Naruto: The Shadow Of The Uchiha

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – Future Dream

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The entrance ceremony went in such an anticlimactic way that I wondered why they called it a ceremony in the first place when all there is to it is an old man and his toneless speech.

I guess that's how much a Kage is revered.


Found it. I thought as I read the paper list nailed to the back of the classroom door that the students' names attending the class were written on it.

The cacophony of children's voices and the smell of chalk dust assaulted me as soon as I slid the door open.

Stepping inside, I quietly skimmed around. The classroom is surprisingly large, with a high ceiling. In front of the equally large blackboard is a podium with the teacher's desk on it. And at a reasonable distance before it, four columns of students' desks slope upward, with five three-seat desks each.

... not too late. Fortunately. While the classroom is almost full of students, the teacher has yet to arrive.

I felt some of the earlier eager excitement ignite again.

A student once again, huh?

... mmh, here you are.

I forced myself not to smirk. We don't want to scare these little ones, now, do we?

Strolling forward toward my target, who is sitting on the last column, second row, the seat by the window. Like every respectable anime protagonist. On the seat next to him is a girl, because... well, he is one handsome bastard. The third seat, however, is empty, which is perfect for me.

"Hey! that's my seat."

Before I could make myself comfortable on the rough wooden seat, someone exclaimed. I turned to the source of the dissatisfied voice; it was a boy who had previously been chatting and laughing with, presumably, his friend sitting on the right column.

"Is that so?" I said, overlooking the displeasure on his face. "Thank you very much for handing it over to me. I will make sure your kindness won't go unappreciated by studying hard."

The kid was stunned by my mannerly response for a moment; his mouth hung open and his eyes were wide before he eventually understood my words. He frowned and said the pitch of his voice had raised. "Huh! I didn't hand it over. Get up. That's my seat; I was here first."

Mm?... Oh, right, this type of subtlety doesn't work on children.

The kid was loud enough to attract the surrounding students' gazes, who looked at us with curiosity.

Tsk. That's pesky. I should end this quickly. Let's try the diplomatic way first.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Uchiha Izuna, what's yours?"

Well, I say 'diplomatic way' but it is more about expressing one's importance than anything else. In other words, I'm pulling the young master move, something like 'Do you know who I am?' or 'My family is more powerful than yours', in the hope of scaring the little shit away.

And somehow it had that effect; the kid took one step back, and his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. His parents probably warned him. Yet, surprisingly, he didn't back down; rather, the anger in his eyes intensified.

"You!" He pointed his trembling finger and said, "Y-you are a bad person. The Uchiha Clan are all bad people. Because of you, the demon attacked the village."

That's rude. I just introduced myself with the utmost politeness; the least you could do is reciprocate the gesture before calling the witcher.

Shaking my head, I looked at the kid and blinked twice.

Ah, no matter. I'm the fool for thinking diplomacy is a viable route with Shinobi children.

The kid gasped, then swayed to the left before falling.

"Are you alright?" I tried to sound concerned but failed. I stood, extending my arm to help him up. The kid looked at my hand, dazed, before eventually accepting my help. "The teacher will be here soon," I dusted his clothes off as I continued. "It's better if he didn't find you standing; look, there is an empty seat over there; why don't you take it?"

The kid nodded absentmindedly before staggering to the seat I pointed at.

Satisfied with the considerate judgment of my classmate, I sat down once more, ignoring the confused gazes of the children around me.

"Using your abilities against your allies violates the Shinobi Code."

My head swiftly turned to the source of those words. It is the male tablemate. I stared at him for a couple of seconds, my expression neutral but completely dumbfounded on the inside.

I... I didn't expect that. Putting what I know of him from the show aside, the expression I got from Uchiha Itachi was that of a quiet kid, talking only when necessary.

Does he think it is necessary?... Wait, does he remember me?

Shit, stop making it a big deal, damn it. I shouted to myself before I opened my mouth. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You used a Genjutsu on him, and Genjutsus are offensive Jutsu, only to use against enemies. But a classmate isn't your enemy."

"Again, I don't know what you are talking about."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to admit it," Itachi shook his head. "But I have a question if you don't mind answering."

He phrased it politely, so I nodded.

"From the fast activation of the Sharingan to Genjutsu's casting, it took you less than a second, which shows your proficiency on it isn't low—"

"You question." I interrupted.

