Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 164: 164: Ichika Kiba

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"Boy, stare at me again, and I will choke you!" Tsunade gave a stern glance.

However, there was a hint of crimson on the cheeks.

After all, it was she who took the initiative to sit next to Qin Yu, and in her eyes, Qin Yu, who was only sixteen or seventeen years old, should not be right because she was close to thirty.

"Hehe, Lord Gangshou still has the same look and beauty, so I can't help but take a closer look." Qin Yu laughed, not avoiding.


Tsunade exploded instantly, and the crisp sound of his phalanx came out. He was about to give Qin Yu a direct punch, but was soon discouraged.

"Do you remember mute?"


Qin Yu glanced blankly and said: "Of course I remember, wasn't she on the front line?"

"Yes, she has been recalled at the base a few days ago, and probably will return to Muye Rencun today, but I can't find the way to contact you, so let me tell you." Tsunade said after a moment of hesitation.

Qin Yu reluctantly touched the tip of his nose, and said this kind of words on the bones.

This stepping horse is full of ambition!

"Haha, little ghost head, I thought you were running away." Three generations of Naruto's voice came suddenly, breaking the awkward atmosphere in the field.

Qin Yu and others followed the sound and saw that behind the three generations of Naruto, they also followed the two main consultants of the leaves, Mito Menyan and Zhuan Xiaochun.

But the look of the two seemed a little unsightly.

It was followed by the major families of Konoha, and other civilians and ninjas coming from all directions.

As soon as the ninjas appeared, they were immediately vigilant and diverted to the audience.

At the same time, manpower was dispatched to guard the station.

For a while, everything was proceeding in an orderly way, and in the original book of Naruto, the examination of Zhong Ren was average.

"Master Naruto, all security has been arranged, and the wooden leaf seal gate will be temporarily closed during this time." Xi Rizhen red stood in front of the three generations of Naruto, could not help but look at Qin Yu, a smile on his face.

At the border defense base, they can be regarded as having shared life and death.

Although it is the whole process of soy sauce, at least it is also a life and death comrade in arms.

It is for this reason that the three generations of Naruto gave him the task of security.

"Very well, this time the Naruto campaign is about the future of our Konoha Village. It must not be changed. Past campaigns will also open the door to seals, so there must be no mistakes." The third generation of Naruto nodded.

However, the last words were obviously intentionally or unintentionally told to Qin Yu.

"Lead the other patriarchs to sit in the queue." Zi Lai also took the remarks.

"I see, I am also an adult." Xi Rizhen nodded and promised, looking at Qin Yudao: "Boy, I haven't seen you for a while, I heard that you have become stronger again."

"If you have time to look at Hong, that girl has been burying her head to talk about improving her strength recently, so as not to hinder her next time, so that she would stay at home, and I'm afraid she won't marry in the future."

"Haha, it's not good for you to be so hard to sell like this, now it's the age of young people." Moonlight standing at the side smiled and nodded towards Qin Yu, and pulled the evening red really away.

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Three generations of Naruto touched their chin and smiled, "Boy, you seem to be very popular, but it's not too late, let's take care of the old things and take care of them first."

"Patriarchs, go and wait for one or two, too."

Leaving this remark, the three generations of Naruto went to the top of the high platform.

Where is the position of high-level consultants of Naruto and Muye Village, and the positions on both sides are reserved for the major families of Muye Ninja Village.

As for the Uchiha family, they also have the same, but they are specially assigned.

"That is the representative of the Naruto campaign of the Uchiha family. Is the Scarlet Asura Uchiha Qin Yu?"

As soon as the patriarchs of various ethnic groups sat down, their eyes fell on Qin Yu's body intentionally or unintentionally.

It can be said that this time the Naruto campaign was started because of Qin Yu.

But they are also eligible for election.

However, whoever wants to pull off the top spot in front of Asura Koki, still needs to weigh one or two.

"Oh, do you guys in the mountains want to compete for the fourth-generation Naruto seat?" The old man of the Nara tribe laughed and said, "If so, I can support it and let the reputation of the pig deer butterfly spread far away."

As soon as this remark came out, the other family representatives also blinked slightly.

In the third war of ninja, in addition to the yellow flashes of wood leaves, many wood ninjas broke into prestige in the ninja world.

Among them, the descendants of the Nara, the mountain, and the autumn road tribe also broke the reputation of the pig deer butterfly.

"Old man Nara, you are not afraid of the wind flashing to your tongue." The old patriarch of the Yamanaka glanced. "How much is it for our three tribes? It ’s okay to blow the cowhide outside, run for the Naruto seat, or wash and sleep Right. "

"According to me, the family of the family of the Sunward family is proficient in soft boxing and white eyes, and also a powerful means of absolute defense. It also has prestige in the ninja world, which is enough to serve as the fourth-generation Naruto seat."

The old patriarch of the Hyuga tribe, who was sitting at the head of the major patriarchs, almost spit out a cup of tea. After staring at the old men, he said, "You are all afraid of the world.

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Mess, the sundial is good, but how deep is the water in the wood leaves, do you still plan to try on your pants? "

"I'm not afraid of drowning directly!"

Speaking of which, Mr. Hyuga looked to the other side of the seat and said: "Ape flying family, the eldest son of the three generations of Naruto, Shinosuke one of the eight colors of wood leaves, the strength is very good, the prestige is also sufficient, and it should be qualified to serve as the four On behalf of Naruto. "

"The eighteen-year-old genius illusion ninja of the Kurama horse, Kurama Shirakawa, has reached the elite's endurance at the age of eighteen. As the only family capable of overpowering the Uchiha family on illusion achievement, it cannot be ignored."

"The Qianshouhuxi of the Qianshou family is proficient in water Margins and possesses the style of the second-generation Naruto. Rumors are that he is still studying Lei Yue, and he is destined to degenerate Ninjutsu ’s combined ninjutsu to the extreme. The battlefield is also very active. "

Looking at the old patriarchs like the family treasures, the patriarchs around him listened with interest and sipped tea from time to time.

"By the way, the old man, Hyuga, you seem to ignore the Qimu and Bofeng clan." Nara, the chief of the Nara clan who had always been afraid of the chaos in the world, interjected.

"You don't think they are qualified?"

The old patriarch glared at him, but he knew that this general Ye Yezhi liked to run the train with his mouth full of mouth, and he didn't care about it. He pinched the white beard and said, "If you have white teeth, the four generations of Naruto seats, I am afraid. He has a 70% chance, but unfortunately the mission of the day failed, making him unable to get out of his heart, and people are awesome. "

"They belonged to the Qimu tribe. The number was originally small, but this generation has a Qimu Kakashi. The son of Baiya has a well-known name. At the age of thirteen, he became a forbearance. Mainstay. "

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