Naruto: Never Die Twice

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The Inevitable…

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Chapter 15: The Inevitable...


The sound of paper scrunching echoed… It sounded well… fiddly. So much so that it was constant for a few seconds – then it stopped. 

"Hmm... I wonder what my son got in his end-of-year results," a deep voice resounded. 

Which also carried on. "I've got high expectations, my son." 

Akio – stood with a confident demeanour to him – a slight smile plastered on his face. His father was beside him, opening a piece of paper, which were his overall results for the first academic year. 

After the tests he took a few days ago – now came the break – and throughout the past few days, his father had been expecting a letter… a letter which he had high hopes for. However, Akio wasn't nervous nor afraid since he had a rough idea of what he got. 

The teacher – Arima had quite the favouritism toward him because of his unusual behaviour not befitting a five-year-old. Akio too liked him since he was really supportive in regard to his inferiority in certain aspects. 

'A good teacher I got for this year. One not biassed on one side or another.'

As teachers go, there were… well certain individuals who favoured the noble clan kids and focused on them, rather than everyone. Although this teacher was not lacking in this aspect – actually he respected the man. 

Akio spoke smugly, "Don't worry, you do know your son is quite capable." 

Hagiro nodded at this. 

What his son said wasn't an opinion but a fact – as far as capability, he couldn't ask for more out of him; he knew exactly how much effort Akio put in every day of his life… so much so… that he felt a small sympathy.

Akio constantly trained every day, doing nothing else except this – and maybe thought he was outworking himself to the extent that… he felt… well – worried. 

Worried he was growing up too fast – his guilt from his past still haunted him – neglecting him from the days he was useless. Maybe he should have supported him more or probed into him more other than just assuming. 

Although he felt worried and a tad bit of guilt, this didn't stop him from feeling extreme pride in his competent son. He couldn't wish for a better kid to nurture. It was actually more than he hoped for. 

However, this feeling was quickly put down and a stern gaze was brought – putting away the thoughts as he looked at the sophisticated chart on the paper. It had everything down.. every aspect of his character – ability and comments about him. 

Whilst he read down the paper, his smile got even wider. Akio, who was now leaning, also read it himself – the smugness illuminated even more. 


Behaviour A+ 

Physics, Maths / All theoretical– A+ 

Physical– C+ 

Jutsu– A+ 

Chakra Control– A+ 

Hand-Eye Coordination - A+ 

Shuriken Throwing – A+

— Etc —

More things were shown – much more in detail which Hagiro read through every single one. He wasn't expecting much from physical – it wasn't really his son's fault.. he was just too behind 

"Akio is an individual who works hard and easily grabs new concepts and ideas like he was born for it. His behaviour is that of a mature person – and his knowledge and learning ability is far beyond his years —"

Hagiro carried out the comment his teacher had put forward. 

It truly described his son in what he thought was the same too. However, Akio just inwardly laughed at the advantage of transmigration. 

After he had finished reading the whole thing, Hagiro's mood had gotten a little better. Akio also noticed his father's behavioural change over the past few days and wondered what it was at first… now he had a rough idea of why. 

"Sigh, you truly exceeded my expectations. I sometimes wonder why this change in you suddenly came – and wished it was earlier," Hagiro nostalgically said. 

Although he said this; he was grateful that his son had changed his mind to become a shinobi – at least it happened sooner rather than never… or later. 

Akio finally spoke up, "I know… it was my childish thinking earlier which hindered me."

He obviously lied; he wasn't going to tell Hagiro that he transmigrated into his son's body – leading to his achievements now… rather, he wasn't going to tell anyone – ever – no matter the circumstances.

Hagiro deeply exhaled and had a regretful gaze in his eyes. He was about to move his mouth, speaking up but suddenly stopped himself and replied. 

"Let's not think about it much now. Your progress has truly made me proud; carry this on and you'll far surpass me in no time," he encouraged as he patted him on the back.

They carried on having a father-and-son moment until Akio decided to go back to whatever he was doing.

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Training… it was something he had to do. 

Just like that, Akio spent his break: training… more training, getting closer to Minato, enjoying the delicacies of the world and last but not least… reliving moments of his past life. He just couldn't help but cherish the memories of his family and other things. These were things he couldn't let go off… family. 

Time passed and soon a few weeks went by… 


"Father… what's wrong, you seem quite upset – more than usual today," Akio stood in front of the father, who had his head held in his hands… seemingly stressed out of his mind. 

Inwardly, Akio held suspicion and wanted to confirm it.

Hagiro sighed and lifted his head, looking his son straight in the eye with a grave expression. "War… sorry to break to you kid, but the tension has finally built up. War times have now started." 

Akio froze for a second and then deeply took a breath.

Even though he expected this, it was different to experiencing the sudden news. The thing that had loomed in the back of his mind since he came had started… 

An inevitable situation – and his – which he called, the hardest obstacle, had arrived. Now he was just wishing the days would go by fast so once this blows over, he could have some sort of peace again. 

'I need to get ready… no… more than ready for his war.'


A few days later… 

'The atmosphere in the village has been gradually getting more gloomier as the days went by. So.. it has finally started. The second shinobi war.' Akio felt as though everything had gone by quickly.

From being transmigrated to finishing the first academic year… now war times – this just felt like a rollercoaster.  

It had only been a year since he transmigrated and a lot of things had happened. He gained strength, pushed himself to the limits and acquired a new perspective in general. Akio felt this world had given him new things yet taken away others.

Now that war times have come, Akio was on more of an alert – or you can call it a wake-up call of some sort… but whatever it was; it fueled a stronger fire in him. 

Although he was feeling like this, it wasn't the same for everyone else… 

Miko was looking pale as the days went by – his normal, cold-looking sister had also turned fearful. She worked in the medical department, knowing the atrocities caused by this situation, more than anyone else. 

His step-brother – Ariza had more important things to worry about than trying to bully Akio. The impact caused had not gone unnoticed by him – his home life had completely changed – and even though he knew the village's future; he still felt everything could go wrong at any moment. 

The sand had already advanced, and joining in with them was the rain so Hanzo and the Kazekage had joined in. This caused an increase in food, stock and everything else which plummeted in value. The meat was expensive which even caused his father to hunt animals now. Others stocked up food, putting it in the freezer for the coming days – everyone was out for themselves. 

Everything felt different: the smell of the air, the sight of the atmosphere and a certain gassy taste lay in his mouth. Konoha didn't feel like Konoha anymore… instead – it just felt like a near-barren land that no one wanted to live near. 

Akio sighed, closing his room window. 

'As much as I want to, I can't remove the focus of this situation, hindering me somewhat.' 

He sat down, closed his eyes and got into a meditative state. All the looming negative thoughts were dispersed with some effort… now solely focused on his training. 

He had to keep his peace of mind with some method – and this was it – his escape. 

His mental strength had to be better… 

His physical strength had to be better… 

The inevitable had arrived...

'Improving is a constant process… war was just temporary,' he told himself these words like it was a chant.




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