Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 1236: 1240: The first five old star to be angry

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On the huge battlefield, the onlookers felt stunned.

Facing the unexpected scene before him, it was equally difficult to accept.

However, at this moment, watching Griffin attacking autonomously.

For many people present, the first thing that came to mind was Charlotte Lingling, the soul fruit she possessed.

It seemed that the red-haired Shanks could not only use the power of the fruit of the rules, but also the power of the white beard and the beast Kaido.

Together with Charlotte Lingling, who is the Four Emperors and possesses the fruit of the soul, is no exception.

"Break it for me!"

Grie woke up in shock and covered his broken arm. The violent mental power dormant in his body exploded like a frenzy.

The mental power coming out of the body, in an instant, turned into an invisible ocean wave, and slammed into Griffin's slash.


A thunderous explosion sounded.

The unbridled attack set off a violent air wave and rolled around.

Griffin, who was chasing away, was overturned by the wind at the same time.

The pupils of Gry and De Lao shrank suddenly.

The red-haired Shanks, who should have been injured by the mental shock, fell into a short coma, and his cold dragon eyes suddenly opened.

With Xiao's murderous intent skyrocketing, without any fancy, the blood basin suddenly opened.


The blazing dragon's breath instantly pierced the void, and after breaking down the aftermath of the explosion from the previous collision, it went straight to Gry and Hoya.

The violent scene suddenly changed the two faces.

They didn't even expect that the red-haired Shanks was pretending from the beginning.

Feeling the oncoming violent offensive, Gry roared again, urging the spiritual fruit ability to the extreme.

"Lockes, come and help me!"

An invisible space barrier was once again condensed in front of Glen.

However, in the face of a broken arm, Gry clearly knew that it was not time to confront the red-haired Shanks head-on.

The only way is to break the deadlock in the field with the help of Lockes, the strongest transformer under him.

Lockes, who was still confronting Baibeard and others, quickly got up.

The black mist was rushing out like a tide, and at the same time, he hurried to Gley's direction.

"Buddha's shock wave!"

The golden light flashed, and the phantom of the Buddha bloomed in the sky.

The invisible impact blasted out from the hands of the Warring States who turned into a giant Buddha.


This was a Xeon's blow. At this moment, the Warring States had no hands left in order to snipe Lockes.

The golden light was bright, making half of the sky shine golden.

With a posture of piercing through the void, he crashed into Locks who had just risen into the air.

Lockes, who had lost his sense of autonomy and only retained his fighting mind, tightened his nerves in time.

However, as a humanoid war machine, it lacks human will and obviously lacks the so-called sixth sense.

Especially in the face of the Warring States Period, this long-targeted blow was obviously slow.

The black mist covering his body just turned into a huge shield, and it rang out with a thunderous roar.

The black fog shield exploded in full view.

The invisible shock wave swept over Locks's body without diminishing its surplus.

The whole body was thrown out like a sandbag.

"Warring States, you are the opposite!"

Glen opened his mouth and spit out blood.

He used his mental power to condense a brand to manipulate Locks.

To some extent, but connected with it.

Perhaps Lockes' body was traumatized, and for Glen, the involvement was minimal.

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However, now he has suffered heavy losses one after another, and it is even more frantic to stimulate mental power.

Lockes, who was the trump card in his hand, was directly knocked out.

It not only affected his spiritual brand, but also caused Grie, who was already injured, to be anxious, affecting his own trauma.

"Gry, don't be distracted!"

Hoya roared, and the air flow around him was madly mobilized, forming a larger shield, blocking the two of them.


The violent explosive air wave was rewinding, and the blazing dragon's breath hit the two invisible barriers, instantly setting off a heat wave.

The next moment, a clear cracking sound came from the void.

The invisible shield suddenly shattered.

However, with the help of this breathing opportunity, De La Hoya caught Gry, quickly withdrew and retreated.

The blazing dragon's breath fell through and directly penetrated the distant rock mountain.

Feeling the aftermath of the explosion dissipating, Gry caught the broken arm and roared with twisted expression.

"Warring States, you are in the opposite direction. You dare to help the pirates. Do you not want the position of the admiral?"

As the five old stars hidden behind the scenes of the world government.

It has always had the right to control the navy headquarters.

Succession to the marshal position

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They must also be approved by them.

It can be said that in the eyes of their five old stars, the navy headquarters is just a puppet in their hands.

It has always been this kind of fixed thinking.

Gley had clearly forgotten that the Navy Headquarters had cut seats with them just now and had no contact with them.

"Hmph, Gry, don't you think this is ridiculous? You still forgot what happened just now." The Warring States snorted coldly.

"On that day, I did not agree with Uchiha Qin Yu's remarks about the murderer, who always killed him."

"That's because we are a navy that maintains justice."

"However, even the justice that helped you five old stars maintain has been ruthlessly trampled on."

"The life of our navy has also become a victim of your plan. Then there is no reason for rebellion."

"Everyone, this is a good opportunity. If we don't do it now, when will we wait."

The sound of thunderous words rolled away.

Facing the incarnation of the Warring States Period in the form of a Great Buddha, the words spoken were like thunderous words.

The nerves of everyone present suddenly tightened.

In the face of a sudden, red-haired Shanks, who was out of power, and Gry, who was hit hard.

For them, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

They may not know what medicine is sold in Wu Lao Xing and Yimu's gourd.

However, at least they clearly know that as long as Grie is killed, the transformed person controlled by the spiritual fruit ability will also be liberated.

It is for this reason that the red-haired Shanks probably counted this moment from the beginning.

The purpose is to eliminate this single biggest threat.

"You!" Gry froze, his face flushed, and he opened his mouth to spit out blood again.

Just now in a hurry, he did forget about this.

At the moment, being stunned by the old dog in public, this made Gry too unbearable.

"Grey calm down, in case..." Hoya hurriedly shouted.

However, the words that came to the mouth were still swallowed back into the stomach.

Because he already felt Glen's murderous look.

I'm really worried, if I say it in the second half of the sentence, I will directly anger Gry.

Let him be the first five old star to be **** off.

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