Natives vs Isekai Heroes

Chapter 54: Chapter 54: Adrift

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Year ??? - Ship in the middle of the ocean

(Drifting man's POV)

It has been weeks since I left the Seihen continent and the rations I took with me are long over.


I lean against the outer wall of the wheelhouse in the center of this beautiful 15-meter-long vessel.

"It was fun while it lasted"

I was able to gather enough rainwater to sustain myself, but fishing in waters full of monsters isn't something I can do.

"At least I can spend my last moments with my proud creation"

A ship without sails, a ship without oars, a steel ship propelled only by science.

"My masterpiece"

I spend all my childhood planning everything necessary to show this creation to the world.

The power of steam.

"It should have been the revolution of the age... if it wasn't for him"

The Isekai Hero.

"I will never accept that result, not even in my death"

It was a ship race, my last chance to show the sponsors that a steamboat was the future.

That day I was probably too arrogant toward the others... but it was my day!

All my years of effort were supposed to pay off on that day!

How could I not let it go to my head?

"...It was supposed to be my day"

Feeling pity for one of the girls that felt hurt, the Isekai Hero decided to help her win the competition.

He just moved his fingers in the air in front of him and the crappy ship of that girl become something out of this world.

A ship with a technology years ahead of mine.

"There wasn't even any competition"

My ship needed wood or a fire mage to keep its movement, but that watercraft only needed to press a button and nothing else.

("That isn't her work, she should be disqualified!")

No one listened to my protests and losing that race was inevitable.

"It wasn't fair"

With no funds to continue any experiments, I only had two choices.

Stay and become the target of the Isekai Hero's whims or use my boat to find a new place outside his reach.

"...I built you, nothing else matters now"

With a hungry stomach and a weak body, I just sit in peace and close my eyes.





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Did something land in front of me?


A woman?!

"..." ???

That red hair with green streaks covered her eyes, but the state of her body was more striking.

Her body was extremely injured, both her arms were missing and her legs had deep cuts.

"A dragonewt?"

The dark orange skin and these scales, this woman is one of the highest class of nobles from the continent I come from.


But was their blood always of that purple color?

"How did you get here?"

There is nothing here from where to come from, no ships, no land, just water in every direction.

"..." ???

Is there something on her tail?

No, that is not something!

That is someone!

"What did you do to him?"

It is a monster in disguise?

"..." ???

If that is the case, I am done for.

Never mind defending myself, I can barely even get up.

"Say something!"

I manage to see her yellow eyes for one second.


My eyes follow the body dropping to the floor behind her and, in that second of distraction, I lost her from my sight.

"Sleep" ???

I feel her fangs biting my neck from behind, releasing a strange shock all over my body.








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