Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 958: 962: Declare war on navy headquarters

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Destroy Si Fa Island?

At this moment, the small voices echoed in the sky like a magic sound, and there was no way to disperse for a long time.

Whether it's Kalifa or Owl and others.

They had speculated a moment ago that the golden lion ran out on a rare occasion and would definitely do something earth-shattering.

However, I did not expect that Sifa Island, which used to be the old nest, would be completely buried in the sea by the golden lion.

"Haha, Xia Qi, you see that this is just the first step of my plan." Feeling the shock around him, the golden lion laughed heartily.

"I have been lurking for twenty years, and returning to this sea again is to let everyone know the horror of my golden lion."

"This time, I came back with a world nightmare, to completely destroy this sea."

Having said that, the golden lion has long golden hair, moving without wind, and while venting his violent breath, he grinned tightly on the phone worm in his hand.

"Xia Qi, this time I came to you for the second thing, to tell me about the destruction of Marine Headquarters Marine Fando in half a month."

"Twenty years ago, I was able to destroy half of Marin Vando by myself and shocked the world."

"Twenty years later, I will destroy the entire Marin Vandor, so that the world can know that my golden lion is still growing strong!"

The billowing laughter echoed in the world like thunder.

Looking at the golden lion who gave such a huge amount of information when he opened his mouth, the expressions of the people present, except Qin Yu, could not help but change suddenly.

Even Xia Qi in another section of the phone worm is no exception.

Faced with the return of the Golden Lion and the destruction of Si Fa Island, Xia Qi showed only a hint of surprise after learning about it.

But this time, in addition to shock, she felt crazy about Golden Lion's behavior.

For a long time, the four emperors, the seven martial seas, and the navy headquarters have divided the pillars of the new world on this sea.

The so-called three-legged situation was formed, and the navy headquarters used the Qiwu Sea to contain the Four Emperors.

However, as long as you are in this sea, you are not like a fool.

I will definitely understand that among the three major forces, the real hegemon is probably the navy headquarters.

Even the Four Emperors did not dare to declare war on the navy easily, let alone attack the navy headquarters Malinfan.

As soon as the Golden Lion came back, he gave such a crazy declaration.

To fall into the eyes of other people is simply seeking a dead end.

However, it is precisely for this reason that they are even more eager to know where the Golden Lion's confidence in proclaiming the world to destroy the navy headquarters comes from.

"Haha, what's the matter, don't you believe it?" The golden lion laughed still, and said: "This time the admiral came out to verify my hard work over the past 20 years."

"You just have to wait and see, it's enough to wait for the Marine Headquarters Marin Vandor to sink."

In the eyes of Golden Lion, for everyone's shock, this was the result he wanted most.

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"Ski, if I said that the current navy headquarters is not comparable to the past, would you stop?" Xia Qi said in a deep and rare voice.

"Not long ago in the navy headquarters, the world conscripts were proposed. Once it is really successful, the overall strength of the navy headquarters will probably be greatly improved."

Speaking of this, Xia Qi couldn't help but pause, her gaze seemed to fall on Qin Yu's body through time and space.

If outsiders don’t know, who is the Thunder Dragon Laxus, known as the Navy’s supernova.

Xia Qi and Lei Li knew clearly that Qin Yu was solely responsible for this crazy act of conscription of the world.

Suddenly, the Golden Lion was about to attack Marine Vatican Headquarters.

If it collides with Qin Yu's plan, this is definitely not what they want to see.

"Haha, Xia Qi, are you worried or are you underestimating this admiral." The golden lion laughed indifferently.

"Don't worry, this admiral has been preparing for today, for twenty years, the mere navy headquarters of Marin Vatican, and even the so-called world conscription, is nothing to fear."

"You only need to give me the declaration of war and announce it on this sea. The rest of the matter will wait for my triumphant return."

Having said this, the Golden Lion paused and said, "Little devil, I don't care if you are a newcomer to the Blood Banner Pirates or someone's precious son."

"Go back and tell the person in charge of your family. After my Golden Lion destroyed the Marine Headquarters, Marin Vando, and let the people in this sea know that the admiral is coming to this sea, I personally go to your Blood Flag Pirates to talk about cooperation. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I will give you half of this sea and even the world."

The voice of Echang's words echoed in the heaven and earth for a long time without any way to disperse.

As soon as he opened his mouth, it gave people a golden lion that felt like swallowing mountains and seas. Whether it was CP9 or Yamato and others, his expression changed drastically.

After all, in their eyes, this remark is too crazy.

It's just that, at this moment, they care about what answer Qin Yu, who claims to be a rookie of the Blood Banner Pirates, the alliance mentioned by the Golden Lion over and over again.

For a while, let alone CP9, Yamato and others, the eyes of the golden lion suddenly turned and locked on Qin Yu.

"Sorry, our Blood Flag Pirates are not interested in the alliance." Qin Yu still said with a flat expression: "What's more, I still advise you. Sister Xia Qi is right. The current navy headquarters is not twenty. Years ago, at least the tea party failed to sniper, the navy headquarters' collusion with the Four Pirates was revealed, and the momentum of the world's conscription will definitely burn fuel."

"After all, this time I was able to escape. I lost face to the BIGMOM Pirate Group, the Beast Pirate Group, and even the navy headquarters."

"The navy headquarters will regain its prestige and face within a period of time. The world conscription will definitely advance quickly. If you declare war on the navy headquarters, it will become a stepping stone. The prestige of the golden lion will probably be annihilated here."

Stepping stones?

Hearing these words, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically, even the Golden Lion was no exception.

At least, in his eyes, he is a surviving legend in the great era. Even the Pirate King Roger and Baibeard must be cautious when they encounter him.

As for the beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and the red-haired Shanks, the golden lion is not in the eye.

However, Qin Yu, who is now a junior, gave this evaluation and reply as soon as he opened his mouth, which undoubtedly made the expression on the golden lion's face suddenly stiff.

However, compared with other people, Xia Qi's expression in another section of the phone worm suddenly became serious.

She knew clearly that the real identity of the Thunder Dragon Laxus who proposed the World Conscription is Qin Yu.

Now giving this answer is definitely not groundless. :,,,

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