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"... why didn't you use Genjutsu that day?"

Huh? He remembers. He... of course, he would. My handsome face isn't something you could forget lightly.

Ignoring the girl sitting between us, who is funnily moving her head left and right repeatedly as if she is a puppy in the middle of a tennis field, I answered. "Wouldn't that be considered cheating?"

He glanced at me with a hint of interest in his eyes, waiting for me to continue, but I didn't intend to. I turned ahead, my eyes on the large blackboard, ending the short conversation.

I didn't lie when I stated my reason. I didn't use Genjutsu because I felt it would be cheating. Though the target of the said cheat was none other than myself. I'm no morally high person to believe that cheating is bad; hell, I cheat and lie all the time... before, especially before.

The reason, however, I didn't use Genjetsu and accepted the bitter humiliation instead is because it defies the purpose of that fight in the first place.

I wanted to check the distance between us with that fight. And making him immobile with Genjutsu won't help in any way. It's like going to the trouble of cooking a katsuobushi dish only to eat last night's rice.

... besides, he probably would have countered it anyway.

The teacher arrived not long behind the last student. He is a large male with brown hair and a goatee. He didn't waste much time, and as soon as he reached his desk, he began talking jovially, starting by introducing himself before saying. "Now then, please introduce yourself and tell everyone your dream for the future."

Hoho, talking in front of the class; they should be nervous right now. I looked around, and sure enough, the kids looked at each other, some excited, some nervous, trying to avoid eye contact with the teacher.

"All right then, maybe we'll go by student number," the teacher said, his voice rising above the murmurs coming from every corner of the room. Perhaps he understood how his student felt, perhaps not.


Suppressing the disappointing feeling, I watched the children get in front of the class and reveal, some embarrassingly, others proudly, their dreams. It's somewhat cute if you omit that they are aspirant Shinobi that will kill or get killed in the near future.

"M-my dream i-is to be a great ninja l-like my father."

"All right, very well done," the teacher nodded. Applause then rang all around as the nth student scurried to her seat, face beat red after telling her inspiration.

"All right then, next, Uchiha Itachi."

Itachi stood up and walked to the front of the class. I noted with great annoyance that the interest he is garnering from the students is... the handsome bastard. I bet he is going to say something cool that will make all girls fall for him.

Humpf, children.

Thrusting his chest out, Itachi began. "I'm Uchiha Itachi. My dream is..."


He faltered.

I straightened my back as I tried to subdue the contortion of my lips. Interesting. Did the swarm of children's eyes frighten him? He is a kid after all, yes, a kid. No matter how much his speech and actions sound mature, he is no more than six.

... I should stop comparing him to the adult Itachi from the show.

Still, why do I find this enjoyable? Is it some sort of revenge thing, or is he faltering at something so insignificant that it's giving me the feeling that the distance between us is shortening?

"My dream..."

"It's alright, go ahead and say it," the teacher urged him, and I felt my cheeks hurt with how much strength I was putting in to force my lips down.

"I want to be the greatest Shinobi ever, great enough that I can erase all fighting from this world."

His words were followed soon after by the pre-established harmony of applause.

"Well done," said the teacher as he patted Itachi's head. The subject of applause nodded before moving back to his seat.

Erase all fighting, huh?... I expected something more realistic.

Indeed, I should stop comparing him to the subjective impression I made of him from the show.

Needless to say, his words spoiled my odd enjoyment. It is alright, however, as my turn to shine has finally come.

"Next, Uchiha Izuna."

Standing, I strolled to the front of the class, just like the students before me did. And I immediately felt the curious eyes of students prickling into me.

Eh? Color me surprised it's actually quite intimidating. I skimmed around the full class for a moment, watching the children and their reactions. Some looked curious, some looked bored, and others looked nervous.

"Go ahead and introduce yourself," the teacher said with a jovial smile.

Nodding, I pushed my chest up and tried to imitate Kyouka's arrogant expression.

"My name is Uchiha Izuna. My role models are lions. I eat meat like lions, and I like sleeping just like lions. I inspire to be like a lion. My dream is to marry a lot of pretty and strong women and make my own Lion Pride."

So~, how is it? Impressed? Impressed? It is way different from all of your unoriginal and cliched dreams, right?

However, be they too dumbfoundedly impressed or perhaps it's just green jealousy, none of the students applauded.

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