Natives vs Isekai Heroes

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Tempest

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Year 395 of the Holy Calendar - Third floor of the Titan dungeon

Everything is slimy.

The floor, the walls, and the ceiling, everything were covered in a gray sticky liquid.

*Whgg* *Whgg*

Every footstep makes a noise, and if it wasn't for my high level I'd probably be stuck on the ground.

"Iiiiiihhhh" ???

And of course, the monsters on this floor are Slimes.

"Fire skill..." Alastor

"Ii!!" Slime A

The Blue Slime jumps towards me.

"Fire Ball" Alastor

And it explodes with my skill, leaving only a brown ball rolling on the floor.

...It was faster than the ones outside the dungeon, I guess his level made a difference.

"Iiiihhhh!" Slime B

A red one appears following the sound of the first fight.

"This one has resistance towards fire" Alastor

Grandma Maria spoke of how their resistance matches their color.

"Ii! Ii! Ii!!!" Slime B

It bounces left and right and then jumps to attack me in the form of a fireball.

"Hmmhp!" Alastor

I slam it to the floor with my weapon.

"..." Slime B

Like a deflated balloon, it lies on the ground.

"Luckily I use a blunt weapon, with a sword it would have taken a lot of time" Alastor

High-level slimes have extremely good regeneration abilities, to defeat them you need to defeat them in one shot. Cutting them in half will only create two of them (each with half the experience gain).

"Let's keep going"

I walk to the first fork in the corridor.

*Whgg* *Whgg*

"..." Alastor

*Whgg* *Whgg*

"...This sound is going to be annoying" Alastor



"It is time to eat" Alastor

I walk over to the Green Slime I just blew up.

The pelt of the Slime is great for making bags but it isn't edible, what I need is their insides.


With my right hand, I pick up the half-meter brown ball and with my left, I carefully make a hole in the top with my index finger.

"Let's see what it tastes like" Alastor

I proceed to drink it like a canteen.


It tastes like grapes.

"The ones outside don't even compare to these!"

I've tried slimes before, like every child in the kingdom, but those slimes weren't as sweet and tasty as these.

"This floor is gonna be great!"



"It was horrible" Alastor

I reached the Boss Room after a week of eating only sweet juices.

"When I leave here I will never eat anything sweet again"

I was already bored of it on the second day.

"Now I know why Grandma Maria had that face when talking about this floor"

Each slime had a lot of juice, but it wasn't very filling. I ended up eating almost 90% of the defeated ones to barely satisfy my hunger.

"It's a relief that I'm already here, I should get ready to sleep"

I have already slept once on this floor and I need to do it again to be in full shape before the next fight.

"Should work again"

I lie down on the sticky floor.



I take out the pelts of the red slimes I defeated from my bag.


And cover my body with them.



*Whgg* *Whgg*

Slimes don't attack other Slimes, so I'm safe from them.




I open the handleless boss door by pushing it with both my hands.


The door seems lighter or maybe it is because I am stronger.

"..." ???

Obviously, the monster inside is another slime.

"Iii" Slime

The two meters rainbow-colored slime lord, Tempest.



Lv. 60

Pedigree. Boss Monster

You are reading story Natives vs Isekai Heroes at

Monster Rank. B

Affinities. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind

HP. 100%

MP. 70/70

Physical Force. 67

Physical Defence. 57

Magical Force. 67

Magical Defence. 57

Charisma. -

Luck. -

Condition. Slimy


"Ii!" Tempest

The boss across the room begins by casting a strong gust of wind in my direction.

"..." Alastor

I turned on my side and lowered my center of gravity so I wouldn't go airborne.

"..." Alastor

The gust continues...

"..." Tempest

And I advance slowly in its direction by carefully moving my feet.

"!" Tempest

The big sphere trembles in surprise and changes the strategy.

Various fireballs of the size of an average adult are expelled in all directions.

"Ha! Ha! Haa!" Alastor

I hit the ones that are about to reach me with my war hammer and ignore the rest while running to the motionless boss.

"!" Tempest

It trembles again and changes the strategy.

"So now it is ice" Alastor

Ice icicles fly in the air.

"Too easy" Alastor

Pointy stuff is easier to dodge, I evade them as I run forward.

"Iiii!!!" Tempest

Now it covers itself with a spherical wall of earth.

"Fire skill..." Alastor

I jump to its aerial space and earth spikes come out of the earth wall.

"Fire Ball"

My war hammer embraces the fire.

"Crimson Hammer!!"

And breaks the spikes and the upper part of the dome of the boss.

"!!!" Tempest

The slime lord awaits my next attack as I stand in the earth that it casted.

"..." Alastor

"..." Tempest

I already know what it is planning to use, the Dissolving Skill.

Any kind of magic or object inside its body will dissolve leaving nothing behind.

"Fire skill..." Alastor

But, thanks to grandma Maria, I already know what to do.

"FIRE WALL!" Alastor

I fill the interior of the earth dome with fire.

"IIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!" Tempest

The temperature rises incredibly inside the self-made prison of the boss, but it can't do anything else but boil to death.

"I better get down" Alastor

Just as I jump down...


The Big slime explodes and all its liquids are expelled as vapor from the top hole of the earth dome.


The stairs and the door appear again.



Visit the Principal building of Isekai Holy Church


Free level up (x10)

Holy artifact




And also does this.






Why does it happen so often?

Isn't this supposed to be a rare occurrence?

"...Well it doesn't matter"

Where was I...

Ah, yes.

"Ughhh, I really don't want to do this... but I need to prepare water for the next floor" Alastor

I start by breaking the earth dome and collecting the pelt of the slime lord.

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