Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1210: 1214: Unexpected changes

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The blazing molten light beam directly penetrated the lead cloud accumulated in the sky.

The violent air wave turned into a hurricane and rolled back, causing the temperature of this place to rise suddenly.

Looking at the sudden change in the field, it was not inferior to the shock of the white beard's previous blow.

Everyone's gazes swept around, locked in the center of the molten fire pillar.

It's just that, after entering the goal scene, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, and their faces were full of disbelief.


Seeing the figure walking out of the molten lava, this absurd idea emerged in many people's minds.

I saw that the figure that walked out in the molten lava had already lost the image and posture of the red dog.

Instead, it was a body covered with scales and red wings on its back. It was six or seven meters tall and looked like a demon.

The vomiting fangs and the forehead showed a mysterious pattern like eyes.

It only added a few inexplicable and strange flavors.

"Haha, how come no one knows me? This is from the transformation of the guardian's power. The present me, between gestures, is enough to break a world directly, a strange tree in a mere hand, I can do it Uprooted."

After destroying everything here, I will also behead the so-called Emperor of the Sea. "

A familiar voice from the red dog spit out from the devil's mouth.

Everyone's speculation was suddenly settled.

Faced with the sudden change of a human-like red dog, the expression of Warring States couldn't help but change, and he could not help but shout.

"Aka Inu, don't mess around, figure out the situation before you act."

At the beginning, when the final island Rafdru was exposed, the Warring States Period guessed how much this matter had to do with the five old stars hidden behind the scenes of the world government, and even Yim.

Their navy headquarters is also in what role.

Originally, when landing on the island, the Warring States still attributed the navy headquarters to the just party controlled by the world government.

However, he never expected that, while waiting, not only did not wait for reinforcements from the world government.

It was also covered by this crazy trap.

Now the Warring States period is most eager to know why the navy headquarters has become an abandoned child.

"Huh, you are still indecisive in the Warring States Period. Since the Five Old Stars and Yim treat us as abandoned children, then I will uproot all of this." The red dog roared disdainfully.

The next moment, the whole body of molten slurry detonated suddenly, and his right hand was suddenly clenched and blasted towards the sky.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Boom boom boom!

The hot molten lava was madly blasted into the sky by the red dog.

The backlog of lead clouds all over the sky was suddenly penetrated.

Most of the sky was directly reddened.

The next moment, the fists melted by the molten lava swooped down like a torrential rain.

At the same time, the red dog is striding again.

The moment the footsteps fell, while the air roared, large ripples appeared.

The left hand turned into a hand knife, and the hot molten slurry quickly rolled and expanded.

There was not a trace of fancy, and the ground facing downwards slammed down.


The molten molten rushing out instantly turned into a giant blade like the sky.

The tree stems and vines rushing out toward the bottom fell.

Wherever he passed along the way, spatial ripples were rapidly surging away, giving people the feeling that even the void could not withstand the blow.

Accompanied by a shocking explosion sounded.

The vine stems that had just rolled out on the ground were torn apart.

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The earth was torn apart forcibly, and the inverted hot molten slurry spread quickly to the distant earth.

Looking at the red dog who succeeded in the blow, the stems and vines were instantly suppressed.

That utterly powerful posture completely refreshed everyone's cognition.

After all, in this period of time when Uchiha Qin Yu was born and the Blood Banner Pirates rose.

The red dog is in this sea, but one after another is fighting.

The prestige accumulated in the past has also been squandered by these defeats.

However, the sudden eruption now strongly tore through the dilemma that forced everyone to despair.

Let everyone who was desperate, as if drowning, caught a life-saving straw.

Especially, looking at the Golden City below, all the vines and stalks that emerged crazily were covered by molten lava.

It also gives people a sense of victory.

"Warring States, have you seen it? This is my strength. Didn't you say that the power of the guardian is of little use?" The red dog flapped his wings, showing a hideous joking smile, and said: "You stare wide. See clearly, are you regretting now? I believe that guy said these things are poisonous."

"If it's really poisonous, why won't I die? Why am I still able to become the savior and save you all."

The billowing roar, with a smell of hysterics.

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Seeing all of a sudden, the red dog who had gained the upper hand, the expression of the Warring States period became a bit stiff.

Subconsciously, he swept his gaze toward Qin Yu, who had been silent forever.

Akagi's abnormal behavior caused his pupils to shrink suddenly.


The devil's claws that were tumbling in the molten lava moved without warning.

However, this kind of uprising is not to be displayed again, a domineering and unmatched attack to tear the ground below.

Instead, he pierced directly to the chest of the red dog.


Molten splashed everywhere, and the claws with sharp nails like knives directly gave the red dog a hearty cool.

Originally, the red dog with a mad look on his face was full of disbelief.

Looking down subconsciously, he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva on his chest.

"Well, what is going on, why did Akina commit suicide?"

"Does he feel regret for the collision with the Marshal of the Warring States?"

"Bah, you are farting. With the red dog's style and strength, will he do this?"

"I think this is definitely because Qin Yu Uchiha saw the red dog showing his power and feared that he would be threatened, so he would kill him in advance."

The cluttered exclamations rang out one after another in the field.

Seeing the red dog who suddenly self-harmed, everyone present was not calm.

A moment ago, the red dog was a bit mad, but he did rely on his own strength to directly suppress the weird vine stem.

Give them a chance to breathe.

However, now this red dog, which is like a life-saving straw, is self-mutilating in full view.

This undoubtedly subverted their cognition.

It can be said that facing this weird scene in front of him, it is only in Uchiha Qin Yu.

It seems to be able to find a reasonable explanation.

"Sorry, you guys think too much." Qin Yu said lightly.

"However, you will know the truth soon, but they didn't expect that they would lose their breath so quickly."

"I would like to remind you, be careful of those around you."

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