Naruto: The Shadow Of The Uchiha

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Gods’ Food

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"You don't want to do it anymore huh?"

As my mind was furiously racing, Kyouka spoke after almost half a minute of silence. She turned around her face didn't show the suspicions I expected but...

"Are you sad?"

The young woman said her voice was faint "are you angry? are you scared?... do you want to give up?" she sighed and then smiled, a sad smile "it's alright you know, there is no shame in it. I'm sure Kaa-Chan will understand and... and I will convince Otto, don't worry, yes, I will convince him,"

She walked forward until she was at arm's length, she crouched slightly so our eyes are at the same level "you don't have to worry about anything as long as Kyo-Nee is here, alright? But..." she trailed as she grabbed both of my hands with hers, I couldn't help but notice how much they are "please... don't hold anything inside."


I misunderstood something.

I was so much on guard that I ended up overthinking things.

Recognizing the pleading, sad look in her pretty, black eyes. I feel dumb, idiotic, and... bad.

I misunderstood her leading me to this remote place as a sign of her suspecting something. But she too misunderstood my silence as a sign of um... giving up?

On what?

Still, I think the biggest misunderstanding was the character of this cousin of mine. She is more mature than she acted until now. In fact, it's highly possible that she only acted childish for my sake... Izuna's sake.

After all, from her perspective, her cousin spend a month in a coma, but when he woke up he found his father dead. And instead of crying as all normal people do, he became a blank wood, quiet and apathetic.

So she tried to make him talk, to make him angry, to not just hold his emotion inside. I think I'm starting to understand this person. And it made me feel even worse. She is worried for Izuna and sad for him, she wants to help him, but I...

"...what do you want me to say?" After an extended amount of time passed of me, just staring at her black, abyssal eyes, I asked.

"I don't know, say anything you want."

I nodded.

I can say that I'm fine, that she doesn't have to worry or be sad for me. I can say that being quiet is my new me.

"I want to eat Dango."

None of it would be effective.

"...Dango?" She tilted her head to the side, confusion replaced the sadness in her eyes.

"Yes, they smells good, and I'm also hungry since you ate all the Tamagoyaki."


I sighed "Kyo-Nee really is as beautiful as a black rose yet dumb as a donkey's black butt."

"W-what?!" The confusion on her face rapidly twisted into an angry smile.

Have I said too much?

"You said I could say anything."

"That. Wasn't. What I meant." Gritting her teeth, she let go of my hands before slowly raising her right fist.

"Mmh?" I tilted my head to the side feigning confusion "what's wrong?"

"Don't give me that!"

I heard her shout then I saw white before I felt a pain coming from the top of my head. She hit me. I didn't see how or when her fist descended but I know it was her fist.

"Eck! That's hurt, Kyo-Nee!"

It didn't.

"Serves you right," she fumed "and here I was worried about you, idiot."

I rubbed the spot where I just got hit. I felt a little relieved that it hadn't turned into a bulge nor did any X- shaped bandage magically appear.

"...but I only did what you asked me to do," I whispered.

"Huh?! I told you to not hold your feeling, not to compare me to a donkey's butt!"

It's your intellect I compared, not you.

"That was a compliment."

"A compliment?! You better shut up if you don't want another bump."

First, talk, now shut up. What do you want me to do? You better make up your mind woman.

"You are a bully, just you wait, I will tell Baa-Chan."

In the face of such a dangerous threat, I had no other choice than to use my trump card.

"Hee," Instead of backing off as I predicted, she laughed "go ahead, please, but just know that if you do that I won't teach you any Jutsu."



"You heard right," She put her hands on her hips, the three paper bags still in her left hand "did you forget our deal, once you enter the academy I will teach you cool Jutsus. So..." she trailed "do you still want to learn cool and amazing Jutsus?"

I can see something in her black eyes. It wasn't a question of me rating out to her mother anymore. She is hoping for an answer. A probing to what she said before... did I give up or not?

My eyes widened as some of the mangled memories of the kid suddenly come flouring into mine. His dream. What he was inspiring to be. It was a small memory of him crying under the sheets of his futon after he had an argument with his father.

From the memories I had access to, the father and son rarely had an argument. It's by no means they had a good relationship, far from that. It's because they rarely ever see each other, let alone talk.

The father spent all his time outside of the village. And when he got back he would either train in the forest or drink himself until he passes out. The one who took care of Izuna ever since he remembers was his aunt. Since his mother died in childbirth.

In this memory, the argument occurs after he summons every ounce of courage he can muster and informs his father, who is already drunk, of his dreams of becoming an Inspector at the Konoha Military Police. Needless to say, he wasn't happy about it. He got angry really quickly resulting in him yelling and the kid crying.

The issue though, the father wasn't against the kid joining Konoha Military Police. What he was angry about was the path he want to go through. Konoha Military Police is an organization consisting of multiple divisions, some of which require the person to be a Shinobi, while some posts can be filled by a civilian.

