Natives vs Isekai Heroes

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Showdown with the Isekai Pope

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Year 397 of the Holy Calendar - Border wall of the Royal Capital


My war hammer stops the spear of the flying man.


Our weapons clash again immediately after.

He is faster and stronger than before, maybe even more than me.


And escaping out of my reach in the air gives him the advantage.

"Surrender, The sky is the domain of the holy one!" Ruciel

Is that so?

Maybe it is because he can not use his Holy Skills on me, but all I see are attacks that follow really simple patterns.

"If my mana wasn't still unstable, I would have shown you how it's done" Alastor

That skill needs a lot of control and wastes a lot of mana.

"But now this will have to do the trick" Alastor

I prepare my hammer on my right side.

"Nonsense!" Ruciel

He approaches with his spear once again and just before he reaches me...

"HAAA!!!" Alastor

My flames propel my war hammer as I heavily stomp the ground with my left foot.

"!!!" Ruciel


Our weapons collide again, but this time he is thrown into a nearby house.

"Just as planned" Alastor

I was waiting for this angle.

"This.." Ruciel

"Fireball" Alastor

It is a shame for the owner of the house, but I can't allow him to recover.

"Whaaaaaagggg!!!!!" Ruciel

The whole empty house and the Isekai pope burn inside the intense fires.

"His... holiness" Citizen

The faces of the crowd lose all color and hope.

"..." Citizens

The fires disappear as I swing my war hammer upwards in the direction of the house.

"..." Alastor

Just a burned man in front of a burned house.

To be sure, I should disarm him.

"..." Alastor

I walk over to the unconscious man.

"Stop!" ???

And just before reaching him, a little girl who doesn't even reach my waist gets in the way and extends both her arms in front of me.

"Don't be mean!" Little girl

The pink-haired girl was wearing worn clothes and was somewhat thin and dirty, she seems to be an orphan.

But even with that tattered appearance, she was brave, braver than anyone in this crowd.

"Don't worry, I am just going to take his artifacts off and then I will go away" Alastor

The eyes of the little person in front of me were not filled with hate like everyone else, but with an unshakable will.

"Stealing is bad!" Brave girl

She doesn't move an inch.

"...Jijiji, Okay" Alastor

She wins.

"I will leave n..." Alastor

My body is pushed back.

"...?" Alastor

"..." Brave girl

The light in her eyes disappears right in front of me.

"All is in god plans" Ruciel

"..." Alastor

Below my stomach, there is a pole impaling me against the wall.

"aaaaaAAGGGGHH!!!!" Alastor

And it is also piercing the corpse of the little girl just in front of me.

"YOU MONSTER!!!" Alastor

He threw his spear through her!

"MURDERER!!!" Alastor

I try to move, but I can't feel the flow of my mana.

"It is useless, that divine weapon is an artifact that nullifies the mana of the sinners" Ruciel

He stabs himself and recovers completely.

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"I WILL KILL YOU!!" Alastor


"...Fitting words for a demon" Ruciel





"YOU ARE ALL DEATH!!!" Alastor


A nun approaches the Isekai pope and hands him another spear.

"The Light will always triumph" Ruciel

As he approaches me, I grab the spear piercing me with both hands.

"GWHAAAAAA!!!!" Alastor

But it doesn't move at all.

"Divine punishment!" Ruciel

The second spear comes directly to my chest as I can only slightly warm the first one in my hands.

I can't dodge it!

{You really like to put yourself in danger}

"!!!" Ruciel

"..." Alastor

A dark orange hand with black nails appears and stops the incoming spear.

"Ifrit..." Alastor

"Hold the Demon cultist! Don't let the summoned demon free him" Ruciel

Every person in the surroundings jumps at Ifrit as ordered.

"Pitiful weak humans" Ifrit

"For our Holy guide!" Citizens, priests, and nuns

Ifrit doesn't move from where she is.

"Electrocessation" Ifrit

An electric wave knocks out everyone in one shot.

"..." Alastor

If I was able to do something like that... maybe the result would have been different...

"Get this thing over with" Ifrit

She sets me free by pulling the spear in one go and throwing it away.

"..." Alastor

I grab the brave little girl and softly land her on the ground.

"..." Alastor

I burn my entrance wound with fire on my little finger and the exit wound with fire on my index finger.

"God is on my side! I will not lose!" Ruciel

{Do you want me to do it?}

[No, I will do it]

The sun on my chest shines with all its power.

"Crimson..." Alastor

This is for you, unnamed brave.


He flies at full speed to grab his spear and approaches me.

"HAMMEERR!!" Alastor

The unleashed heat cremates the body below me.

"Blasphe..." Ruciel

And the strike throws the murderer to the ceiling of the barrier protecting the city, destroying both of them in a great explosion.


The surrounding crowd dissipates in fear.

"Ifrit, teach me how to use that thunder wave" Alastor

Just the power to kill will not be enough in this world outside the dungeon.

"Is that your way of welcoming me?" Ifrit

"..." Alastor

"..." Ifrit

"Sorry, I..." Alastor

"It is fine, I know this is not the time for that" Ifrit

She turns to the wall, revealing her scaly tail behind her.

"We both need time to fully recover, so in the meantime, we will do some more training" Ifrit

"Thanks" Alastor

"And maybe we could create something else too" Ifrit

"Something else?" Alastor

"That Clownish green maid gave me some inspiration for something new" Ifrit

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