Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 343: 343: There is no qualification to vote

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On the huge ruins, no matter whether it is a melee stray ninja or Wuwei and others, their faces are urgent.

Watching the storm go away, chasing behind the three.

Like the wings, the blue chakra sphere clenched his fists secretly.

In their eyes, facing the sudden appearance of the scarlet Asura Yu Zhibo Qin Yu.

In that fierce name, the only thing you can do is wait!

Wait, on these three elders, find a trace of vitality.

However, the idea just came to mind.

The next moment, the three elders clearly felt the strangeness behind them, and looked back in a hurry. The moment when the pupils contracted suddenly, they had no time to think about it, and their hands turned quickly to print.

"Boy, this little ninjutsu alone, trying to kill us, is too underestimated in our grass ninja village!"

As an elder, the speed of knot printing in his hand is obviously not bad, facing the spiral pill shuriken coming from the air strike.

In a few short periods of time, the last seal was made.

"Earth and Earth Front!"

"Earth and Earth Dragon!"

"Earth, earth wall!"

The three old violent drinking sounded almost invariably.

The chakra that was driven forcibly was formed by an earthen wall, an earthen wall, and an earthen dragon in an instant.

Together, it can be described with great momentum.

In their eyes, it was enough to stop Qin Yu's seemingly tentative attack.

However, this idea just emerged in my mind, and the next moment, the majestic earthworm attacked, and immediately hit the incoming Fengpi spiral pill shuriken.

Suddenly, the flowing air seemed to stop.

The next moment, waiting for them to wake up, the sphere, which seemed to be pinched by their hands, detonated in an instant.


The violent air waves rolled away like wild waves.

The raspy chirping of the air was soaring into the sky.

Those seemingly violent earthworms were attacked, and in the face of the instant explosion of Fengfeng Spiral Pills, they were shredded like paper paste.

The three elders were stunned, the next moment was too late to respond, and they were immediately swallowed by the hurricane caused.


A hurricane soaring, rolled trees, and a rocky land that was stiff and torn.

The refugee camp, which was originally ruined, has become even more messy.

When everything was calm, those three paths had already turned into rotten sack-like bodies, scattered all around.

The rag-like clothes do not see the power of the past.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have been reluctant to believe that these four elders were like iron judges.

Will be killed directly in a face-to-face.

"No ... don't kill us!"

"We are willing to surrender ..."

"As long as we don't kill us, let us do anything!"


Panic pleaded for help one after another.

The originally scattered camp, after witnessing Qin Yu in person, raised his hand to throw his feet.

Even the last hint of confrontation was annihilated.

They asked themselves, but they couldn't stand a stare, and they couldn't stand a hand-held ninjutsu.

It can be said that all of this is simply death-demand for them.

For a time, a series of sounds of heavy objects fell to the ground.

Looking at those kneeling figures, Wuwei's body was shaking. The ninth novel network

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Looking at Yu Zhibo and Qin Yu who were close at hand, it was too late to think about it, and he kneeled on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Sir, please give me a chance to surrender!"

"Sir, please give us a chance to surrender!"

In a word, everyone in the field responded clearly.

Faced with such an invincible opponent, the only thing that can be done is to surrender together.

Perhaps only by doing so can we get a chance to survive.

Jun Malu, covered in blood, stopped the killing in his hand and looked at Qin Yu.

The big snake pill standing on the box of Bliss couldn't help looking at Qin Yu.

Faced with such a brave spirit without fighting, it is not something ordinary people can possess.

Qin Yu's gaze swept across the field lightly.

Wherever they go, those who watched Qin Yu's look secretly didn't have much time to think, and quickly pressed his head down.

It looked as if he could not wait to bury his head in the soil, all for the sake of life.

"I said, I just want to take my people away. The things in Cao Ren Village have nothing to do with me." Qin Yu said lightly.

He is not a bloodthirsty person.

The killing just now was just because they repeatedly provoked and played with their hearts for a while.

Now it can be regarded as a tiger and a tiger.

The purpose of this trip has also been achieved, then everything is enough.

"No, lord, you have misunderstood. We are representing the entire Cao Ren Village to the adults. As long as the Lord agrees, we are willing to block you." Wu Wei anxious.

The thought just flashed in his mind.

But after going through this war, Wuwei knows clearly that having ambition also needs to have strong strength to be able to back it up.

Otherwise, all efforts and strategies are talked about in absolute strength.

However, for outsiders, facing the surrender of a forbearing village is definitely the existence of Xiang Xiang.

But for Qin Yu, it seemed a bit of a chicken rib.

Looking back at the apparently agreed ninjas and the stunned Ma Dongyi, Qin Yu shook his head calmly and said, "I don't like to bring a tow bottle."

"Dashe Wan, let's go, time is delayed a lot."

Leaving this remark, Qin Yu turned and left.

Osumaru spit out his tongue and glanced back where he had stood, saying, "Isn't that guy chasing? He blew himself up."

In O Snake's eyes, Bai Jue is the clone of He Jue.

The moment Hei Zhao had fallen just now, Hei Ju resisted with the aid of Bai Jue, then detonated instantly, causing a commotion, and finally took the opportunity to escape.

"No!" Qin Yu did not return his head.

Compared with Dashe Wan, Qin Yu knows that black is definitely the idea of ​​Hui Yeji.

It is a kind of immortal existence, which can be transformed into will to attach to many things.

The only way is to seal him by casting a seal.

As for now, compared with the original, the black hands behind the scenes of this war have obviously become a dog of the bereaved family.

For Qin Yu, he didn't pay much attention.

Instead, he felt more interested in the fate of the ninth tail, which made him collect the fate of the nine big tail beasts.

After all, the strong are invincible, and the master is lonely.

For the present Qin Yu, the big Tongmu family can not stand out, not many people can compete with him.

All he does now is just to pass the time and find the implied hints in fate.

Watching Qin Yu's departure, Wuwei waited in shock.

Looking at the remaining ruins in the field, and the box of bliss that they regarded as a killer.

At this moment, Wuwei finally understood that in the face of absolute power, all conspiracy and tricks were not farts.

At least they don't even have the right to vote!

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