Natives vs Isekai Heroes

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: The limit

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Year 395 of the Holy Calendar - Fifth floor of the Titan dungeon

After sleeping for some time, my shoulder wound closed and I start climbing down the stairs.

"It is really surprising"

The dungeons are nothing else than a fighting pit for the entertainment of a Dungeon Master. Broken toys are useless to them, so various dungeons have a passive healing effect on raiders to keep them whole as long as they can.

"Whatever, let's continue"

The stairs end and I take a step to the fifth floor.

" is a little bit hot in here" Alastor

The corridors are three times wider than the previous ones, but the walls have red waterfalls on them creating a canal of one meter of scorching magma on each side.

"I feel at home" Alastor

Back at home, Dad used to keep the furnaces on all day.

I walk in the middle of the corridor and...


I rapidly take a step back.

"*clank*" Monster

A giant red lizard comes out of the magma and closes its giant teeth in front of me.

"A Bloody Drake..." Alastor

The Bloody Drakes are four-legged monsters that size five meters from their nose to the end of their tail.

They can swim through the magma and walk on land, burning everything in their path.

Their teeth occupy most of their heads and they can bite through even the strongest armor.

"..." Bloody Drake A

They are almost immune to fire and their scales are resistant to blunt strikes...

This time I am at a complete disadvantage.

"Fire skill..." Alastor

My strongest skill.

"Fireball - Crimson Hammer!!" Alastor

I jump over the monster and hit its back with my skill.

"IIIKKKKK!!" Bloody drake A

It receives it at full strength.

"!!!" Alastor

But the damage is not enough and the tail counters, hitting the right side of my body.

"KAggh!" Alastor

The impact throws me back to the stairs.

"..." Bloody Drake A

The red lizard ignores me and goes back to the magma.

"..." Alastor

...I sit on the stairs.

"What should I do now..."

...That strike.

"That strike could have killed me..."

Fortunately, I landed on the stairs, but if I fell into the magma...


"...Should I go back and use the golden door?"

If I go back, I will never be able to enter again.

The dungeon will have a reload time of one month. And in that month the Titan castle will surely change its owner, and that will not be me.

Some royalty or some high priest will come and use the dungeon as he likes.


My scarf awaits on the floor of the fire corridor.



This is stupid.

"A life of running away from everything until I lose everything again?"

If I only wanted to survive then I should have left on the first floor.

"I will become strong, there is no other path, there is no other choice"

I walk again to the fifth floor.

"I will become strong enough to not need the protection of others..."

"*clank*" Bloody Drake A

"To be the one who protects everything by my side..."

I dodge it again and close the distance immediately.

"And to be the destroyer of any menace in front of me!"

I climb onto his back and wrap my left arm around his neck.

"!!!" Bloody Drake A

The monster shakes fiercely, but I don't get off. I use this little time to insert my fingers into its eyes.

"...K!!" Bloody Drake A

Suffocating, the Drake tries to jump back to the magma.

"Ghhh!" Alastor

The blinded monster fails the first jump and we land on the corridor.

"...k" Bloody Drake A

I can feel the lack of strength in its struggles, just a little more.

"..." Alastor

On its second jump, the drake hits luck and we are floating in the direction of the melted stone.

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"I will not let you!!!" Alastor

I took my war hammer from my back and with one hand I hit the border of the corridor as we were to enter the lava.

"!!!" Bloody Drake A

We hit the ceiling and get back to the floor.

"You will be the one dying here!" Alastor



After some more jumps, I maintain my lock and defeat the Bloody drake.


I pick up my scarf again.

"...This will not do it"

I got a lot of damage from this fight. I am full of bruises and I think I broke some ribs in the struggle.

"I will need to rest before continuing" Alastor

A long rest will be enough to recover.

"Fuuuu..." Alastor

I lay on the floor with my back below and my arms crossed.

The Bloody drake only attacks prey that they can feel walking over their territory. Luckily, part of my training as an adventurer was to sleep without making a move.

"...zzz" Alastor



A lifeless body drops on the floor.


Each monster takes my all to be defeated and after the battle, I need to rest to recover.

"...At least the food is good" Alastor

The Bloody drake is the ultimate meal in this dungeon. Its meat is filling, its blood is refreshing and it doesn't need any cooking.

All the skin of this is like an impenetrable fortress, but there is a place I can use to feed myself.

I put my hand inside its mouth and pinch some of the meat inside to take some of the purple liquid that is its blood to drink.

"Despite its color, it is tasteless as water" Alastor





I have lost track of time.

Until now I could somehow calculate the passage of time by paying attention to the length of my nails and beard and the time it took to grow after cutting them.

But with my struggles with this floor monster, my nails get destroyed and my beard occasionally burns, so I'm completely lost at the moment.

"How long have I been here?" Alastor

One month, two, or maybe more?

Maybe it is already the new year...

"Well, it doesn't matter"

I am slowly becoming stronger. This last drake I just defeated didn't make me more than a few bruises.

"Time to speed up things"



I stand in front of the handleless boss door.

"So this is it" Alastor

I cannot level up anymore on this floor, I have done everything I could.

"A fire mage against a fire floor boss"

If I can overcome this...

If I can win this battle, it will be the same as conquering this dungeon.

"Grandma, I will become someone that people can rely on"

I take a step forward towards the ultimate test.



Lv: 80 (Limit)

Pedigree: Commoner

Title: Dungeon crawler

Adventurer Class: Undefined

Affinities: Fire

HP: 100%

MP: ??/??

Physical Force: ??

Physical Defence: ??

Magical Force: ??

Magical Defence: ??

Charisma: ??

Luck: ??

Condition: Healthy, Royal Eunuch (Physical stats +7)


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