Naruto: Journey to Greatness

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep

A nearly 12 year old Naruto woke up feeling tired, He couldn't feel anything down his waist except for that jelly like feeling. He wobbly walked to his shower, turning the nob.

Chinch. Chinch.

The hot water was not working. 'Guess, Today is going to be cooooold...' he turned the knob for cold as his body shivered under the coldness.

Naruto got off the shower drying his wet hair using a towel, He went to his fridge, pulling out a carton of milk. He chugged it down, munching on his bread. He looked at the head band he sat on the table, neatly folded with a few scratches.


Naruto looked down seeing the fuma shuriken imbedded into Iruka's back as the instructor held back his tears and a trail of snot.

"I am sorry for yelling at you Naruto, You are my favourite student... Even Though you are only Upto trouble... eventhough you skip classes... I cannot help but see a little bit of me in you..." Iruka said as blood dripped on Naruto's pale hands, his eyes tearing up. The only one that ever cared for him in the academy, his brother figure, his teacher, was hurt by Mizuki. While protecting the blonde.

"Hahahaha, I guess the demon has some emotions huh, But not for LONG." Mizuki said as he yelled at the last word, throwing a shuriken easily 30 cm in diameter. The shuriken came close to The Uzumaki as a streak of chakra leaked from him, A blue hue similar to the shade of his eyes erupted as A single hand sign was formed.

"Don't you hurt My Sensei" A growl escaped the blonde as a battalion of orange clad blonde Uzumaki appeared alongside him as he caught the shuriken with one hand.

"Wha-" The sentence was never finished as he was hit with a kunai from the back, Mizuki looked back seeing hundreds of clones. But it was not possible for clones to physically harm someone.

"How do you like my technique, The Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto said to the silver haired traitor, Iruka was visibly shocked along with Mizuki as they looked in awe at the thousand clones. What soon followed after was a bloody beatdown of a silver haired traitor.

Iruka used the mystic palm jutsu to heal his mechanical injury as he approached the blonde congratulating him on passing the academy test, Creating clones.

"What but does that count, I made shadow clones. They are different from regular clones." Naruto said as Iruka told him to close his eyes.

Naruto opened his eyes later to find his goggles were now gone, He had a headband clad on his head with the metal piece reflecting the moonlight.

"Iruka Sensei... Thank you." Iruka hugged Naruto as they had a happy moment.

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Flashback end]

He smiled weakly as he remembered last night, The hokage had asked him to come to his office the next morning after he was fully recovered from exhaustion.

Naruto put his new headband on as he made his way to the old man's office.

Knock. Knock.

"Old man, It's me." A voice called out from outside as the hokage looked towards the door. 'What a nice timing'

"Come in." He said as Naruto came in looking fully energised with the tip of his hair wet. The blonde cheekily smiled as the hokage returned the smile.

"So, how was sleep for the new Ninja." Hiruzen asked the blonde. "It was not bad I guess, I had better nights. So, Why had you called me so early?" The blonde asked as Hiruzen picked up the tobacco pipe before taking a puff. "About your promotion." The hokage said grimly." You are not a full genin yet, You are in a division which we call 'Gennin corps', It is a special sub division designed to keep gennins who don't have a Jonin Sensei." He said as he put his pipe down as another knock was heard.

"What do you mean I am not a full gennin yet? And what about the Jonin sensei's... wait Iruka Sensei?" Naruto said as a new figure entered the room. "Good morning Hokage Sama" Iruka said with a bow as he smiled at his student. "Great timing Iruka, And Naruto, you were promoted after the gennin teams were already selected, there is no going back. And now why I called you both here." They both nodded as the hokage spoke.

"Naruto doesn't have the knowledge to be a gennin yet, and we also don't have any willing jonin to form a two man team. So, I have decided to register Naruto as an apprentice shinobi as Iruka's discipline." Iruka looked at the hokage confused. "But Hokage Sama, There has not been a single apprenticeship since Minato and Jiraya Sama. And I am not good enough to apprentice someone." Iruka complained as Naruto looked back and forth between Hokage and Iruka.

"Trust me Iruka, Jiraya was never a great teacher or atleast didn't compare to your experience in the field. You have taught 9 batches of students along with Itachi, who was a generational genius. Trust me you can handle this." The hokage assured the chunin. "You can do it Iruka Sensei, I believe it." Naruto said as Iruka smiled confidentially and said.

"Thank you Hokage Sama I accept your proposal." Iruka said as he bowed 90 degrees to the hokage, almost hitting his head on the desk. "I will be promoting you to the special jonin rank as you have shown that your will of fire burns bright in your heart." The hokage pulled out a scroll, putting a bit of chakra into it. A vest of standard size, with a darker shade than the jonin vest popped out.

"Iruka Umino, I Sandaime Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato promote you to the rank of special jonin. May the will of fire burn brighter than ever in your heart." The hokage finished as he gave the vest to the former chunin.

"Congrats Sensei." Naruto said in excitement as a small smile sprouted in Iruka's face. "How about we three go celebrate together?" Hokage suggested as the other two in the room agreed.

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