at Kaido, who looked a little embarrassed, and flew to the ground, he said: "The person Kaido wants to kill most is me a moment ago, but now the person he wants to kill most is you."

"Since we all have a common enemy, why should we stand by and watch."

"At least it can be disgusting for you guys?"

The small words, at this moment, seemed to be filled with magic sounds, echoing in the world for a long time without any way to disperse.

Faced with this theory, everyone present felt unable to refute it.

Rao Kaido couldn't help but opened his mouth, and finally closed it obediently.

"Okay, very good, I originally intended to let you linger for a while, since you are going to the knife edge to die, then don't blame me for being impolite." Elem's face was gloomy, and he roared again.

However, he didn't wait for the cramped scepter in his hand to hit the ground again.

An unprepared exclamation sounded first.

"Look, what's in the sky?"

Speaking inexplicably, instantly tightened everyone's nerves.

If the five old stars played against the beast Kaido a moment ago, the endless methods were enough to make the outcome very clear.

However, this time the opponent of the Five Old Stars' battle had become the Five Emperor Qin Yu.

A strong man from the so-called different world.

The means they have are not what they can imagine.


Above the nine heavens, the heavy lead cloud that had accumulated was like the surface of the sea at this moment, causing large ripples.

The next moment, before everyone could react, the clouds were pierced through.

A huge meteorite with a diameter of one thousand meters, mixed with huge wind and waves, fell from the sky.

That tumbling posture gives people a taste that runs through the world.

Falling in the eyes of everyone, it was even more letting people swallow a mouthful of saliva subconsciously.

Is this Tianwei?

Do not!

It should be said, is this the anger from God?

In the face of this kind of movement, the meteorite fell to the sky, and it was still a very large existence, which was encountered by any admiral.

That might be the end of death.

"Is this one of the powers of another world? Fujitora, are you sure of doing it?" Zefa was the first to lose his temper.

The fight just now seemed very cumbersome, but it was only a few minutes before and after.

With the five old stars, it is not their turn to fight.

Feeling the overwhelming air pressure that covered the sky and covered the sun, Fujitor rolled his eyes, grasped the knife in his hand, and sighed, "I am not as good as the Five Emperor Qin Yu, I really want to open it. Open my blind eyes and see what he looks like."

"It's really worth looking forward to to be able to possess such a huge power, or to be a strong from another world."

The inexplicable words caused Zefa's expression to stagnate.

It can be said that Fujitora is half the same generation as Zefa above his age.

Regarding the latter being dubbed the title of monster, what kind of strength it possesses at the same time, let alone Zefa.

Rao is also recorded in the strong man file established in the navy headquarters.

Facing the attack method of the meteorite falling from the sky, Zefa knew clearly that Fujitora could also do it.

However, now when Fujitora speaks, I am inferior to him?

This kind of discouraging talk is too arbitrary.

"Good boy, I have felt this power in Master Yim's body, but if you really think that a mere meteorite can scare our five old stars back, this is a foolish dream." His face sank, and he shouted angrily again.

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"Let you try it, and Kaedo's waste, the same feeling of helplessness and powerlessness."

"In the field of scales, I convict you!"

"Ten times the balance!"


The scepter in Elem's hand stomped to the ground again.

The immense strength contained in the thick rocky ground has also been forcibly punched out a hole.

It's just that, at this moment, no one cares about this little detail. Everyone's eyes are swift and locked on the falling meteorite in the sky.

They were eager to see if the duel between the Five Old Stars and the Five Emperors Qin Yu would go back to the old road of Kaido, the beast.


The golden light beams all over the sky swept around, once again enveloping the huge meteorite that was rolling down.

The thousand-meter meteorite that crashed down suddenly stagnated for a moment in the state of falling.

The next moment, in full view, quickly zoomed out.

Kilometers, nine hundred meters, eight hundred meters!

Watching the black shadow falling from the sky, shrinking rapidly, the huge sense of oppression is also weakening.

Not to mention that the naval soldiers present, or other naval generals, also showed a trace of triumph on the face of Wu Lao Xing.

This kind of fight may be irrelevant

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However, it would not be a good thing if the Five Emperor Qin Yu's arrogant arrogance could be suppressed with the help of this match.

However, this idea just emerged in their minds.

The next moment, the picture that came into view, like an invisible hammer, hit the depths of everyone's soul.

"Then, there are meteorites behind that!"

I don't know who exclaimed, and the expressions on everyone's faces suddenly stiffened.

In the sky, behind the huge meteorite that had shrunk quickly, a fuzzy outline appeared.

Under everyone's shocked gaze, a rapid zoom and raid arrived.

The sound of the billowing flame was not inferior to the first meteorite.

Seeing this sudden scene, Zefa couldn't help looking at Fujitora.

He finally understood why Fujitora had said such discouraging words just now.

"I know, that kid, it's not that simple, and the fruit is the same as that time." The red dog clenched his fists with an iron expression.

When Qin Yu first landed on the Chambord Islands and beheaded the Tianlongren.

He has fought against it, and together with Huang Yuan, suffered a huge loss from this trick.

"Hmph, little bugs, as long as we destroy it, what if we have another one." Elem roared with a slightly sullen expression.

However, as soon as these words fell, Qin Yu smiled warmly and said: "Sorry, I trouble you to see clearly, is that one? If it is ten times as large as one, it might be more appropriate.

Ten times as much as one?

The inexplicable words, at this moment, seemed to be an invisible hammer, hitting the depths of everyone's souls.

Everyone's eyes swiftly turned, and quickly looked up into the sky.

The first scene caught the eye, and the pupils suddenly shrank.

Looking at the ten huge flame light spots that appeared in the sky, they slammed heavily in all directions, and fell down with a powerful attitude.

Everyone's hearts seemed to be firmly gripped by an invisible hand.

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