Natives vs Isekai Heroes

Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Father, daughter and Isekai Hero

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Year 398 of the Holy Calendar - Waterfall on the southeastern continental edge

(Vakhtang POV)

"Vakhtang, what is wrong?" Thalia

Someone talks to me, but I...

"Rieka" Vakhtang

I ignore everything else and just walk toward her slowly.

"I never stopped believing" Vakhtang

Tears can't stay still and fall down my face.

"I believed that we could meet again" Vakhtang

I spread my arms to hug her, but...

"...!" Rieka

But she steps away from me.

"Rieka?" Vakhtang

Does she not recognize me?

That shouldn't be possible, my appearance changed a bit because of Titan but my voice and smell remain the same.

"It is me, your papa" Vakhtang

I manage to see a strange golden reflection shines in her eyes for a second.

"NO!!!" Rieka

A sword slashes my chest.

"Stay away from her, Brainwashing demon!" Swordswoman

"She isn't anything to you!" Spearwoman

A spear hits me in the same spot immediately afterward, throwing me back some distance.

"What is happening here? Did you mistake her for your daughter?" Thalia

Mistake her?


"!!!" Thalia

How could I be wrong?

"What did they do to you?!!!" Vakhtang

There is no way she doesn't remember me!

"Demon... Papa... I... dont... Ugghh!!!" Rieka

She drops to her knees and grabs her head in pain.

"Rieka!" Vakhtang

I run towards her.

"We won't let you keep harming her!" Female humans

"Get out of the way!!" Vakhtang

I break their weapons with my right claw and throw them away with a roundhouse kick.

"Fire Wall!!" Red-haired girl

A red wall of more than three meters high blocks my way.

"..." Green maid girl

The two previous ones jump over the steel wall to confront me, but only one cast a skill.

"Is that man really an impostor?" Green maid girl


"This will not stop me!" Vakhtang

"No!" Thalia

I was about to jump through the flames, but managing to recover some of my composure, I remember that Thalia is on my back.

"Disappear!" Vakhtang

I Stretch my hands to my sides and use my earth control to dig a trench bigger than the fire Wall.

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"Where?!" Vakhtang

With the obstruction gone, I look forward, but she is not there anymore!

"You will not be doing more damage, Brainwashing demon" ???

A man standing on a floating shield in the sky holds Rieka in his arms.

"...?" Vakhtang

I can feel something really strange about that person, something ominous.

"Hiwatani!" Female humans

They look up with joy on their faces as if their savior has arrived.

"Hiwatani? The Isekai Hero that is cleaning the continent from demons?!" Thalia

We both hear many stories about his achievements on our journey, is it really him?

"Brother!" Rieka

She hugs him.

"Brother?" Vakhtang

Did she call him...

"Brother?!" Vakhtang

I can't accept her calling him that!

"That is not Radulfus!" Vakhtang

"?" Hiwatani

In his clothes, I can smell the same smell as the riders and their sponsor had.

"He's a pawn of the queen, an accomplice of slavery, an accomplice in your brother's death!" Vakhtang

"!" Rieka

"What a way to dirty a person's name" Hiwatani

They both land on the ground and the Isekai hero separates Rieka from him.

"This world is cruel, people can only live with the roles they are born with. The queen did only what she had to do for a better future" Hiwatani

Did he know?

"You knew that innocent people died at her hand and you still protect those evil acts?!" Vakhtang

He is fine with that?!

"There is no such thing as good or evil, people are only victims of the circumstances. Throughout my adventures in this world, I reached to understand that" Hiwatani

A pet only knows what its owner lets it know, that worldview of his is made only of what is best for the interests of Royalty.

"Is that what you teach my daughter? That there is no right or wrong in the world? That life is disposable?!" Vakhtang

"Don't talk like that to brother!" Rieka

That is without a doubt her voice, but her will is not conveyed behind those words.

I can clearly see the strange golden reflection shining in her eyes and I can somehow feel something flowing from the Isekai Hero inside her, manipulating her actions.

"... Now I see it" Vakhtang

He is the reason my daughter is acting that way.

"I'm sorry, but this is not a fight I can run away from" Vakhtang

Thalia gets off my back and smiles at me.

"I understand, fight for your family with everything you have" Thalia

I get into a fighting pose and focus on my claws. Titan's influence spreads within me, turning my claws and the ground around me turns into sturdy diamonds.

"Girls, take care of Rieka" Hiwatani

Rieka walks away from the Hero of the Isekai Church.

"Yes" Female Humans

Two shields float in an orbit around him.

"Let's finish this rescue mission quickly, so I can force these people to summon the True Demon King" Hiwatani


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