Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (Naruto: One-click Upgrade)

Chapter 983: 987: The Warring States of Buddha

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"Lion Power Airborne!"


The golden lion hovering in the void, his clothes moving without wind, his head full of golden hair fluttered, showing a arrogant and domineering posture.

The ability of the Devil Fruit dormant in the body is even more crazy to the extreme.

The naval warship parked below, as if enveloped by an invisible hand, quickly rose into the air under the eyes of everyone.

The number is as large as twenty or thirty.

"Captain Titch, our ship is taking off!" Badgers yelled anxiously, making Blackbeard's face suddenly blue.

Seeing this shocking scene before him, everyone's nerves were suddenly tightened.

"Be careful, hurry up and stop these ships from lifting off. All the navy soldiers quickly evacuated in the center of the square. You are not eligible to participate in the war!"

The Warring States' complexion sank and roared with anger.

As soon as the order came down, the naval soldiers stationed around them all recovered and quickly withdrew and retreated.

"Warring States, you don't need to be too nervous, this is my meeting gift for you!" The golden lion laughed wildly.

The hands were tapped out in the air, and the power of the Devil Fruit was frantically activated again.

In the next moment, without any fancy, under the eyes of everyone, he suddenly pressed down.


Dozens of warships, together with the huge raft of Blackbeard, instantly lost their support.

Like a meteor in the sky, it fell rapidly from the sky.

The awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the air is almost endless.

The huge black shadow that was cast covered more than half of the entire square.

An inexplicable oppressive momentum rolled down with an overwhelming attitude.

"Asshole, do you really think our navy headquarters is unmanned?"

The red dog roared, and under the hot molten molten body, he exploded with a fierce aura.

At the same time as one step was taken, the double punches were shot like a cannonball.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Bang bang bang!

With one punch, the fist melted by the molten slurry shot out like a cannonball.

Dozens and hundreds of flame fists gathered together, and they were so powerful that they instantly collided with the fallen warship.


A warship was pierced at the sound, the hot molten slurry splashed down, and it directly ignited the warship.

Debris all over the sky fluttered down, giving people a feeling of meteor fire.

Some navy soldiers who could not evade, fell to the ground instantly.

Looking at this scene, Akagi's face suddenly sank.

His attack is capable of smashing warships to pieces, but it is impossible to destroy all the fragments of dozens of huge warships.

In particular, against the golden lion who has the ability to fly in the air, the red dog also feels powerless.

"Haha, the candle-lighting kid, after twenty years, your methods have indeed become good, but that just now is the appetizer, and the next is the real drama." The golden lion laughed unscrupulously.

"Little ones, don't you want to take this opportunity to grab a wave? Then give it to the admiral!"


Hundreds of pirate ships hovering in the sky suddenly dived and fell down.

Seeing this violent scene, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

"Red Dog, Yellow Ape, when will you not do it now!" The Warring States' complexion sank, and his anger roared.

The yellow ape who has been sitting on the chair with Erlang's legs tilted, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, and slowly stood up and said.

"Hehe, Marshal of Warring States, don’t worry, no matter how many they come,

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It's just a target. "

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"Bachiqiong Gouyu!"

"Meteor Volcano!"

The red dog didn't give in too much, this was his best opportunity to perform meritorious service.

When the two shots, golden light filled the sky and opened, and the laser beam shot like a torrential rain at the same time, the molten fist shot up into the sky.

The fierce attack that gathered immediately collided with the falling ship in an instant.


The collision without any surrender made the lava and laser beams splash and bloom in the void like fireworks.

The complexion of the pirate who was on the ship suddenly changed.

What's more, it was directly submerged by the aftermath of the explosion.

Some lucky people fell on the square one after another.

Seeing that many pirates had been wiped out before they appeared on the stage, the golden lion suspended in the sky, his face sank, his eyes locked on the battle platform.

In his eyes, these temporarily assembled and were airlifted by him from the Chambord Islands as cannon fodder pirates.

He doesn't care about the life and death of these people, but if he has spent a lot of effort, he will be beheaded before they are used in vain.

This is not what Golden Lion wants to see.

The golden lion's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his hands suddenly caught it.

The huge floating island behind it made a thunderous roar.

The two huge rocky mountains were forcibly broken in full view.


The two huge mountain peaks were once again locked on the battle platform in the golden lion's eyes.

Driven by the power of the fluttering fruit madly, with an awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the air, it suddenly threw it towards the bottom.

The great momentum not only gives people a feeling of covering up the sky, but also an unparalleled taste of rolling.

The expressions of everyone present could not help but change drastically.

They knew that this blow went straight to the supervisory platform.

If this shot down is strong, I am afraid that the radius of a kilometer will be affected.

"Red Dog, Yellow Ape, you stop other people, I will take action personally." The Warring States roared in a deep voice.

The violent scene shocked everyone's nerves.

As the Qing pheasant said, as the marshal of the Warring States period, the status of the Warring States is just like an emperor.

Right now, facing such a fierce blow from the Golden Lion, the Warring States Period could not hold back.

"Buddha Shock Wave"

With the roar, the whole body of the Warring States period burst out with dazzling golden light like a small sun.

The body, which was originally tough as an iron tower, quickly expanded like a balloon.

The golden light on the body surface circulated, and a shocking breath swept away like a frenzy.

The entire square is illuminated by golden light.

It feels like a huge giant pouring out of gold, as tall as tens of meters.

The sharp gaze suddenly turned, locked on the mountain that fell from the sky.

The Warring States period didn't have any fancy, five fingers suddenly clenched, and a punch toward the sky.


The dazzling golden light crazily gathered and compressed on the fist.

With a punch, the air in front seemed to be directly penetrated.

At the moment when the air ripples, the golden light beam tears out of the void like a raging wave.

Everyone just felt a flower in front of them, and waited to react.

The golden shock wave, in a reluctant attitude, crashed against the mountain.

The terrifying explosive air wave turned into a sea wave and rolled away to the sky. :,,,

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