Natives vs Isekai Heroes

Chapter 52: Chapter 52: The Strongest Creature in the world

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Year 398 of the Holy Calendar - Waterfall on the southeastern continental edge

(Synchro POV)

"This time it worked" Synchro

With our common enemy facing us, the synchrony of our minds increased to the point of allowing speech.

"We will take it from here" Synchro

Our echoing voice reaches the contractor of Titan.

"I... entrust it to you" Vakhtang

Thanks to Titan, he instinctively already knew we are on his side

"Leave it to us" Synchro

Vakhtang steps away and gets closer to Thalia to protect her.

"I was waiting for you..."

The Hero of the Isekai Church stands up.

"True Demon King" Isekai Hero

He gets ready with his five shields in front of him. One on his right arm and four more rotating in the air around it.

"I would recommend you not to use those shields" Synchro

"Are you so afraid of them? You can't run away now!" Isekai Hero

The rotation stops and, immediately after, a skill is activated.

"Shield of Lust!" Isekai Hero

A vacuum tries to suck us toward him.

"..." Synchro

But it is not enough to break our stance.

"How?!" Isekai Hero

We walk nonchalantly forward.

"Is that all?" Synchro

Four shields come flying at me.

"Shield of Gluttony!" Isekai Hero

I wrap my fists with fire and lightning...

"JssshhH!" Synchro


And break the shields with two strikes of each arm.

"My... my shields!" Isekai Hero

A couple of minutes of examining them was enough to discover their weakness.

"Enough games!" Isekai Hero

The shield changes to a dark red horned shape.


And a huge wave of black fire is expelled from his new shield.

"You didn't learn anything from last time" Synchro

We run forward into the flames.

"!!!" Isekai Hero

And We come out unscathed.

"You can't defeat a fire spirit with fire!" Synchro

Our right hand forcefully pierces his chest.

"You would have had a better chance in hand-to-hand combat" Synchro

"This..." Isekai Hero

He falls to the ground with a huge fatal wound to his chest, bleeding non-stop.

"Is it done?" Vakhtang

All movement disappears from the Isekai Hero as his heart runs out of blood to pump.


(Esperia POV)

We successfully healed Kyoko and rescued Kirrily and now we are waiting for Hiwatani in a safe location far from the fight.

"Why is he taking so long?" Esperia

Usually, he ends any conflict before we know it.

"?" Esperia

What is this feeling?

"Ugh!" Esperia

I fall to the ground as my eyes cloud over.

"WHAAAGHH!!!!" Esperia

Something inside me is spreading, something that is overtaking my mind.



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I can't see anything, but I can hear the other feeling the same pain, what is happening to us?

"Brother...paPAA!!!" Rieka

Is this it for us?

"..." Esperia

"..." Everyone

The screams stop and silence dominates the area.



{Wake up}

"..." Esperia

{This is no place to sleep}

"...?" Esperia

Did it stop?

I am the only one awake, everyone else is passed out.

"Is that...?!" Esperia

Just for one second, I manage to see some demoniac aura on Relty and the others.

"What... just happened?" Esperia


(Synchro POV)

"No, it is not done yet" Synchro

The dead body of the Isekai Hero starts floating in the air.

"It seems that a dead man cannot die" Synchro

His whole body is replaced with a new one by the system.

"What do you mean?" Vakhtang

His hair becomes white.

"A lost soul forcefully brought into this world from another plane of existence to start a game, that is the truth behind any Isekai Hero" Synchro

A huge green halo appears from his back and six white wings grow from it.

"Thus, the Isekai Hero becomes the representative of the system in this world, the protagonist of the divine plot, the will of god" Synchro

His eyes widen but the pupils are nowhere to be seen.

"..." Awakened Isekai Hero

"!!!" Synchro

The fishes in the river start floating outside it, the little stones around become sand under the pressure, and the waterfall began to fall upwards.

"Take Thalia and run, NOW!!" Synchro

We underestimate the true power of a being that feeds on 75% of the mana of all the people in the world.

"Titan give me your strength!" Vakhtang

He quickly creates a diamond dome around him and Thalia and flees underground.

"MEGIDDO BURST" Awakened Isekai Hero

His distorted voice call upon a massive amount of mana, something that no living being could ever dream to use.

"HELL FIREE!!!" Synchro

It's too late to run away, We can only face it!


Our flames were just like candlelight against that growing tornado of green energy.




(Esperia POV)

From afar I could only see the landscape change in an instant.

The kilometer-high waterfall completely disappeared along with everything around it.


It starts to rain without clouds because of the catastrophic event.

"Did Hiwatani do that? Did he defeat the True Demon King?" Esperia

I never saw him use anything like that, just how many hidden cards does he have?

"Now this world will be in peace" Esperia

{Do you...really... think... so?}

That voice was really weak, it's probably the last time I'll hear it.

"Papa..." Rieka

Tears flow to the ground from the unconscious little girl.

"..." Esperia

Peace... do I really believe that?

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