Naruto: Raiden Shimura

Chapter 23: Guren [23]

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Seeing one out of the three Bandits isolated near a bush I silently got behind him and stabbed him in the heart quickly ending his life.

"Sqwelp." The stab making a small hole, proceeds to squirt blood out as it partially covers my arm and chest.


Catching his dead body with its now pierced heart before it fell, I hid it in the bush.

'Two more.'

After hiding the body I start to get myself up to a safer position to kill the two of the bandits as they are currently chatting together.

'Well I'll need to take out both of them.'

My heart started to beat louder and louder as I finally struck.

Feeling the metal embrace of my kunai leaving my hand I sucked in a breath preparing to sprint to the next bandit.


The swift kunai sailing through the air hits its target second bandit in the neck ending his life, I use my peak Chunin speeds to get behind the third bandit and quickly finish him off like the first bandit before he could react.

'four dead, eight more to go. Six should be sleeping including the boss, so I just need to kill the tents with the sleeping people first.' I think to myself picking my kunai back up.

Going up to the first tent I sense one person moving inside while there's another still.

Ignoring the first tent I go to the second one to try my luck, using my sensing to spot the two I quickly locate them and see that the both of them are sleeping. Sensing the third and fourth tent, the fourth tent has two people sleeping while the third has two people awake.


Walking into the second tent without making a noise I quickly finished off the two bandits.

'Now I need to go to the fifth tent.'

Quickly eliminating the bandits in the fourth tent I start to hear my heart race again as I'm getting closer to my goal of killing this whole camp.

Making my way outside of the fifth camp I quickly set-up a metal thread trap to trip over the boss when he rushes outside the fifth tent.

Walking back to the first tent with my smoke bomb and kunai in hand. Quickly entering the tent I use my swift release to boost my kunai's speed, swiftly killing the first bandit who was awake and then right after killing the second one who was sleeping.

'Now I should try to pull of the final part of the plan.' I say calming myself down as I pick up my kunai from the now dead bandit.

Not needing to hide anymore I quickly made my way to the third tent blazing past one of the bandits to eliminate the sleeping one.

Quickly stabbing the first bandit in his sleep I hear a shout.

"Help, theres an intruder! Boss!" The second bandit shouts as he sees me kill his tent buddy.

"Damn it kid, just die for me!" The bandit shouts as he runs forward trying to slash me with his Tsurugi.

Using my superior speed I quickly dashed to the left while cleanly slicing off the bandits head.

'That should of woke up the boss by now.' I think to myself as I use my smoke bomb in the tent to bait the boss.

A few seconds after this, who else but the bosses chakra signature starts to run out of the tent in a hurry.

"Where's the enemy!" He shouts.

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The boss looking out of the tent seeing the smoke bomb tries to rush towards it but suddenly falls over using his arms to protect his face.

Seeing the opportunity I use swift release for the final time tonight and drain an accurate hit with a shuriken finishing off the bandit camp.

Using my chakra sensing to the fullest I quickly scan the whole area as I quickly sigh in relief realising that there is only Soth's chakra signature left in my 10km radius circle.

"I've finished Sloth." I say out loud as I make my way back to the bandits watch tower to retrieve my first kunai thrown.

Can't forget my equipment after all, it's like an unwritten rule to retrieve all your shit after battle.

--A day later--

Calmly hopping through trees at fast speeds I start to make out the outline of a town in front of Sloth and I.

"Is this Narawara town." I ask in a neutral voice.

"Yes Shimura-sama." Sloth responds in a similar manner.

Speeding through the trees for a few more minutes I quickly find myself in front of a small town with heaps of people.

'Hmm.. Only one person in this village has genin reserves, could it be Guren?' I think to myself as I remove my mask and start to walk around the village.

The village is quite decently large with it having a lot of houses with a small market where some civilians sell necessities like some food or clothes.

A cosy place all things considered if this place wasn't destined to get absolutely clapped by Orochimaru of course!

Walking through the small crowd near the market area I start to track where the person with Genin level reserves is.

Heading into an alley, I widen my eyes to the sight of three grown men beating a little girl that looks to be the age of 7.

"Common boys it's not worth it beating this street rat anymore, lets go." The guy I assume to be the "leader" of the three says as he kicks the girl I assume to be Guren in the ribs.

'What the fuck? I know I'm meant to keep my composure as a shinobi but this isn't it man.'

My eyes starting to get cold I ran up to the first two civilian men and quickly finished them off with a well placed uchiha kick.

The "Leader" seeing this starts to panic but before he could do anything I dashed in front of him and gave his face a good punch sending him towards the brick walls in the alley way for later.

With the three guys now knocked out I walked towards the downed girl with a gentle smile.

"Hello there, what's your name." I say gently to the bloodied girl.

The girl with puffed up eyes looks up with a hopeful look on her face.

"My name is Guren." She says keeping silent but with a glimmer in her eyes as she looks at me.

Seeing this awful scene I remember that the three men were still knocked out.

'After I let her rest I will cripple these fuckers.'

I mean being crippled and living to an eventual death to Orochimaru would be worse than a plain death, I'll let Orochimaru finish them off like he will with Hiruzen in the future.

"Don't worry you will be safe with me now, I will bring you to live with me ok?" I say softly making her nod.

Picking her up Princess style, I signal Sloth to body flicker us to a place to rest for a bit and for Guren to recover.

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