And the kid's dream of being an Inspector also known as a Police Captain is a post that requires one to be a Shinobi. And a Shinobi is what the father, Uchiha Dai, didn't want his son to be.

Which is honestly amazing, uncommon, and borderline insane from the clan's perspective.

Uchiha is the most powerful clan in the village for a reason. Their arrogance didn't stem out of thin air. They are Shinobi and proud of it. They aren't afraid of dying let alone fighting. So refusing Izuna, a member of the said clan, from becoming a Shinobi is an insult in their eyes.

The memory also allowed me to put together why Kyouka thought I want to give up on that dream. As a way to honor the father's last wish or something like that.

"... I won't say anything to Baa-Chan."

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"R-really," A smile blossomed on Kyouka's pretty face.

"Only if you teach me cool Jutsus."

I tried to not let the childish excitement flood my mind. But it wasn't easy. This is an opportunity to learn Justus, fucking Shinobi wizardry. I doubt I would be impassive even if I was an adult.

"Good, just follow what this Onee-San says, and you will be the most powerful Inspector." She raised her chin high as she proclaimed.


"What is it this time?"

"I don't want to be an Inspector."

"What is it with you brat, aren't you biting more than you can chew, a superintendent is way too much for you," A displeased expression on her face as she shook her head "besides that's what I want to be first, stop copying me."

"No, I don't want that either."

"D-don't tell me you want to be the c-chief, Fugaku-Sama won't be too happy."

I sighed at theatrics "I won't enter the Police."

She raised an eyebrow "You want to be a Shinobi, but you don't want to be in the Police?"

I nodded.

"That is the most stupid thing you ever said." She shook her head with pity in her eyes.

I shrugged.

She gave a long hard glare, "you are serious?"


"Stop this bullshit right now," Her face suddenly turned serious "what are you gonna do of not a police officer? Huh? Doing missions outside of the village? Is that what you want to do? Do you even know how many die out there?... One third. Do you even know what this means? For every three Shinobi going out of the village, only two will come back. And they usually aren't in one piece," She took a deep breath, her eyes narrowed and with a low voice, she asked, "is that what you want?"

I thanked her in my mind, even though I know those worries aren't directed at the real me. Nevertheless, I am grateful to her. She didn't want me to join the police out of childish or naive reasons, but because the alternative is way worse.

Regretfully, I can't follow her hint. While I'm not aware of the statistics of death, I know this world is in no way a happy one. Even the anime wasn't enough to depict the cruelty of it.

Besides, I already had some semblance of a plan.

"No, that is not what I want." I said my face blank as ever.

She gave me a long look "then what?"

I looked from her eyes to the three paper bags she is holding in her hand "I want to eat Dango."

"Stop joking." She spat, her voice sharp.

"I will tell you if you give me a Dango."

Haah... when was it the last time I asked something from someone? That was... too long ago. Long before I was taught the ways and the rules of the world. But here am I, a kid once more, doing the same mistake I once did.

"If this is another one of your usual tricks, I will..." She raised her fist and swung back and forth.

The gesture is crystal clear.

"No, it's not."

It is.

"Alright, let's sit down." She nodded and moved to the old fallen tree not too far.

I did the same.

"It's wet."

"Sit down."


I reluctantly placed my butt on the wet wood, it was wet and cold. But I ignored it in favor of the colored Dango stick I got handed over.

"Thank you." Not forgetting any of my politeness as I accepted the food. Steam is still emanating from the Dango balls, which is a good thing. Hopefully, some of the coolness will go away with this.

I stared for a brief moment at the green, white, and pink Dango balls, before I decided it was time, and brought it to my mouth and bit into the pink one.

It has been confirmed.

This world is just heavenly, I don't have any other world. I thought the Tamagoyaki I have eaten for breakfast was the pinnacle but this, this is... art.

Now, I'm starting to wonder what Ichiraku ramen tastes like.

... No, no. I shook my head. It's rude to think of other food while I'm savoring this delicacy.

"Stop making strange sounds." The woman beside me ordered, probably jealous of my bliss. But I didn't hear anything she said, my entire being is focused on one thing; the food of the gods.

It's sweet, not too much, just enough to smile. It's a bit chewy, not too much, just enough to prove it's here for you. The white ball has a simple but comforting flavor, the pink one has a strawberry flavor, and the green one tastes like tea.

Three heavenly flavors united by a golden spear.

It's like a package of happiness.

"Enough, start talking," A hand stopped mine as I reached for another stick inside one of the paper bags placed between me and Kyouka.

"Just one more."

Am I getting comfortable asking for things now?

"No, you already devoured more than half."

I only ate one, what nonsense is she... I followed her gaze to the spot to my right and... five wooden sticks lay there.


"Now you ate... talk." She let go of my wrist and said with a voice that allow no dodging.

I took a deep breath. I looked farther ahead, at the green grass, brown trunk, and the sun's reflection on some water droplets on the grass or branches. I moved my gaze from the greeny scenery to the woman sitting beside me.

"What I want is..."

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