Natives vs Isekai Heroes

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: The stigma of the system

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Year 398 of the Holy Calendar - Waterfall on the southeastern continental edge

(Alastor POV)

Ifrit places her hand on top of the demihuman child's head.

"Stop it"

And I take it off almost immediately after.

"?" Ifrit

I can feel that she isn't trying to hurt her, but...

"These people are tired and injured, this isn't the time to do experiments" Alastor

"..." Ifrit

She stares at me for one second.

"...Very well, I can wait a little longer" Ifrit

Her hand changes direction to the unconscious beastman on the ground.

"I am willing to pay the price, so please don't hurt him!" demihuman child

She holds onto Ifrit´s leg.

"Don't worry" Alastor

My partner picks up the injured and carries him on her shoulder.

"We have no intention of harming him or you" Alastor

She calms down a bit, but her eyes are still alert.

"I am Alastor and she is Ifrit, What is your name?" Alastor

Maybe if we share our names, she will be more comfortable.

"My name is Thalia and... he is called Vakhtang" Thalia

She points at the beastmen.

"Okay, Thalia" Alastor

Ifrit starts walking toward the edge of the waterfall.

"Right now we need to get you two to our shelter and to do that I will have to carry you there" Alastor

I wait for her permission.

"...Okay" Thalia

I take her into my arms.

"Hurry up already" Ifrit

Ifrit jumps off the one-kilometer-high uninterrupted waterfall.

"Eh?!" Thalia

"Right behind you" Alastor

I jump after her.

"Kyaaa!!" Thalia

Halfway into the fall, I create a fire propulsion with my feet and redirection us towards the water wall.


And into the hidden cave inside.

"Sorry, if I scared you" Alastor

I should have told her beforehand.

"I... am fine" Thalia

She seems a little embarrassed of the previous scream as I place her on the ground.

"This man only needs rest and a lot of water to replenish the blood he lost" Ifrit

Vakhtang is placed on the bed of leaves that I made for myself.

"So I would like to continue with what I was doing" Ifrit

She speaks to Thalia.


"..." Ifrit

A stomach asks for food.

"..." Thalia

Now she is red in embarrassment.

"Let her eat something first" Alastor

I break a Watermelon that I was saving for breakfast and give half to her.

"...Thanks" Thalia

She eats it as I fill the canteen with water to give it to Vakhtang.

"Your need for constant feeding is really annoying" Ifrit



"Now I will enter the system inside her body" Ifrit

Thalia stands firmly in front of Ifrit with her eyes closed.

"If you can, try to understand what I am doing" Ifrit

The hand palm of the fire spirit starts injecting electricity into the top of the head of the child.

"..." Alastor

As I focus on what is happening inside the body.

"It...tickles" Thalia

Ifrit's control is incredible, the electricity blends with the host without causing pain.

"...this way" Ifrit

From the eye sockets, the lightning is spread to the center of the brain.

"?" Alastor

what is that?

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"Can you feel it?" Ifrit

"Yes" Alastor

There is a strange flow of mana, a really tiny and insignificant flow of mana that takes the form of two overlapping triangles covering the entire brain.

"That is the stigma of The God Guiding System, this is what limits the mana and body functions of every System Holder in this world" Ifrit

So, I also had that thing inside me in the past.

"It is also what controls the appearance of the floating messages and missions" Ifrit

Even that little flow of mana contains something inside them... numbers, like the ones all over the Isekai hero.

"I am sure you can see these 0s and 1s, these are codes" Ifrit

"Codes?" Alastor

"In a determined order, they have a meaning, a command of what to do and when to do it" Ifrit

A secret language?

"How do you know that?" Alastor

Ifrit's expression shows a bit of sadness.

"In the past, someone taught me about it" Ifrit

I better not talk about it now.

"Can you break the stigma?" Alastor

"I can, but that will leave her like a newborn" Ifrit

That would be inconvenient, but...

"Do you have an alternative?" Alastor

"Perhaps if I can manipulate the System Code to gradually return control of the body back to her, it will lessen the impact of removing it" Ifrit

"!" Thalia

The child takes a step back.

"What are you trying to do with me?" Thalia

She is afraid of losing the support of the system... or maybe it is the system reacting to us, it is hard to tell.

"..." Ifrit

My partner stands still thinking about the best way to convince her.

"Is the slave seal also part of the system?" Alastor

I ask Ifrit.

"...Yes, it is" Ifrit

"?!" Thalia

"That means you can be free again" Alastor

I smile at her.

"And Vakhtang already got his system taken off, if you want to be with him you will have to do the same" Alastor

"..." Thalia

She looks at Vakhtang and thinks for a moment.

"...Okay, I will do it" Thalia

Her bond with him seems bigger than the influence of the system.

"Good" Alastor

Ifrit starts talking by telepathy.

{Now, if we want that beastman to get up soon, I will have to copy your motor functions into his brain}

[You can do that? then why don't we do that to Thalia also?]

Then all this ordeal can be faster.

{The male and female human brain and body are different, maybe in the future she will be capable accelerate the process in other people}



One night passed, and I am going out to complete my training.

"I hope that he wakes up soon" Alastor

"Thanks" Thalia

Ifrit stays behind to deal with the Stigma Of The System.

"Get it over for today night" Ifrit

I just have to eliminate the system from ten monsters without damaging their brains, it shouldn't be that hard.

"I will do my best" Alastor


Jumping off the water wall, the fire propulsion from my feet takes me to the top of the waterfall.



(Ifrit POV)

"It is already sunset, what is Alastor doing out there?" Ifrit

I stop dealing with the stigma and focus on what is going on outside.

"Are we finally done?" Thalia

"!!!" Ifrit

This is...!

"What is wrong?!" Thalia

"Stay here and protect the beastman!" Ifrit

"What?" Thalia

I jump off the waterfall.

"I knew things were going too well, it was time for them to show up" Ifrit

The Isekai hero and his harem!

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