Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 44: 44: Let me show you the writing eye

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In the Naruto office, the three generations of Naruto, who turned to bed Xiaochun and Mitomonto, closed their eyes and kept their eyes closed, leaving the large office with an unexplained depression.

"Sarufei, do you think he will come?" Mito Kayan suddenly said.

Zhuan Xiaochun also looked at the three generations of Naruto.

As soon as this remark fell, after a brief silence in the field, the three generations of Naruto said: "I believe in Watergate, and I believe he will come."

"If even these dangers cannot be overcome, how can it be possible to repel Yun Ren and Wu Ren, and even Ai in the AB group acknowledges his strength."

Turning to bed Koharu and Mitomen inflammation look sluggish.

This answer was obviously not the result they thought.

"Ape flying, would you think of things too simple?" Mito Menyan said.

Soon a shadow ninja appeared in the office like a ghost.

"In addition to the information of the bounty hunter who handed over to Tuanzang, in addition to the Wind Demon family, there were also sneak attacks on the original Naruto in the past and the killing of the high-end horns of the 泷 tolerance village." The shadow ninja removed a scroll.

"Is he?" Mito Kayan and Zhuan Xiaoxiaochun's faces changed.

However, there was a hint of glee in the pupils.

Three generations of Naruto slightly looked old cheeks, with a slight change in appearance.

"Notify Bo Feng Shui Men and let him see me immediately."

For the wave wind and water gate, and the importance of Qin Yu, the three generations of Naruto began to feel a little calm.

However, after learning that Tuanzang had found such a monster to intercept and kill him, he was completely out of breath.

"Ape flying, you are too laborious to move the crowd. The kid died and he died. We don't have to worry too much. Don't forget, now it is a critical moment in wartime." Xiaochun turned to bed.

Mito Kayan nodded and echoed: "Kohar is right, and one less thing is good for Koba."

Looking at the two consultants who are the leaves of wood, giving such a reply, the three generations of Naruto look stagnant, or choose to walk quickly and prepare to take a trip in person.

"Master Naruto, I brought Qin Yu."

The three generations of Naruto just opened the door, and it was the wave wind and water gate, and a slightly strange face.

"Is he?" Mito Kayan and Zhunchun Xiaochun could not help but look up, and couldn't help but stand up.

Looking at Qin Yu, who was standing side by side with the door of the office with the Feng Fengshui Gate, his expression was a little embarrassed.

In their eyes, Qin Yu was too young.

Only fourteen or five years old, he has the power to repel Yun Ren and Wu Ren alone.

This is not even comparable to them.

If you grow up, that future strength is even more unimaginable.

"Are you Uchiha Qin Yu?" Three generations of Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's take a break first, you and I expected it to be different."

Seeing that the three generations of Naruto gave way to the gate, Qin Yu was not detained at all, and went straight in.

The wave of Feng Shui Gate was stunned, and he felt helplessly touched the tip of his nose, and followed him.

"Hum, impolite kid." Xiaochun snorted coldly as she turned to bed.

However, the voice just blurted out, but met Qin Yu's eyes.

At the moment when the four eyes were opposite, the scarlet blood color spread quickly in Qin Yu's pupil.

Jiu Gou wrote the round eyes, and the moment it turned suddenly, it exuded an inexplicable taste.


Xiao Chun's look changed dramatically.

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"Boy, you are brave!" Mitomon Yan shook his body and quickly appeared next to Qin Yu's side. He turned his right hand into an eagle claw and caught him directly.

"Seal: Water Chained!"

A mysterious spell-printing array spreads rapidly around Mito Kamen's right foot as the center.

At the same time, four chains condensed by water were condensed out of thin air, and quickly tangled around Qin Yu's body.

However, as soon as this attack came out, Mitomonyan felt that the heavens and the earth were changing, like a star-studded movement.

"Illusion solution!"

Three generations of Naruto yelled.

Mitomon Yan suddenly woke up, gasping in the air, and found that the water chain he had just cast bound him, and even entangled his limbs.

Xiaochun, who turned aside, was sweating all over.

"Qin Yu, what are you doing!" Mitomon Yan yelled, "Come, catch him immediately!"

An angry roar echoed in the office.

However, the surrounding ninjas did not appear half.

"Don't be excited, I know you want to know what pupil technique I have, just a little demonstration just now." Qin Yu and Yi smiled.

"Illusion hypnosis eyes, as long as I have a brief eye contact with me, will be hypnotized instantly."

"Of course, if a ninja is strong, determined, and experienced in combat, such a simple hypnotic eye will not work for him."


Qin Yu's Nine Gouyu writing round eyes faded, and the illusion was lifted instantly.

Hidden in the surroundings, there are eight in the office.

And, every

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The breath emanating from the body is a master of nerves.

"Boy, are you laughing at us being hypnotized?" Mitomon Yan sank, angrily, "Come, hurry up and catch him."

The eight shadows at the scene couldn't help but look at each other. After looking at each other, they looked at the three generations of Naruto.

They are directly under the shadow of Naruto, only to listen to a command from Naruto.

Koharu Koharu and Mito Menyan are top executives and consultants of Koba.

But it is absolutely impossible for them to act.

"Retreat?" Three generations of Naruto waved.

The eight shadow ninjas disappeared without any hesitation.

Turning to bed Koharu and Mitomon Yan's faces changed.

"Ape flying, what do you mean, he attacked the leaves of Muye, and even caused trouble in the Naruto office. This should be punished." Xiaochun hurriedly yelled.

Mitomonitis didn't speak, but thought that he had just hit the illusion and was caught by the water whip he had cast.

This made his face a bit unstoppable.

"Well, Qin Yu just demonstrated a little bit just now, I will deal with this matter, and you don't need to say much." Three generations of Naruto said without a doubt.

"Also, I am Naruto. If you are not injured, shut up obediently."

Zhuanchun Xiaochun and Mitomonyan could not help but change their faces. For the ape who has always been a stable school, they knew that this kind of toughness would only be revealed when determining the fate of Konoha.

After looking at Qin Yu, Mitomon snorted coldly, and said, "Since Naruto does not need us to be present, as Kobe consultants, I and Xiaochun leave first."

"I hope that the three generations of Naruto will not do anything that endangers the roots of the wood leaves, otherwise we don't mind where to go to Daming."

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